Looking and walking through the pattern of believing myself to be not worthy based within the polarity play out of inferior/superior through comparison and self judgment that I am not good enough to others defining this through and as pictures and images with ideas and energy connected to generate the feeling of what comes up as good or bad to what I am seeing in separation to me, this causing me to feel weak.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to limit myself to just images and define life by pictures in my mind.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to categorize beings based on how they compare to me as better/worse based on the way I judge their image.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to define life based on the beauty system as beautiful/ugly due to the picture they/I present and thus I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to limit myself based on how I want life to look like instead of seeing life how it is.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to see myself as not worthy due to the way my picture looks in a singular moment of judgment based on my idea of being beautiful or being ugly within my judgment I cast on to myself and others.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to only see pictures here as images in my head to which I am having a emotional connections to instead of being here in reality and seeing that we are just bodies, we are just flesh here, we are all life.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to define myself within and as moments of focus when I judge my body/flesh according to other bodies/flesh that I see around me and thus go into a positive charge if I see I am 'better' in the idea that I want my picture to look like compared to other bodies I am seeing and thus defining me as a better looking picture.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to define myself within and as moments of focus when I judge my body/flesh with others bodies/flesh in the vicinity and thus go into a negative charge as I have created the experience of lack and thus see myself as less then which I have created this emotion of unworthiness connected toward this idea of me being less then based on the images I am comparing myself to as either better or less then how I have judged my picture image in that moment. When in reality I neither lack nor gain but remain here as living flesh equal with the other as we both breath and we both live thus we are both here, pictures are not real I realize they are made up as they only exist within my mind and thus I created them so I can stop them.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into a positive experience were I have compared myself to another and defined me as more and thus allowed and accepted pleasurable feelings to warm me within an energy movement because I am feeling better about myself as I have defined myself by my picture and thus limited me to a picture only thru comparing the other to me and living within separation as ego to be more because I am not accepting myself fully here as one to them and thus I have created a point of competition not realizing and seeing I am competing with myself and diminishing myself as I am attack only myself.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into a negative experience when I have compared myself to another and defined myself as less then that picture within the idea of beauty I am comparing myself to and thus go into inferiority towards that being I have compared myself to and live into the cycle of less/more defining myself by pictures thru desiring my self interest to be met of gaining attention from others as I am not accepting myself, and go into this depression state because I have not gained the attention I desire because I am seeing myself as ugly based on the comparison in pictures and thus no one will like me, I will not get my energy fill as power/good feelings.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to define myself by pictures instead of realizing that we all exist here and thus all have the same life as myself thus to define a being by a feeling or experience and get stuck within this idea that pictures is who I am is done in the basis of self interest as I want to be seen as more and thus separating myself from from myself as life and diminishing myself due to the idea that I am not worthy here I am not good enough so seeking this through others instead of realizing I can only live this as myself I can only be worthy if I live it here within who I am here with and as all here as me. No polarity exist within this existence except the one I am accepting and allowing to direct me in my mind by continually giving it energy as being less then or more then what is in my world.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into a feeling of exhilaration as an energy movement when I am seen as beautiful and defined myself in a way of superiority to thus be addicted to the power and feelings of pleasure that this give me and thus within this experience of power and feeling of pleasure through the ego as superiority I miss the reality of what is here, that all beings are here still and thus I can not exist within being more as being better because I will be missing myself within the others and thus have to try and produce this point of being more which will never last, I realize I can not be more then who I am here as one and equal with all that exist, so this idea that I can be more is just that an idea and must be let go of because I am only compromising me to live here in reality and thus will eventually die out as energy as illusions because illusions never last, me being more is an illusion because what exist for real is life and life is one and equal as this physical is evidence to.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to get lost for a moment in pictures and my desire to be more then who I think I am and thus I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to define myself by pictures and ideas.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to define me by desires to be more and thus I forgive myself for allowing and accepting energies as power and pleasure and depression direct me due to how I have perceived myself in comparison to another.
I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to compare myself to another and thus define me by separation as pictures when I realize and see that who i am here is life and that all I see and all that live is life just like me no need to separate myself, we are here to live.
When and as this point to go into pictures in my mind and define me by these images as pictures, I stop, breath, and let go the desire to judge pictures I have created superimposed on to the body as flesh that live here as all life. I walk through the desire and stop participating in it. I realize that I must stop giving this pattern of judging and comparing life my participation to thus have the stop energy addiction stop.
When and as I have this desire to go into comparison towards any being in my world, I stop, breath and let go of the energy movement to compare, I stand here and breath through the desire not giving it any participation. I realize and see that all that live here is me and thus I stop defining myself by polarities and comparison and start accepting myself and living for me in understanding as equal and one with all life within and as the physical reality and walking to align with myself as physical in my living each moment.
I commit to stopping judgement of pictures in my mind and respect and honor all life as equal and one to me and how I would like to be treated, give respect to receive respect I walk equal and one.
I commit to stopping comparison to others in my world by letting go of the desire to be more.
I commit to letting go my ego and stand here and walk myself to physical equality and oneness to what is real in this physical reality our lives and life as self equal and one.
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