Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 117- Blame Character

Here looking at the blame character that I use to justify my actions of abuse and inconsideration for another based on the fact that I can point fingers and name call, which I do within my own mind, to manipulate the situation for myself to be right and thus make the other the problem. In an interview today I listened to by Anu, he was discussing about how that we are never in fact actually are hearing and living in physical reality, but we are perceiving and interpreting physical reality through our own beliefs, ideas, assumptions, emotions, feelings, none being real as it’s not physical in fact, and thus instead of going and discussing the point with another to get the facts, I, as an example, will go into a point of blame on another to not have to face myself and change. Within this, I use the blame character to make it, essentially, easier for myself to stay in self interest, not face myself as the creator of this character and the reactions that fueled this character, and not have to change. So this point of using the mind to become the self righteous one and bloat my ego, I cause physical harm to my body and spin myself more into my mind in delusion and self victimization.

I will walk self forgiveness here on the blame character, here I go…..

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that when I point a finger and go into blame towards another being, this instantly is a red flag to take note of and not participate in, as I realize and see that I am here within all that I am creating thus I must take responsibility for myself and change the point of blame to be a point of understanding where in I go into the facts of the matter by discussion or seeing what is here, to resolve the issue that caused the reaction in the first place and stop the separation as this is causing abuse to life that is not acceptable.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that when I go into a point of blame I only access my mind where in I want to be right and make another wrong to make myself be more then this being I am blaming, because within me I had reacted to the being in a way where I felt threatened or uncomfortable, so thus I react in fear instead of self honesty in stopping the reactions from directing me through bringing the point that I reacted to back to myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand that when I go into blame towards another I am not within the physical reality of what is here in fact, but go into my mind dimension of interpretation and thus self interest, as blame indict that I desire to have my self interest validated, and thus I will use others to achieve this goal so I don’t have to change, but validating my ego in trying to be seen as more and thus diminishing my self integrity as I am not here as life in integrity, but only diminishing myself as life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take responsibility for myself when I see the reactions come up of another and go into the mind and blame them for the reactions that I felt, but within this I realize that I am the one who is having the reactions thus I am the one creating these reactions, so I must stop these reactions from directing me so thus I can take responsibility for them and direct them within a point of stopping them and going into the physical within the situation to come to a resolution for real with others rather then foster it and accumulate it in my mind within my human physical body.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the mind as a personal battle field where in I will go to battle with those that I am blaming as such were in I will yell and take out my anger in a mind reality as my secret mind and always making them the person who is ‘wrong’ to thus get out my frustration and anger for not speaking up and changing the abuse towards me or confronting it, but instead diminished the other because I wanted to be the winner.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to diminish another that I am blaming within my mind so I can be the winner and have the power back based on me being always the winner within these mind battles, where I use illusion as assumptions and rough estimations of what I ‘think’ happened and why, instead of stopping the mind, and walking within the physical by stopping the reactions, to see what is really here as the facts, and sort out the situation in common sense and what will be best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear speaking up in front of others and facing other within conflict as I see that I allow fear to direct me, and within that I don’t stop the abuse towards me or I take it personally, in where I will react, and not direct the situation in common sense and to a resolution that will be able to be lived with by all, stopping taking thins personally and stopping fear is what I realized I must walk to correct this point of facing conflict.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use others within a point of blame to make myself feel better and more then because within that moment that I went into blame towards another I judged myself as being less then form a point of polarity that I defined myself by and saw another judged me as, but within reality not understanding or seeing the full scope or perspective of another in fact nor realized all the facts, so thus realizing to stop the mind as me from directing the point as blame to stop and face the situation and direct it as equals.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself within a polarity of points where in I am one but not the other, and thus see myself as either good or bad, where I cause a complete separation of me here within my physical body, thus I stop as I realize that thought as good or bad is not real, I am real here as the physical and thus walking here as the physical is all that matters in equality with others, using common sense as a basis for solution and conflict resolution.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself from this point of separation as seeking the positivity, I will dishonor and degrade another within my mind and eventually in living as, what you think – you are, and thus, I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the blame character to not take responsibility for this action of thought and eventual deed to gain a self interested positive feeling for myself while abusing another based on assumptions and illusionary reactions, so it’s to stop the thoughts as reactions, and walk through them to thus see what is here as the physical beyond the mind, and breath, and do what best for the situation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse life for my own self interest and accepted and allowed the blame character to direct me within this life as myself where in I am not here in fact, but in the mind as the separation that exist within and without, and so I realize to correct this point I must change my living as starting point where in I live from the physical as fact, and breath through the moments that I face reaction realizing seeing and understanding this is the mind as energy and thus I must let them go by stopping the participation in them.

Self commitment statements for the Blame Character to follow tomorrow….thanks.

blame, blaming you, it wasn't me, no responsibility, assumptions, reactions, emotions, feelings, anger, fear, wrongly accused, equal life, desteni, eqafe, 2012, journey to life, 

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