Monday, December 19, 2016

As Within, So Without - War and Solutions with the Desteni I Process - Day 539

Here discussing how i personally have moved through images and videos with graphic and horrific images, where instead of going into anger, revolt, or disempowerment, I change myself to be able to stabilize myself and my mind to support with finding solutions. This to become an example to walk solutions in the world so war can come to an end, and we all stand as stewards of the earth. The desteni i process is an education of sorts that supports with this process of self change and world change.

Check out the links for more on the process at desteni:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Thursday, December 15, 2016

As Within, So Without - War and the Desteni I Process - Day 538

Here speaking on the principle of as within, so without, in relation to the creation and proliferation of war within our world. How have I changed my view on war and myself within walking the tools of the desteni i process, and what have I learned about human's active participation in war and how it relates to ourselves very intimately. There is a part two to this as well, which will be posted tomorrow.

Check out the links for more on the process at desteni:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

My Birthday and the Desteni I Process - Day 537


Here I discuss how my living of birthdays have changed since walking the desteni i process, and it might not be what is expected. Have a listen and see how I have changed birthdays to help me become a more effective human being. This in the process of becoming stewards of the earth and creating a world where all Life stands within dignity and what is best.

Check out the links for more on the process at desteni:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How I Learned to Trust Myself with the Desteni I Process - Day 536


I discuss in this audio how I learned how to trust myself. I was quite an insecure person with little self trust, now standing within myself in self trust and confidence on a mission to support self change and the world to change in the best way possible. This to support and teach all to become stewards of the earth so we can all learn to live in decency and dignity.

Check out the links for more on the process at desteni:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

How I Stop Addictions with the Desteni I Process - Day 535

Here I discuss how I have been assisted and lived the tools of the desteni I process for myself where I stopped a number of addictions in my life. Have a listen and give yourself this gift of support for yourself to so we can all direct ourselves to our highest potentials. This to support a world that is best for all and stand as a steward of the earth for all who are here and yet to come. For more information on the tools and understanding more how to apply them, check out the links.

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Thursday, November 24, 2016

What is Self Honesty in the Desteni I Process? Day 534

Here I discuss how I have walked honesty into self honesty with a focus on improving who I am as in individual to someone who can stand with integrity to find solutions that are best for all. This to support myself as well as others to become stewards of the earth and create a world that is for all within decency and dignity.

More Links:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Self Empowerment and the Desteni I Process - Day 533

Here I discuss my process of understanding and living these words, self empowerment, in my life. And how it transformed my awareness of myself and my state of being to be one of confidence and determination to walk what is best for myself and all life. This is part of the desteni i process tools which has helped me immensely learn how to live in this way. Thanks for listening.

More Links:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Eqafe Review - An Education of the Universe and our Existence - Day 532

I am someone who listens to everything that comes out of eqafe, I find this information is like the nectar of a flower as myself as the emerging bee coming in for some sustenance, it is for sure a self sustaining and substantial gift that has been given to life here on earth. Here is an education from the universe, an existential education of ourselves from ourselves, so imagine who we really are? We are much more then what we have ever dreamed up, said some insightful philosopher and this is true. I have learned so much about myself in this site and also  I have applied the tools and practical support that continues to be shared to change myself to be a better human being. It is suggested to investigate EVERYTHING and keep what is GOOD. And indeed do so, and for sure investigate this site. I suggest move through any reactions or judgments, and apply the tools for yourself if anything comes up to the contrary. It is worth it and it will be such a joy, not always as it is also serious work, but its an expansion of self that we all long for as we are indeed creators.

One specific interview I wanted to share is from an interview by Anu and Joe done recently, called The Decision is Mine - Reptillians - Part 549. This interview shared about blame and how blame is a fallacy we each make up in our minds to not actually face the real issue of the problem, and that is ourselves. We all have done it where we make it about every one else, we are so justified, we are so right, and they are so WRONG, though again it you take a look within self and take a step back, a breath, and become self honest, you will see that there was an equal responsibility within oneself to stop, to let go, and to find solutions. 

When we go to blame another person, we immediately in that moment disempower ourselves to change and so find a solution. I have walked this process many times and know for myself that this is so, when I go into blame, there is a deep gut feeling where I know the truth, I equally contributed to the problem or consequence and so it is not about the other, it is about who i am and how am I going to live in this moment? This if you are new to this site will take a process of moving through because we have trained ourselves with such authority that blame is valid, that we are not responsible, and we can just get away with walking away and justifying perpetuating problems in this world rather then standing in integrity and finding solutions. It’s a process, there will be many ups and downs, many falls, though we get back up and keep pushing for solutions always cause that is what life does and we are life in our highest potentials. 

One amazing support that came through this interview was where Anu shared about how a participant of this process found an awesome way to move through the blame and get to solutions for themselves, and it’s a simple equation. The equation is to when you go into the blame, take a step back, breath, and then move into the breath, from there find the fear that is hidden behind the blame. I have tested this and practiced it, and I found that when you are able to drop the blame, you will see that there is a fear being masked by the blame, a fear of rejection, a fear of loss, or a fear of lack for instance though I found it will be very specific, like for me I had one recently which was a fear of remaining stuck in a situation. From here once you find the fear, you are already establishing your responsibility to yourself and the other, and so your self authority can be walked with the self forgiveness and finding a solution. Self forgiveness is a tool in the desteni i process that supports with self change to live our highest potentials in this life, there is much more on this in these sites so please check the links. Though for this point, letting go of the blame, dropping it and finding the fear behind it, I have found saved me so much time, energy, and consequences as I bypassed all the reactions and thoughts in my head of blame/anger/emotion and could start living the solution immediately. 

This support shared in the above interview has already supported me immensely and again has saved me much hardship and self compromise, so I highly suggest a listen as well as checking out more of this universal and existential eduction on Us as life on the eqafe site. Enjoy and thanks for reading. 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Real Love And Desteni i Process - Day 531

Here I share my process that I have been walking in desteni of redefining this word love so it's livable and substantial in my life. We can live love in a way where it lasts and becomes a part of everything self does and so becomes a living part of our world. This process is being walked for the purposes of becoming a steward of the earth and giving all life what is best.

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Process with Self Forgiveness and the Desteni I Process - Day 530

Here I walk my realizations and process with the tool shared within the desteni i process of self forgiveness. I have walked this tool for over seven years and to this day find it has had an incredible impact on my life in empowering myself to change for the better. I recommend this tool and the desteni i process as I have found great value in walking my purpose of being a steward of the earth, and supporting world change that gives all life dignity. Thanks for listening.

More links to support:

Desteni Radio #3 - What is Self-Forgiveness?…veness.html

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How to Know Yourself Intimately and the Desteni I Process - Day 529

How has the desteni i process supported me with knowing myself in a more intimate way where I can trust myself and walk a path beyond my fears and limitations. My purpose is walking this process is to become a steward of the earth and create a world that is best for all, the children to come, and stand as the solution within a self integrity that I trust within myself because I have walked each step of the way in forming self trust and self change that I am proud of. For more listen to the audio so you to can support yourself to live your highest potential.

More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Change in the Small Accumulation and Desteni i Process - Day 528

How has the desteni i process supported me to change in a massive way through everyday small moment change. Here I speak about the accumulation effect that occurs when one put there self will into something through a point of bullying and insecurity that I walked into confidence and self respect. This through walking specific tools shared in the desteni process, which supported this massive change I have walked in my life for the betterment of not only myself, but everyone around me. Enjoy.

More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Monday, October 31, 2016

More on Where I stand with Self Trust? Day 527

When looking at my relationship with the words self trust, I have for a long time been doubting myself, this creating a feeling or an experience within me that I am not doing enough, and this belief of not doing enough is causing unneeded stress in my already busy lifestyle. One point that I see here that I can look at is this experience of not doing enough, because in many ways I do do a lot, I work full time and have many extra responsibilities that I am working on. Though within this, I still feel like I could be giving my time to more things, more activities, more projects to push ahead and spearhead my future creation of what my ideals are. In this spearheading, I see I am missing two very important dimensions and this is the time dimension, meaning what it takes to walk something into creation and also the understanding dimension, where I at this stage do not have enough information or still require to walk a process of self creation/living to specify and define who and what I indeed would like to create and so understand how to actually create this within and as myself. So pushing for something in my mind such as doing more, I see is counterproductive to the actual self creation process I could be and have to walk to create that which I would like to live in my highest potential.

So some points I need to consider is why I am not moving on these points that I want to change, and many of the shortcomings are addictions I have in my day to day living. Addictions that I am afraid to let go of, and within this afraid of change. So here I require to make a plan and move within this plan, so I can indeed create. Because if I don't start changing what is created is a resonance or presence of self compromise as I am not moving myself where I know and understand I indeed can. So if one is not creating self, then one will then actually be creating self compromise and thus self diminishment as I are actually accepting and allowing it, I have created all of it through thoughts, reactions, and living in separation as these beliefs, ideas, reactions, ect.

What I have learned over the years of walking the desteni I process is not to judge myself for these types of process points I have to walk, it is not to create any reaction toward self, but to understand the point, why it occurred, and then simple walk the correction path to change it. This is the most efficient way I have found as there is nothing gained by judging self for failing or becoming harsh with self, as this literally only causes diminishment within self, so really it doesn’t make sense. Though if you see you are judging yourself, walk the tools of self forgiveness, self correction, and change self within this to then stabilize, so the tools are incredible, simplistic, and specific to move self in this process in whatever point or process of the mind or self compromise one face. Again, process is a process of self understanding and self creation through self correction, so it will take time, patiences, and lots of mistakes, but overtime and as one persevere change will start to occur.

Here I will write self forgiveness on doubt:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a doubt about who I am and how I am living based on an energetic experience coming up of anxiety through thoughts that I am not doing enough.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to go into an energetic possession of fear based on a belief of if i don’t do enough and I lack and lag behind I will not be able to catch up thus squandering my chances to become life here in the physical and so fearing annihilation in the afterlife.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe the thought that I am going to be annihilated if I stop pushing myself so hard and believe that i within this I will not be able to catch up.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to keep score of who is who within this process and how far i have walked and within this create a polarity of best and worst causing separation and comparison with my environment.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to create a separation with my environment due to the belief that I am not going to be able to keep up with others thus comparing myself to others creating this race experience in the first place which I see, realize, and understand is not real.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to create the experience that I am in a race and I must finish and do the best because of a fear of survival where I see, realize, and understand this is stemming from childhood where I would compete with my siblings to be seen, heard, and validated by my parents and so always strive to be the best.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to compare myself to my siblings and believe I am only safe if I am seen as the best and validated by what i have done and could do by my parents in praise or admiration, and within this define who I am based on these words and praises.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to create a belief that I have to win and be the best to be able to survive and become somebody in this reality that’ll be safe and survive, and so within this create a belief that this is the only way it is and I only know who I am based on what my environment is saying to me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give my power away to the external world I was living in believing that that is who defines me, when i see, realize, and understand that I miss the fact that who i am is based on my own self creation and within this I am limitless to the potentials that I can create within and through my own self will and self awareness.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become stuck within the words and energies of others in my environment as something or someone that defines me, when I see, realize, and understanding I am giving permission for it to define me as I am accepting and allowing it to define who I am as I am believing it is true.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself within not enough based on comparison and beliefs of self diminishment or self validation based on the instability of the outside world and the corruptness of the inner self creation process that this has on who I am actually creating myself into, someone who is separated and not stable within who I am as self here in self honesty.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to take on others beliefs, emotions, energies, and words as who I am instead of investigating these words for myself, and redefining them in words that I understand for me and thus can live for me.

When and as I see myself moving into a point of self diminishment within my self living by accepting and allowing any point outside myself to define who I am, I stop and breath, and i realize that I am able to define who I am through redefining my understanding of the word(s) and so living within this redefinition process so I create me from self understanding and self awareness.

I commit myself to stop and breath when I see I go into a movement of either positive or negative based on an outside influence and correct myself into understanding the word for myself through redefining it and living it for me.

I commit myself to let go of the beliefs that I am defined by my past where i believed i had to compete to move into the process of equality and oneness of all life, and creating myself breath by breath through my own self awareness movement.

I commit myself to stop judging and creating separation with what is here, move into understanding, and finding solutions for what is here in the highest potentials possible.

I commit myself to move from self doubt as not enough to slowing down and walking what is here in each moment to the best of my ability.

I commit myself to move from self doubt as diminishing to self creation as expansion.

More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Where Do I Stand within Self Trust? - Day 526

Where am I at in terms of my self trust? I am finding my relationship in general with myself has always been one of doubt, of not being enough, of self judgment, and within that this has created a breeding ground for the mind as doubt to creep in and wreak havoc on my self stability. What I do know of myself and my living participation is that I am determined to walk the correction of who and how I am as life, though this is a path of unknowns as well as uncertainties. I do find self empowerment within walking through fears and the unknown and persevering to a point of relative self stability again, this I have done with many points, but this journey never ends. Eventually I see it ending when all are life here and heaven has been created on earth, but until that time, I walk my mind dimensions, my fears, my dark self into the physical living correction as my thought, word, and deed.

Another point I have realized is that which is best described in a saying, “no man is an island”, meaning I can not walk this process to life in what is best for all alone, I do need cross-referencing and support to understand myself as the evil I have accepted and allowed myself to be and become. It’s a process, that is why it’s called desteni i process, the i of self has to walk a self purification process and this is walked until its done for real. I see the potential and I see the magnificence that this outflow that is inevitable for all to face and transcend, this potential is always here, though it’s up to myself to walk this for myself as life. Though this is where my doubt comes in, am I able to walk to life or am I just too fucked up to get this done?

The ego is a strong self force one has created as a separate illusionary self to distract and separate ourselves from our own creation, this force of self is so strong it can completely catch me off guard, and yes through walking self creation, one will inevitably create self in ways that is not best as a process of mistakes, learning from one’s mistakes, and growth as this is part of learning and this is part of life. The one point though that I have been facing is ensuring I don’t focus to much on my mistakes and down falls and so within this judge myself for it. What I call the ego or even can be seen as a dark self within where I will participate in the thoughts of self judgment for instance and within this this can spiral into judging others, blaming others, and even living out that blame through my behavior by yelling for instance. So this dark force of self is what is being taken on by all walking the desteni i process. Though it can not be feared or judged as this will continue the spiral of self compromise and sabotage, so what I have found and been walking is self responsibility, understanding that I alone am creating these experiences within myself and so I have and must take responsibility for them, to then be able to understand them, forgive them, and walk the process of change. This is a process that takes time and patiences as again mistakes will be made, consequences will have to be outflowed and walked, and from there I get back up and continue to learn and grow.

I keep coming back to the same point that has supported me throughout my journey to life within walking my mind system(s) and this has been the point of never giving up. I know that there is a point of uncertainty within this because within myself in the last few years of my process with walking the desteni tools I have been challenged in ways that i couldn’t have conceived, I did at times believe I was going to give up, I wanted to with most all of my being, though there was always that point of when i got myself back to breath, back to my stability here within my physical body, and investigated what had happen and why, I would realize that I am still here and I am still able to walk, I still trust myself to be able to walk the correction, and I would move. I was always moving, I am always moving, inside myself, observing, understanding myself, understanding others, making mistakes, getting back up, learning, expanding, failing, getting back up, bringing myself back to breath, walking and walking is what I do, always moving back to the basics, my breath, my physical reality stability, my self forgiveness, my self correction, and my pushing of myself beyond my limitations in my living always in all ways I see necessary to bring myself closer to life and a world that is best for all.

This is for sure challenging, but it is doable, I am an example as there are so many others that this is doable, I have changed, I have expanded, I have grown in my self awareness and my integrity, and I realize and am aware that there is still so much more to go. Each step counts and each moment of change put forth toward your self growth and doing what is best counts, so this is where I will leave you, make it count, do your best, and lets create a world that is best for all where heaven comes to earth, where it is real.

My self trust is an expanding process, but what I see and understand that every step here into the best I can be by facing challenges and moving through them with a self integrity in doing my best in self honesty, I move more and more into my stability of being able to trust myself. It’s a process I am finding of expanding awareness and it only expands as I live it, so I will continue to live self trust and move into my highest potential for life in oneness and equality and what is best for all.

Thanks for reading.

More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Initial Impression Dynamics and Desteni-I-Process - Day 525

In this audio recording, I discuss a moment I met a man for the first time and what transpired from that initial first impression I created towards him. How can we support ourselves to direct ourselves in our world instead of being directed by thoughts and emotions, I share my story and how i have supported my self using the tools at desteni i process. Enjoy.

More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Consequence and Desteni-I-Process - Day 524

In this audio recording I describe what I have learned about how to walk consequence in a way that supports me to become more in control of my life, this through walking the desteni i process. The tools I have been supported with in this course has helped me walk my day to day through understanding what consequences are, stop my reactions to them, and how to change myself to live in more stability as I live my life.

Thanks for listening and please share any discussion points you may have.

More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Challange of Self Responsibility - Day 523

Here I explain what I have walked within becoming self responsible in my life. What are the challenges and how did I support myself to move through them. What is the benefit of living in such a way.

More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Discipline – Re-Defining and Living Words – Day 522

 (I chose the fly as a picture of discipline because most see a pest and something that is to be killed as it's dirty, though if you study the actions of the bugs/animal kingdom you will see that they are extremely disciplined and live with integrity, yes even a fly observe life around you, you will see them as examples of how to live, I will write more on what I've learned from animals/bugs. There is much more to consider in this reality then meets the eye of the mind, life lives beyond the mind reality. For more on the animal kingdom and their purpose, please check out the link here.)
This is a continuation of this Blog:
Living Words – Discipline – Morning Routine – Self Forgiveness and Self Change - Day 521

For me discipline is something I can relate to, this based on project I enjoy doing or activities that I am good at. For instance, sports, I was able to be disciplined in sports because I thrived off of it, becoming better in my skills, and competing to be the best among my peers. I find that with things such as reading or focusing on doing a report or writing for my job or responsibilities, I am less enthused and inclined to push myself to move into the decision to be disciplined. This based on the idea I have created within the work environment as not as fun and not able to physically express like how I am able to in a sport.

So points I am seeing that I can align myself within to live this word discipline more wholesomely throughout my day and life is through redefining the way in which I see work and play so to speak and also how I can expand myself in these two areas within the word discipline to indeed succeed in creating myself in more and more areas as well as to become proficient within all activities I encounter to live this word discipline across the board. Make this word an application I can live in many different scenarios.

What is the purpose for me to be disciplined?

The purpose for me to become disciplined is to expand myself eventually with ease, where I use the word discipline as a bridge to move through the transition phase or learning phase of something I take on that is new or I am rusty in, and move into an extension of myself within what I take on to be able to perform in an efficient way as well as to reach my highest potential.

So words that I see also can be applied within living the word discipline in my life would be focus, precision, responsible, purpose, and within this, I can apply myself until the task at hand is no longer something I need to discipline myself within, but comes with a natural expression of wanting to create within it through pushing limitations and expanding myself the best I am able to.

My purpose then would be self expansion within the principle of doing what is best for all in self honest living application, I am always moving myself toward pushing the limit of myself and my environments to bring in the functioning of living in our best abilities and doing what is best for all within this. And here some more words that are coming up is patience because as I walk this process of perfecting my discipline application in many areas, this will take a lot of patience as I go through the ups and downs and find my way within it. As well as the extension of myself into my environment as I support others to become more disciplined as I have learned, I too have to live patience in these scenarios as they walk their process of discipline as well. So I would always want to be supportive for not only myself, but any others I may touch and are interested in expanding themselves in living words as well such as with the word discipline.

Dictionary Definition:
Discipline –
1.      Noun – a system of rules or method of practice.
2.      Noun – a branch of knowledge.
3.      Noun – training to improve strength or self control.
4.      Noun – the trait of being well behaved.
5.      Noun – the act of punishing.
6.      Verb – develop behavior by instruction and practice; especially to teach self – control.

Word Play:
Discipline –
Distinguishing a plan -
Disc – I – planned

Here I am seeing that the redefined word is a way for me to have a plan in place for each scenario I arrive in where I am looking to change a habit or put in more self control to change my behavior to be that which does what is best. So I will make a list of points I want to practice discipline in and within this continue this practice as more points come up.

For the morning routine:

I have been testing this point for about a month now, and found that I am tripping up on waking up super early, what I am going to change within this point is wake up within the 4-6 hour range where I am getting enough rest for my body, but not allowing the mind to infiltrate and permeate more of mind and physical body as it was programmed to due. This to support my physical body and stop the mind from continuing. So this is a step one where I can start to implement discipline in my morning routine, wake up between 4-6 hours of sleep. Once I have walked this for a week, I will expand myself within this, because as I start to reprogram myself to a new behavior, I will then start to naturally become it and will not need as much discipline in place or self will because now it’ll be an extension of me as I live it. From there I can continue to use the application of living the word discipline as having a distinguished plan to expand myself within the waking up routine in a form of self creation, so we will see what is to come.

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Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Living Words – Discipline – Morning Routine – Self Forgiveness and Self Change - Day 521

This is a continuation of this Blog:
My Process So Far of Living Words – Day 518

Here I am walking the living of this word discipline in a specific scenario, one that I have been challenged with and that is within the addiction to sleep. There has been a process I have been walking in relation to waking up at 5am and being productive at this time with either writing, exercising, or working in some way or another. What I have realized is that I am being controlled by the desire to sleep, the grogginess, the beliefs that I have to sleep more, the idea that sleeping is healthy, and the rest of the mind backchat that I have been participating in based on the physical programming that I have allowed where sleep feels like it is impossible to stop. Though even with this challenge I have given myself, it is not complicated, it is actually quite simplistic, it takes actions, it takes self will, it takes physical movement, and at the start it takes discipline to move beyond the programming.

So I am going to first do self forgiveness on some dimensions I found in my last blog you can find here, and correct those dimensions so they are clear within me, first one is the dimension that I am attaching the emotion of anxiety to the word discipline because I have created a belief that if I am going to walk discipline I have to succeed within it, if I fail then I will be showing myself that I am not actually what I hope I am, and that is disciplined.

Self forgiveness on anxiety, expectation, and hope in relation to the word discipline:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attach an emotion of anxiety to the word discipline based on a fear that I will not succeed within what it is that I am desiring to be disciplined within and through that create a hope that I will be this.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a reaction of hope based on the thought and picture of me being disciplined within my living where I see that I could be this successful person who is disciplined and within this I could be hard working, and this is what I desire for myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself as a failure if I don’t live up to this desire of myself within the picture I have created of being successful in my disciplined action and within this create the anxiety if I don’t fall and don’t live up to my expectation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create an expectation that I have to succeed within this in a way that is quick and powerful, where I show that I am strong and can do anything, based on the hope that this is how I am when I see, realize, and understand this is being created within my mind with energy, and is in fact not who I am, as I only realize, see, and understand who I am by walking the process of living the word discipline to my highest potential and within this, I see, realize, and understand this will continue to expand as I live it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have a picture of my dad as the example I am living up to as a point of discipline and within this create an idea of what I have to do and how I have to live as this absolute discipline he lives where he walks his day specifically and with discipline, but for me I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that he too walked a process to get to where he is at, and within me, I am not defined nor limited by a picture in my head of what I have to be like as this process is unique to who I am and what I will create in my process as I redefine and live the word discipline within the creation of myself each moment.

When and as I see I am going into a point of self sabotage with the belief that I have to be successful and like my dad, I stop and breath, and realize that I don’t need to define myself by any of these pictures and energy, but can move within a point of self will, walking moment to moment, and realize that who I am within this process is in self creation as I redefine and recreate myself as the living word discipline.

I commit myself to let go of the pictures in my mind of what I need to be like and focus on moving myself here through the challenges with physical will power.

I commit myself to let go of the pictures in my mind of what I need to be like instead of moving here breath by breath and creating who I am based on the moment and what is needed to live in my highest potential.

I commit myself to push myself beyond my resistances and move into disciplined living.

The next point I am seeing is living in the past, where I desire to be able to sleep in and have it like it was with no worries or cares, indulging in the satisfaction of sleeping to my desire is filled, this I will walk self forgiveness on:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a desire of being able to live how it use to be, where I was ignorant and in that in bliss, not having to take responsibility and stand within a way of integrity.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a belief that it was better in the past when I could sleep in and not have a care in the world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to have the life I once had were I could sleep all I wanted, get up and do nothing I wanted, without any consideration or care as to the effect I am having on my own well being and that of others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into hope, hoping I can just live how I once have and just let things be easy and simply.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that the past where I wasn’t taking responsibility for myself was simple and easy, when I see, realize, and understand that I wasn’t doing what I could be and living in a way that is detrimental to others and myself by existing in separation and limitation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to access this desire of hope where I want to soak up in this feeling of comfort, peace, and serenity as I remember what it is like to lie in the comfort of my bed in the escape of sleep.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to distract myself with this feeling of desire and peace in thinking about sleep, when I am ignoring the fact that it cause the mind to permeate deeper into the physical and is in the background slowly killing life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to slowly kill life due to the feelings I am generating through the thoughts of comfort and peace within my mind as thoughts of sleeping, when I see, realize, and understand that this is not real, this is a point of self abdication to stand within my own self responsibility, and do whatever it takes to align myself with what is best and stand equal and one with life here as breath.

When and as I see I am going into this energy based memory of sleeping in the past, where the feelings of comfort, peace, and serenity comes up, I stop and breath, and realize that this is a distraction and abdication of myself as life in the fact that I am responsible to stand within equality with the physical and stop allowing the mind to take over and direct me here.

I commit to breath through these desires to have the feelings of what it was like in the past where I could sleep and do whatever I wanted in ignorance.

I commit myself to ground myself in the word what is best, life, and here as physical.

I commit myself to be disciplined in the morning and wake up after 4-6 hours of sleep so I rest the body and stop the mind from integrating more.

Next blog, I will walk the redefined word of discipline and start walking a process with waking up early to more set in stone the way forward with this example.

 More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

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Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Self Commitment Journal - Morning Routine - Day 520

I have been walking a process on the desteni forum on committing myself to waking up in the morning early and in those few hours before work or the start of the day, I instead of sleep become productive. I walk my ups and downs, and what realizations and change implementations I am using to walk this commitment into a living reality for myself. I will post the link here, and if you are inclined can check it out and hope to give support to anyone also facing this point in their lives. Thanks

Self Commitment Journal - Morning Routine 

Sites that are helpful:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

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Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

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Eqafe Hangout: The Quantum Time Illusion - Day 519

"In this interview, Anu discusses the Nature of Energy within the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind – how and why he layered the energies equal-to and one with the dimensional-planes within Heaven/the Interdimensional existence. Within this he also gives perspectives as to Why “Quantum Time” is an “Illusion of Time” and what actual Real Time is within the context of this Physical Existence."

Discussing Reptilians - The Quantum Time Illusion - Part 11 

In this Discussion, my guests and I will share our experiences of what is energy and what is expression, what is the mind and why was it created in such a way that is destructive, and practical support to correct the mind within ourselves so we can live in our best potentials and capacities. Also, what in our lives and experiences have we related to what is shared in the interview and how we have supported ourselves to live the practical support to become stewards of the earth and support what is best for all life.
Enjoy and thanks for watching, any feedback is always welcome

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