Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 288 – What Does it Mean to Be Gentle With Myself?

So for a moment I am going to look at this point of what it means to be gentle with myself. I was listening to an interview The Metaphysical of Imagination- Transforming Self Judgment into Self Awareness– Part 17 from eqafe today on self judgment and they discussed this point of gentleness with self. And how within self judgment, you are not this way with yourself, but more like a bully and cause harm to yourself. So I was looking at this because being gentle is something I can not relate much at all too. I was looking to see where in my life am I gentle, I came up with being gentle when I pet Henri on the head right over his ears like very gently and slowly, and I take the time to feel and sense the hairs in that area as the hair there are very short and soft. The ears make me consider to be gentle in that spot because of the sensitivity, and I really enjoy doing it because of the awareness that it brings me to because I actually have to stop and consider the pressure, movement, and direction my hand is going in to make sure I don’t hurt his ears or him. And it’s cool to do that, go slow, be aware of my movements, and feel for real the movement of the hair in this case under my hand.

So this is what comes up when I look at the point of myself and gentleness, but it’s in relation to another and not myself, I have never been gentle really with myself, considerate, and slowing down enough to really be in this with myself. The interview supported because I couldn’t even really see how to even do this, like slow down and be gentle, because I am constantly moving in my mind, in my day, and in my actions, so slowing down and allowing me the time to be slow and become aware of myself is like not even an option I would consider, like it’s just not realistic. But I did heed there suggestion, and walked some practical support points to practice slowing down and becoming gentle with myself, it’s not only very cool support to bring awareness to myself and the equality that I deserve as well, but is very relaxing and a point of letting go through a decision to do so through breath, it’s very nice.

So I will continue to apply these tools and see where it is that I can implement this more and more in my living because as a final point I will be much better suited to be gentle and kind with myself rather then harsh and bullying myself which I see I exist more in now as I continue to walk through this particular point with self judgment I have been in earlier blogs.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I can not be gentle with myself and care for me in awareness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see it as too hard to be aware within breath and focusing on being gentle and taking care of each moment I make to caress me rather then force me, and thus I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it is impossible to slow down and become aware of myself to become gentle and caring with me for real in self awareness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I don’t know how to become gentle with myself and what that even means.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I don’t deserve gentleness because I am too much in my mind and not focused on what is real.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel sorry for myself that I have never been or even know how to be gentle with me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to put the effort in to focus and sit with myself and push through the resistances to give up.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from the gentleness of life as the innocence and fragility of it within what it consists and exsist as, but really the stability and self empowerment that is given to self when self embrace gentleness in its expression of self acceptance.

When and as I see myself go into a point of resisting gentleness and slowing down with myself, I stop and breath, and realize that this is key in becoming stable within myself and finding the self within the mind as awareness.

I commit to slow breathing for a half hour a night and push the awareness of my breath and the touch of my skin to realize and begin to give me the opportunity to let go and become gentle with myself as self-acceptance as this gentleness action I am walking.

I commit to stop the judgment of who I am as gentleness and embrace it as a point of action I can take to bring myself into awareness and stability as the action of gentleness require to see it through to expression brings this to self.

I commit to not give up and walk this through as a gift to myself to stop abuse and embrace me as the equal part of life I am and thus respect this of myself as I give it to myself through being gentle with and for me and thus will have the ability to give to others as I have given it to self.

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