Friday, January 10, 2014

Hearing ‘Bad’ News – Day 377

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Yesterday I heard some news that was consider within my mind, bad. I wished that this news would be different, that I didn’t have to face this news and I could go back in time and change the scenario to be happy news, news that is not so emotional, news I can live with, but it was what in fact in reality happen so it’s news that is here. I don’t really know how I will walk and open up this process of hearing bad news, this news is based on a personal issue that is related to me indirectly. The fear I see coming up is more in the line of loss and despair, such as there is nothing I can do about it. But I realize giving into these fears will only make the whole situation worse and create more consequences for myself then necessary.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear getting bad news about things that will personally effect me because I fear the loss of things/people in my world and this creates a feeling of despair.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear the loss of others and things in my world and not in fact move beyond this fear and look at what it is in fact in the physical I can do to support and assist the situation.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create and follow the feeling of despair in my world and so believe that within this feeling I will loss myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create more fear within the point of looking at things through the energy of despair and seeing that there is no outcome that will be created that is desired because I am only looking through this point of the news through this energy of a loss of hope.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to look at the news within a hope of everything working out and being ok.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see the news within a point of polarity of hoping for good results and becoming disappointed within it’s the opposite of these desired results.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hope for good results with the news that I was given, and within this hope I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hope in my mind for the results to be good as I realize that this is only based on my mind reality and so will create a point of dependency of desires and becoming disappointed if they are not reached rather then sticking to the physical and working with what is here and the physical steps needed to practically move and direct the point as best I am able to.

When and as I see I am going into the polarity of desiring good news and so becoming disappointed if the news is not good and falling into despair, I stop and breath, and realize that these energetic reactions I engage in within my living is creating the experiences within me of feeling overwhelmed and run down and not able to move, when in reality I am still here and I realize I can use what is here in support and assist the situation to an outcome that is in fact the best it can be.

I commit myself to move beyond the fear of getting bad news and so let go of the desire for good news.

I commit to breath through the desire to go into the positive energy as getting good news and so dissipate the energy of becoming disappointed and so I commit to live here in stability in what is here to walk through and direct in self honesty and common sense.

I commit to find practical solutions in the physical that can assist with the situation and become a stable support if and when I am needed.

I commit to remain practical and reality based in my living within the situation and let go of the energies to become emotional.

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