I commit myself to walk my own process of understanding the
direction I have given to myself so thus I know the steps and understand the
steps as myself to thus be able to walk the steps that support me and life as
me based on the principles I live as as one and equal with all that live, so to create practical solutions in my world to help ease life for all and
support myself to walk the process of stopping the mind and bringing dignity back to life starting with bringing dignity back as myself by living it.
I commit myself to live for self meaning consider me equal
to all others in my world, and thus walk a self process were in I am not
defined by another, but I decide and thus define who I am and so know who I am
in each moment, where in I can create an outcome for myself that will support life through practicing this in my world and committing to the change that will create me as a new being that is life and the old that is self interested ego ends.
I commit myself to stop fear of being accepted and thus walk
my own acceptance by walking my life in the process of creating myself to be in
trust of who I am as I live self honesty, so I know in each moment who I will be and thus life in a
sense will become easier as I am here as my decision and thus I can live this
in all ways as I trust myself because I am honest with myself as life.
I commit myself to walk my own self trust by walking
meticiulously to see who I am as my patterns as memories, so I can understand them and so
walk the memories to become equal to them, where they stop having power over me and I can then recreate my living to be someone who is trustworthy and I will support and push myself to support life in all ways I can.
I commit myself to live by principles of what life is as always
doing what is best as what I can see in common sense and thus walking my own self
trust through the principles of equality and oneness to thus have the path be
direct and clear and so no matter if I stand alone or in a group, I walk what
is best for all as this is what I would want for myself.
I commit myself to stop the thoughts of I am not good enough
or I am not capable enough, and so push myself to learn and understand what it
is that I don’t yet, so thus I walk in practicality as learning and stop the
self pity as I can’t do it and I don't know how, I realize always I can do it, I just have to walk
the steps of learning and thus live it.
I commit myself to walk my process of stopping all self
interest and thus transforming this living into a living that will support all,
through self forgiveness, self honesty, writing, and self change, so thus I can
do all that I can to change these patterns to be from the mind as ego to life
as what is best for all.
I commit myself to stop all points of self interest and
secret agendas to get security from my family to have an easy life, when I
realize nothing is worth what is going on in this moment as the abuse to life
in all areas of this world, so I stop my ignorance and self interest to be
happy in my bubble world, write myself out until I am empty, and thus walk the
correction to life and living in all ways in what is best, no matter what it
takes, I walk and I will stand up for life for a world that is honorable in all ways for all life.
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