Sunday, October 7, 2012

Day 148 – Stupid Character –Emotions and Thought Self Forgiveness – Part 7

Here is a list of blogs I recommend looking at for further reference:

Day 142- “Stupid” Character- Part 1 - Intro
Day 143- Stupid Character – Fear Dimension Self Forgiveness – Part 2
Day 144- Stupid Character – Survival and Competition Self Forgiveness – Part 3
Day 145- Stupid Character- Outcasted and Taking Things Personally Self Forgiveness – Part 4
Day 146- Stupid Character- Memory Dimension
Day 147- Stupid Character – Memory Dimension – Self Commitment Statements

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe myself to be stupid based on the emotions of self disappointment and sadness that came up when being called stupid.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the thoughts that ‘I am stupid because I was called this’ and thus live into this as seeing myself in little moments of being stupid and accentuating the moments where I did not live to my best and so created proof within myself by overanalyzing the acts that were not done to my best to prove to myself that I am this and sabotage myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to over accentuate and over analyze actions in my living that were not lived to my best ability and thus justify my thought that ‘I am stupid because I was called this’ with these actions and thus allowing and accepting the self disappointment to grow within me as I have allowed myself to define myself by this point of living as ‘stupid’ so I could stay in this character and not have to face those that called me this, and my own feelings of fearing facing who I am within myself as judging myself in this way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear facing who I am within myself because I see that within this facing myself I will have to change this point of self disappointment where I will have to push my living to live in a more structured and prepared way to understand and thus correct my living that is not done in the best way possible I can live, and so within this I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe this thought that ‘I am stupid’ based on hearing it from others and so live into this point of seeing myself in this way, where I didn’t push myself in living but hide and escaped within this idea of myself that I can’t do certain things like face others I see as better then me, and thus live into this self diminishment point, wasting time and my own capabilities to make something more of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that what others say about me is so and thus believe the thoughts that I am these words spoken to me, and thus live in self diminishment as I have accepted myself to be this way by defining myself by my outside world instead of realizing who I am in my own self application and understanding as life in the physical and stopping my mind from directing me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to waste time and my own self development and growth due to fear of facing others and thus went more into my mind and diminished myself believing the thoughts of less then and believing the energies as self disappointment and sadness are who I am within myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe thoughts as if they are real and believe feelings and emotions as if they define who I am, I realize I have to breath through these energies and thoughts to walk as the physical and be here as the physical, as life is the physical and the mind is not life it is energy which is not real.

I commit myself to stop and breath when I feel any reaction come up of sadness or disappointment when being called stupid or hear the word stupid as I realize it is a word and thus I am not defined by this word, and so use words for what they are, and let go of the words that have no purpose but to separate life.

I commit myself to breath through all energy reactions as sadness and disappointment and realize that I am not defined by emotions so walk here within the physical in what I am doing, and let go of the belief that I am the emotions I am feeling as I realize I am here as the physical, so breath and remain as the physical.

I commit myself to stop following thoughts and let go of the energies as emotions when I hear the word stupid by breathing to stabilize myself and realizing I am not defined by a word, I am equal to it thus I can direct it and use it for it’s purpose as is.

For Further Support, Please check out Links:
Journey to Life Group
Creation's Journey to Life
Earth's Journey to Life
Heaven's Journey to LIfe
Eqafe Life Products - Self Help
Desteni Site
Desteni Wiki

2012, bullying, capitalism, character, depression, desteni,dumb,eqafe,equality, how to deal with bullies, judging self, no friends,outcast,peer groups,school, stupid competition, survival, surviving

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