Survival Instinct Programming - Day 391
Survival Programming Correction - Part 1 - Day 392
Survival Programming Unpacked - Part 3 - Day 393
Survival Instinct Programming - Fear of the Unknown - Part 4 - Day 394
Survival Programming - Why Such the Long Face? – Part 5 – Day 395
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the experience of sadness for a prolonged period of time where I wallow in it and become consumed by it where I am not able to see reality clearly and desire some experience of positivity to get me out of it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to get caught up in the experience of sadness and miss reality and so miss the opportunity that is here to change myself or the situation to become something that will beneficial or help myself and others to move through what caused the sadness and so see what can be learned/gifted from it.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within sadness due to the desire to have a positive feeling where I can move out of this feeling of sadness and so feel better.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to create an experience within me through following the mind into what ifs, creating fear through the accepted mind dimensions I am creating of scenarios that are not real and/or fact.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create future projections where I scare myself instead of remaining here as breath and moving within reality where I have the response-ability to direct my world in each moment.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in fear and so create the opposite of joy as experiences in the mind.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within my mind instead of here where I am able to direct situation and see situation in a benefit for all rather then creating scenarios in the mind with no direction from myself but just a follow of energies.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become addicted to energies rather then being here and taking responsibility for myself and my world to be that of real substance rather then exist in polarities of energy made through the mind dimensions of illusion.
When and as I see myself existing within the mind in future projections and following energy experiences, I stop and breath, and realize that this will just accumulate and accentuate the energies that I am already existing within carrying me farther away from reality and so where I am not in any ability to direct myself and my world effectively.
I commit myself to move within a point of stopping energy and moving to the physical in breath.
I commit to breath until I am stable and not in reaction to what is happing.
I commit to consider all the points I am able to in a moment and direct in the best way I am able to using common sense.
I commit to stop thinking and projecting into the future and so I commit to bring myself here with my breath awareness, and move into real actions that will support all.
Eqafe interview support I recommend:
Sadness: Understanding Sadness - Atlanteans - Part 102
Sadness: When Relationships End - Atlanteans - Part 103
Sadness: Sounding Self Forgiveness - Atlanteans 104
Sadness: Seeing the Gift - Atlanteans - Part 105
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bernard poolman, desteni, easy path, emotions, fake face, fear, happy, I am so emotional, mental state, mind, missing myself, sadness, self awareness, self importance, what am i doing in this life, who am i,
Sadness: Understanding Sadness - Atlanteans - Part 102
Sadness: When Relationships End - Atlanteans - Part 103
Sadness: Sounding Self Forgiveness - Atlanteans 104
Sadness: Seeing the Gift - Atlanteans - Part 105
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Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Destonians
Destonian Social Network
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site
Living Income Guaranteed Proposal - Site
bernard poolman, desteni, easy path, emotions, fake face, fear, happy, I am so emotional, mental state, mind, missing myself, sadness, self awareness, self importance, what am i doing in this life, who am i,