Saturday, May 11, 2013

Day 296 – Self Judgment – Rejection and Blame

Please reference this blog for more perspective on my experience with rejection:
Day 295 – Self Judgment – Rejection is Not for Me

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear rejection within my world based on believing that if I am rejected then I am confirmed to be less then others and that I am indeed this way based on the evidence as rejection within my world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live within this conclusion that is not based on reality of the way of this world but on my illusions of myself and thus superimpose it on my world so I can confirm within me that I am less then others and continue to stay stuck in this pattern of self judgment and self sabotage so I don’t have to in fact face my fears and change.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the mind as self judgment and thus pretend that the way I am living within my world is defining me when I realize what defines me is myself, who I am within my life, and how I live my life within the way of this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to conclude that being rejected is something that is bad and defines me as less then others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to always see me as the reason for this rejection and that I am doing something bad or am bad in some way, instead of realizing that it is something within the other that is creating this experience for them to reject me, I also realize I have the ability to walk my own self direction in supporting life in all ways and realizing that rejection is just a point to look at and assess what is the direction to take as opposed to one that is more harmonious and ‘easier’ in direction, it takes more self assessment of the situation and my awareness and thus direction within it then one of being in an acceptingenvironment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make the rejection of others personal and judge myself for this as less then, when I realize that it is not about me this is there own assessment, and thus I can walk the point of my own self living in being a support for the other if possible when before it would be a point of self inferiority and no support.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fearsrejection by others because I defined myself as less then others when this occurs, I realize though that this is an opportunity for me to live my self integrityand self respect by becoming here within the life of who I am as equal and one, and perfect who I am through correcting how I live and how I treat myself and thus will treat others in the principles of equality and oneness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become a point of inferiority and self limitationwithin this point of seeing myself less then, when I realize who I am and what opportunity I have here to walk the point of equality within principles with others when and as I see the access point within a situation such as rejection as this is usually a point of self interest, so I can become a catalyst for change rather then becoming a victim.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become a victim to rejection rather then a point of support and change as realization for others as I see rejection is not necessary and we can find solutions to these points of rejection or conflict in my world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for rejecting me instead of turning it back to myself and see where I am rejecting myself and thus not accepting all of who I am within the realization that I am here as life and thus any point of rejection within myself is a rejection of myself and thus I will not be here but in separation which cause the point of missing myself here and going into blame toward another when it’s me not accepting myself in that moment, it’s about me not another.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to reject parts of myself due to self interest to have some point of entertainment or attention within my world and thus want more experience for myself instead of considering what I am doing and how I am effecting my physical, my self as life, the life around me, and thus within the principles I am walking of equal life reject all of this within a point of only seeing me, which is unacceptable as life is here within all as one and equal and so I must consider the whole equal to the consideration of myself in every breath to for real be here as life.

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