Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 213 – Exploring Self Acceptance – Life and Death – Self Correction to Live for Real

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live within this impending doom of fear and angst in relation to seeing death or having thoughts of death where I will go into them and accumulate a whole pictured scenario with emotions that cause me to go into a petrification and non action within what it is that I am doing and living. I realize and see within this fear that it is irrational and cause me to be suppressed and in a constant state of negative energy charge as depression or sorrow based on believing that death is the end and is will be painful.

I commit myself to when and as I go into this fear and emotion of sorrow and depression when I see a picture or a moment in time related to death, I breath and stop myself from going into the emotions, by saying ‘no garb, I realize that this is not productive and serve no purpose, I will not participate in these emotions.

I commit myself to when and as these thoughts that come up about how horrible death will be and how painful, I stop and breath, and speak the words, ‘no, I don’t require to think about this, it is not necessary, I am here alive’ and thus walk myself into the physical in becoming aware of my physical and not energizing the thoughts.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear death where it immobilizes me and I can not move within my day in a practical and functioning manner, but go into a emotional coaster where I am unstable within myself and getting lost within thoughts and scenarios in my head of all the different points of death and when it will come for me and the people I know rather then living. I realize and see that living within this fear and instability within this thinking about and become lost within my head to where I am immobile, I am wasting my time to make a difference in this world and bring a solution to all the ills that cause most of the unnecessary suffering and death to my fellow life beings, and thus I realize the fear must stop and the thoughts and participation in the mind about death must end.

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of self defeatism and immobilization based on thought patterns of fear of death of myself and others, I stop and breath, and let go of this fear, do not participate in it, and move my physical awareness from the mind to the physical in what I am doing.

I commit to push my self-discipline and not accept myself to waste time in my mind about the what ifs of death, and live here in life and find solutions to what is not working on this planet.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not accept myself within this idea of death and that death is a part of life for now in this time to be walked, I realize that I am the creator of death and thus I can walk the solution within myself and thus eventually within this world to transcend death or live death in absolute physical practicality as the rebirthing process of life to create what is new and thus live out our unlimited potential as expansion. I realize that within this fear and non acceptance of myself here as and within all, I am limiting my potential for growth and expansion, and thus limit myself within the best I can be without fear.

I commit myself to accept and allow this living of death as a part of life and stop the fear towards it, by accepting myself within and as the realization that death is here.

I commit myself to see the life within all and myself, and thus see the potential that death creates for life as rebirth and growth. I stop my mind in fears and suppressions, and accept myself here as all life as well as death, and walk what is here and face what is here with whatever may come, I breath and push myself to always considered all life and what will be best for all.

I commit myself to when these pictures and streams of ideas that are not practical and realistic about death emerge in my mind, I stop and breath and focus on what I am doing, stopping my participation in the mind and perfecting what it is I am doing in life, in my living.

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 212- Exploring Self Acceptance – Life and Death

I find myself often within my day thinking, this thinking is something I have often judged based on theknowledge I have now accumulated about what the mind and thinking do to the physical body, but I have realized that it’s not to blame or see the thinking as something bad, it’s just a point that needs to be aligned into correction so it no more cause abuse. Thinking causes abuse to the physical body directly because the way the thinking occurs is through the conflict within energy and the physical substance, the physical substance being used within the conflict relationship between the energy and the substance of the physical, that goes to the mind to generate the thought, it was designed this way by those that (see reptilian series on eqafe for more info regarding this) created the mind system. So the thinking within our minds in these alternate realities we so often go into during our days and weeks, have a consequence, a consequence of death eventually, as all the mind thinking takes away from our physical bodies directly little by little, our physical substance, and eventually cause our death as it’s been used up and not replaced, as you can see in evidence with death coming to us all.

Death is something that I have been thinking about today because I have been watching the series six feet under and as you can see within the title, the main focus of this is death. But really what is death and why am I affected like I am when I think about it? I have found I am afraid of death because I am afraid of thethoughts of something happening to my family, the death of my family members or people close to me. I am afraid of my dad or mom dying, and having to go through that pain and anguish when someone that I have known my whole life and been close to will die and suffer. But this is a point that within looking at it practically is the result of our living and not following the physical principles of life, I will face this same point, it is now part of physical life because we have created it this way, we essentially have done this to ourselves creating the death of life within and as ourselves as we have created the mind within and as ourselves (More on what the mind is, check the link).

Life is within the physical, as when we live we live here on earth, in the physical reality on the physical substance around, among, and within us allowing us to be here. The physical has laws that govern it, these laws are supportive and create life to continue and live on, it adapts and changes to create what will be best for all as we see within nature how it adapts and creates itself to live among all physical elements and conditions to eventual equilibrium and harmony. So life require a certain set of cooperation and understanding within following these laws of the physical as these are guides to live in the physical and continue to function as such as been proving in the physical in keeping life going and adapting to be best for all. Those who see aren’t going to make it in life in the physical, go into the death process to be rebirthed into another form of life where they will be again part of the change, there is no fear of this death, but a point of acceptance of self as change and the fruits are within the change that is accepted, which is new life, new creation, and growth and expansion.

So I have realized within myself that this point of change within myself in this acceptance of who I am as I am in this moment, will give way to the fruits of myself as the result of this acceptance of who I am and thus will allow me to rebirth within this acceptance to become new, and the new is life as life is creation, and thus self acceptance is accepting me as the creator of myself, the creator of my life. Within the common place of human society of non acceptance and competition, there is no room for change, there is no acceptance of self as the focus is more in the mind as desires and wants, which isn’t physical so isn’t real, which cause stagnation and a stunt within the growth of life because it is no more following the physical laws, but in a domain of the illusion were anything goes as is evidence within even a few moments in awareness of our daily thinking processes.

This not being right or wrong, but simply not productive within creating myself as and within life, who I am as life, I mean I realize the joys of this within myself, when I accept who I am in a point I see and understand of myself, and so understand myself from this point of acceptance, and thus create myself in new ways and means based on the acceptance of myself within this point. Acceptance of self leads to creativity and growth because there is no holding back, there is no mind, there is understanding and a sense of joy as in acceptance there is the joy of me, of who I am, and also the realizing of the change that will come with this acceptance and growth. This create new dimensions, new expansions of myself into new areas of life that I have not known before, but as I know of life it is everywhere, so there is much to explore. Much to explore of myself because I am life as life is one, life and me are one and all are life, so that means we are all one, thus self acceptance is accepting this fact and living this within and without of ourselves, so much possibility and much growth to still be discovered as the life we are and accept ourselves to be and become.

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Sunday, January 27, 2013

Day 211 - Exploring Self Acceptance - Being Cool - Part 1.2 - I’m Better then You

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold onto memories of my childhood in this idea of myself as a cool and tough kid based on holding onto to this desire of myself to be cool and have others see me cool and in these memories holding on to them and replaying because within them I am seen as cool within the group of friends I am with. I realize and see that holding onto these memories of me as a child playing sports and being good at it making me seem cool in my mind is something that is holding me into this idea that I have to be a certain way within this world to be accepted by others, someone who is cool to make myself feel good about myself.

I commit myself to when and as I go into this memory of thinking about me playing sports and that I was a cool kid among my friends because I could play sports well, I stop and breath, and do not accept myself to continue in this pattern of thoughts of seeing myself playing and doing well and getting a nice feeling because of this perception that this makes me cool by moving myself within the physical and breathing through the thoughts and feelings when they arise not participating in them.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have a feeling of elation when I think about these memories among my friends in the neighborhood where I was seen as cool and had respect from the others based on my skill, and thus got a high as I saw myself in my mind in these pictures as the coolest by being praised by the other kids and being a winner among them, feeling good about myself because I saw myself as more skilled and able to win. I realize and see that within this point of feeling good and elated based on these memories I am holding of being among my friends in the neighborhood and being seen as good and a winner, I thus defined myself by this feeling of feeling good when my friends praised me and seeing myself as better then others based on this feeling I get within myself that I am a winner and thus I am better then those who lose.

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of feelings of goodness about myself based on looking at myself as more then another because being a winner in these memories I am holding of myself, I stop and breath, and do not accept myself to continue in this feeling as it’s not real and it’s causing self compromise and separation. I commit to breath through the desire to see myself as more then others by not participating in the thoughts and becoming focused on my breathing , my movement.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself based on the skills i have within seeing myself as more or better then others and then generating a feeling of goodness within me because I am better then another at something. I realize and see that this is complete self interest based on the belief that I am not good enough or not as capable then others in things, and thus when i have to compensate when I am more skilled and so this in my mind will make me feel better. I realize and see that existing in this comparison of seeing myself less worthy and then going into comparison and separation in seeing myself as more then others when I appear to be more skilled is complete self interest and inferiority as am not seeing myself as equals to others and not considering all the points within the life that is being lived by the others, but only where I can shine as being seen as better then them.

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of defining myself as more then another and getting a good feeling from this, I stop and breath, and do not accept myself to go through within the thoughts patterns of this competition as I realize this is separation and I am only doing it based on self interest and inferiority. I commit myself to walk and breath and accept myself as equals to others in the value of life and so push my living into the physical, focusing on what can be done to help all life be equal within our living and support solutions that will support all in this world to be the best we can be in whatever it is we enjoy and are passionate in doing.

More to Follow, thanks for reading.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 210 - Exploring Self Acceptance - Being Cool - Childhood Memories - Part 1.1

Here looking at this point of how I developed my external perception of who I wanted to be and what influences within my childhood helped mold and foster this way of seeing myself that in it's conception and accumulation was not real nor physical, but completely within thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. I will bring it back to childhood memories that I am holding onto where I was young and around others my age, my friends and neighborhood kids I played with often, I thought of myself as cool, and so within this idea of myself as being cool, I expected others to think this way of me as well.

At that time, I was very much a tomboy and into sports playing everyday, we were a group of neighborhood kids and we played outside from dusk til dawn almost everyday in the summers and as much as possible in the school year, all different types of activities, but our main love was athletics, soccer, football, street hockey, baseball, basketball, we really did it all, and within this point of athletics, I excelled. Most of the kids I played with were boys, and so I defined myself according to this male perspective, seeing females as less then the males based on myself having really no interest within what they were into, and thus saw what they did was weak and not fun. So with the males in my group that were my 'competitors' throughout my childhood, I developed this idea that I am a special kind of girl as I am strong and able to compete with these boys, which gave me confidence within myself and respect among the others in the group I was in as a kid. Using the strnegth I developed and saw I possessed within being able to compete with the all the boys I was friends with as a gauge for who I am, a strong female, and thus superior to the other female whom I saw as weak because they were not able to compete with me at that stage in my small group among my neighborhood friends. So this is interesting as it developed my understanding among the dynamic within society of males being 'stronger' and more 'powerful' then the females as I easily saw it within what I was participating in, and fully lived into this seeing myself more superior and dominant to females especially because I was more like the boys, I was strong, I was a strong competitor.

Within this time, I did not have a real judgment towards myself within my physical look, because within myself I was thinking that I am very cool as I was respected and seen within all my friends as a girl who you couldn't mess with because I could compete with all the top boys in the area, and I often could beat them. I saw this point of winning as a defining point of who I was, I was able to win and thus was strong, and thus within my mind those who played sports were better and cooler people then those who didn't because sports was the best thing one could do and be good at because this is what I was the best at and the most good at, so it was a point of self interest to survive among my peers and have the best chance to be popular, get attention, and gain power among them. I had to find something I could compete with them to show I am worthy, I am strong, and this I got within my excelling in athletics for the moment.

This position I held within my group of friends and neighbors, created a point of ego within me, a point were I saw myself better then others and superior because I had gained this respect and thus had all the attention on me based on the skills I possessed that was not usual for girls, especially with the girls in my neighborhood. Allot of the other girls around my neighborhood were just not into sports like I was, but this I didn't consider because of the fact that I thought that sports was the 'top' point in this world to be good at and within being good, you were cool. Being girly and doing girly things like play with dolls and dress up was boring and seen by myself as weak, like there was no point of proving yourself within it and showing who you are, and so these activities with no competition, I saw as useless.

This point of being cool is something I desired, I saw that being cool is something that makes you get these points I desired within my group of friends, power, respect, leadership, and attention, and I saw how this played out within my older sisters, how they developed themselves and molded themselves within their social circles to be 'cool', what clothes they wore, what music they listened to, what kind of people they hung out with, what they did, what words they used, and so I used my sisters, most were older, as a point of reference for myself to know what is cool and what is not cool within the life I was living. So I was in a sense like a sponge soaking up my surroundings around me, specifying and defining myself on my definition of what cool was based on what I was seeing and interpreting in my everyday life.

And thus being a dork or someone who was not skilled or popular was the complete opposite of anything I wanted to be associated with, it's like being a complete 'loser' within everything I had ever known and grown up with, so it's like a loss in life, and not being able to get my 'wants' met within the desire I had within me to live out and fulfill which were many. And so seeing myself as a complete inferior being to those that were the 'cool' ones was absolutely unacceptable and out of the question, as I know compared myself to my sisters and had to hold my position not only within my social group as friends, but in my family unit as being part of a 'cool' 'well known' family in my town. I had the reputation to live up to now in my mind within my family, as I saw us as cool, so I had created myself into a person that had to become this, in my mind this is who I am, where I come from, everyone around me is 'cool' and so I must and have to be this as well. I lived for this and I expected it at a very young age to be seen as someone who is cool and liked. Obviously life is not what one expects, and so I will write more on this too come of the next stage in entering the years leading up to and going into being a teenager.

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Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 209 – Exploring Self-Acceptance – I Can’t Stand Alone

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into this fear of  ‘I can’t stand alone’ within the starting point of fearing looking bad/stupid in front of other people in where I will not have a point of acceptance towards them based on my belief that if I have to stand alone within who I am and go against others, I will be able to be rejected. I realize and see within this point of self compromise due to fear in where I will not push myself to do things that is outside of my comfort zone and stand alone within who I am as an individual, I am limiting my self expression exponentially due to this belief that I need others to accept me to feel normal and ok within myself and thus I will be free of being rejected if I just act like the group even though they don’t stand up for life in equality and oneness, which I realize is really what life is and what is important in this life here.

I commit myself to when and as I go into this belief that I have to act and be a certain way to be accepted and thus go into a suppression of my expression based on fear, I stop and breath, and do not accept myself to limit my expression based on this belief and fear. I stop all the thoughts attached to these beliefs and fear of rejection by breathing through them not accumulating them within me. I commit myself to push my own self expression of being ok with who I am and walking with what I would like to express in and be within myself in enjoyment, and stop this belief that I have to be a certain way for others to like me so I don’t have to stand alone by not accepting it as valid and real through standing alone if this is the correct point to walk to show what is best for all in my own directiveness of life in common sense.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself this belief that I am not able to stand alone within who I am and thus have to at times go against the norm of society, of my friends, of my family, and thus stand up for the principles that I realize are here among all life and how I want life to be in this world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear this point of standing alone and thus created this belief that I am not worthy if I am alone, I am not ‘cool’ or ‘good enough’ compared to those who are accepted within society, and thus create this suppression within myself that I am not cool and not good enough because I have been defining myself by how many friends I have and defining standing alone or being alone as someone who is not worthy, is not good enough, thus I have created this definition of myself within relation to when in my life I am standing alone through my definition of someone who is a loser and is not as worthy to those in a group and have a lot of friends are thus cool and worthy. This I realize is my reaction in fear within myself of not being cool or seen as cool by others, and thus defining myself as a loser and unworthy because I am now the one alone.

I forgive myself that I have accept and allowed myself to define those that stand alone as losers and not worthy because of this fear within me of being defined this way by others as a loser and unworthy. I realize that those that don’t accept me or don’t agree with me is their own self willed decision, and it doesn’t mean that it has anything to do with me or what I am doing, but is the decision they made within themselves. I realize I must stop defining myself and defining being alone as a negative point, and thus I realize I must stop this judgment of those that stand alone as those who are not cool and not worthy, and walk reality for real, what is actually physically happening and stand within the point of principle in what is best for all in all ways that this will have to be stood within by myself till it is here within life absolute.

I commit myself to when and as I go into this point of definition of defining those who are alone as negative in comparison to those in a group based on a fear of being rejected I have created about standing alone, I stop and breath, and when this rejection fear come up, breath through the reaction of fear and continue to walk the physical points I am walking within myself of committing myself to stand up for life in all ways, and that is either in a group or alone, as it doesn’t matter where I am doing it, what matters is what I am doing and what I am standing for, and how I am living within a way that supports these principles to be lived and manifested within all that is here as me.

So I commit myself to stand alone when I see that it is necessary in standing up for life in what is best for all as well as stand with others who stand up for life and do what is best for all, and thus breath through any and all fear of being rejected and not accepted because I realize I do not need acceptance, I am here and thus those who are here will be here with me, I never am alone so to speak as everyone is here.

I commit myself to walk the path alone or with others in establishing myself into a being who aligns with the physical one and equal and all life in this regard so all are equal in fact in the end of this process I/We are walking to align with the physical, what is real here in breath awareness as the physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within fear of others rejecting me based on holding onto memories of being rejected and fearing the humiliation of being singled out in front of others and seen as weak. I realize and understand I am only defining myself as weak and rejected based on this memory I am holding, and thus I push my self to live stable within me no matter what the outer present letting go of the memory and living from this moment here, stopping going into the mind of what could be or what will be, but live here in what is and walk practical solutions to what is here to live best for all, no fear or memory is needed, but just me here as breath living in common sense.

Thus I commit myself to walk these principles within and as me, and walk self acceptance with myself as well as all life in being committed to principled living, and supporting life to again walk what is best and thus I commit to walk the correction within myself of stopping all points of separation by stopping the fear and the beliefs of who I am in relation to others, and thus I commit to live who I am as life, here in full acceptance through the self understanding that I am all that is here, living in support of all and stopping the separation by stopping being directed by fear by stopping the fear when it comes up as I realize it is not real, it’s the energy from the mind.

I commit myself to when and as this fear come up of being humiliated and seen as weak if I am standing alone within a group, I stop and breath, and remain in breath focusing on who I am as life and realizing the process of all life that is currently here having to walk the process to align to the physical. I commit myself to walk my process of self purification in being able to stand alone, being my own self strength through proving in my living that I stand absolute in times of ‘toughness’ and in times of calmness, where who I am is always what is best for all, and thus I will become stable here within self as who I am is my own stability because I live this within my world by letting go of all attachments to the external world and creating this fulfillment within myself within how I live and how I treat life within and as the self relationship I have established within my own physical as myself fin who I am as life.

Recommended Interviews for further Support on Self Acceptance:

Life Review - Acceptance and Allowance vs. The Decision

Atlanteans - When Energy has more Value than Life - Part 40

For Further Support, Please check out Links:

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Picture Taken By:

Leila Zamora Moreno

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 208 - Exploring Self Acceptance – Why don’t I like Myself?

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my starting point within the way I see myself within reality as someone who is not desirable to others, someone who is not likable, someone who is really just a loser with nothing to offer anyone, and this whole self defeated depressive state of self sabotage I have been existing within is based on the belief that what my mind tells me of being these things, is true, is who I really am. I realize and understand that within my mind the thoughts that flow through that are patterned within the personality of inferiority and being less then everyone else I meet, is just a pattern and is now programmed within me because I continually feed it’s existance within participating in these thoughts and then living them into my world with not expressing myself, holding back around others I deem superior, and living in this state of depression through the physical ‘dis-ease’ I have created within me of crohns as believing thatwho I am is inferior to other people.

I commit myself to when and as I go into these points of self sabotage in this pattern of thought of inferiority, I stop and breath, and do not accept myself to go into the thoughts through physically moving myself in breath and stopping these thoughts continuously within the breathing exercise. I realize that I am life, I am equal, and thus the mind as thoughts and reactions is not who I am, I have to walk through the correctionprocess of stopping my participation and realign my living to direct myself in the understanding of self acceptance within all life as equals, so I realize and understand this will be a process of living application. I commit myself to stand gentle with myself and others, and breath through the reactions to react in blame or emotions, focusing on my physical application, bringing myself back always to physical application through breathing and understanding of the practical process that is needed to be walked by all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fuel and entertain thoughts within my head based on desiring only certain specific outcomes in my world and when these outcomes were not met, I would create a blame towards myself that it was my fault because I am not good enough, not smart enough, notpretty enough, not considering physical reality for what it really was and what in reality was actually happening, but in most cases brought all points of ‘falls’ or ‘failures’ in my world to blaming myself in what the mind tells me, that I am ugly, I am stupid, no one likes me, I am worthless, and living this out through torturing myself with self hate and self judgments. I realize and see I am still giving my power away to the mind which is systemized within my physical body to enslave me for it’s own survival, feeding me what I am feeding myself in my separation of self defeatism and not accepting who I am here as life, and thus being directed by these thoughts of self sabotage because I am believing they are real. I realize thoughts are not real they are generated within conflictial reaction from the mind system and the physical substance, managed and specified within it’s frequency level to create a feeling or an emotion that is attached with the words in my mind, all created from the substance of the physical through energy reactions, and systematized within the mind system to generate this ‘belief’ I have accepted that I am inferior, useless, and ugly.

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of self sabotage and belief of believing the thoughts are who I am and living into the emotions and feelings being generated by the mind system according to the thought pattern I am energizing, I stop and breath, and do not participate in the thoughts, feelings/emotions, or beliefs, and walk the physical process it will take to stop them from directing me, becoming physical, breathing, and stopping the participation each time it comes up in my awareness. Get some air, focus on my words, and stop my attention from going to the thoughts and move it into the communication I am participating in.

I commit myself to let go of the energy of depression when I have these thoughts through breathing and moving myself physically until the energy has moved through me, and I have stopped it from directing me.

I commit myself to push myself to accept all here as life by living this in my physical world and reality, stopping judgments in my mind, and live from this physical world as I realize when I am in my mind I am feeding it and participating in it, when I am physically moving and being active, I am in my body, directing myself, and so I focus on what is practical, what is real, what is physical as life in equality here.

Recommended Interviews for further Support on Self Acceptance:

Friday, January 18, 2013

Day 207 – Exploring Self-Acceptance within Me

Here looking at this point of self-acceptance and within my life how much I lacked this very seemingly natural relationship with myself. But this relationship with myself, actually accepting myself within who I am in and as my body, is something that I have found very difficult. I mean for real here in the physical it’s not really difficult as it is simply a decision to walk and live self honest and put this self honesty into my living action, but there is this resistance, this cloud around my head that I am still stuck in, still participating within, still engaging in and activating within my world, which is self judgment of the ‘who I am’ that is the position of my direction that tends to dominate. This being no direction because it’s done based in fear and fear is separation. Fearing others perception’s of me, others thoughts of me, and thus fearing expressing myself due to the judgments I hold.

I am realizing though within walking this process that these judgments are simply points within myself that I don’t want to accept or don’t want to face, they are like the ‘tough’ moments in life one eventually will have to face, but really fear it because it’s unknown. Like getting on that roller coaster the first time, the anticipation is there, but the fear also looms of what will it be like, will I be ok, and always after I have sat and walked through the fear, sat down and stayed on the ride, I am grateful I did because it was fun. So pushing through fears, always shows to me I am stronger and more stable within myself because I have proven to myself that I can do it, I can live, and thus realize that I am capable, I can do this, understanding who I am. Self-acceptance goes hand and hand with understanding who I am within what I do. Once this is understood, you have the ability to see compromising points and then prevent them because I understand were it will take me. Accepting who I am within what I do, to get understanding, and thus this lead to real strength as self-change in the principles of life always in equality in what is best for all.

Another point of self acceptance is one have to let go of the mind, have to stop the thoughts of self sabotage, have to stop the pictures in the head of looking like a monster from outer space that I have created through imagination and past memories of pain and anger. And with the mind beginning to be let go of, one start to realize that the emotions have to be let go of as well that will come with this self sabotage and self judgment personalities that don’t allow for self acceptance, so all reactions of separation within not taking responsibility for who I am and causing others to be abused such as within blame I am reacting within or resentfulness, has to be stopped to ever get to a point of self acceptance, because if I don’t accept myself I will never be able to accept others and all reactions are deflection of self not acceptance.

So letting go of these points I have been torturing myself with, the anger of holding onto memories of being hurt by others, the jealousy of comparisons within what I wish I could have or be, the hate towards those that really hurt my feelings and made me feel low, and as well the opposite as feelings, the feelings I get when a boy says I am beautiful, the love I feel towards my sisters when we all are having fun together, the comfort I feel in my bed in the morning, as these emotions and feelings keep me limited within this point of living to achieve the positive to make the negative bearable, not realizing or allowing myself to accept, that I can live here, stable, with nothing but myself here breathing and walking what is best for all with no mind, it’s possible

The past and the future have as well got to be let go of, these are what enslave me into this character of self abuse, self sabotage, self manipulation, where self acceptance is seemingly impossible based on the streaming of memories good/bad that I attach to who I am and believe is me, and thus bring this to the future in my mind, in what to expect and what to live based on believing who I am is what happen and what shaped me in my past as a loser and not worthy of really much. Living within self sabotage instead of facing myself andchanging myself to self acceptance so thus real self change can be achieved. Only in self acceptance can self change really be achieved because if you don’t accept yourself, I find I am stuck in my mind in an endless time loop of replaying the past of how shitty it was, into the present as fear and self loathing, and into the future as a depression outlook of who I will be with and be like, all shitty and all illusions. I always decide, I am life and I am here, this is a fact that I can accept if I just stop myself from separating myself from it.

But I realized that self acceptance has all to do with how I live it because I realize for now it is a process to be walked through self forgiveness, self honesty, self investigation and self correction, in each moment accepting who I am step by step, each breath allowing me to live and breath, and find out who I will be without thought, without memory, without reaction, without energies, but just expressing as me, as what comes, and allowing this to be. Allowing myself to live without fear, without shame, without hurt or pain, and within the acceptance of all that is me, all life, so each one can live this as well, so we can become real life living in the moment of reality that is always here, seeing ourselves, correcting ourselves, and then changing into the living statement of that correction into what is best for all. This creating no more separation between self and the ‘other’, but we are all here living and we all just accept what is here as the living as equals. Equal life for all is self-acceptance in fact within and through this physical human body and thus this physical existence as a whole, and with self acceptance in it’s full bloom of life here through and as self, heaven will be on earth.

Recommended Interviews for further Support on Self Acceptance:

Life Review - Acceptance and Allowance vs. The Decision

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Day 206 – Impatience and Laziness

I am finding within this point of typing especially in chats, which I do quite often during the week on skype, I have this experience of impatience’s writing back and forth with another as well as a form of laziness, where I will not stop for a moment and re-read what I wrote and make necessary corrections in my spelling, but send it off quickly because I don't want to take the time to look at it and make the effort to correct it. I have learned to type very fast and really have become dependent on the spellchecker to fix my mistakes, so in a way I have relied on other sources instead of myself to fix my mistakes.

This is essentially making me crazy because I judging myself for not correcting my mistakes in conversation with others, like what is my deal, their going to think I just don't care about what I am doing or am not smart. I find that it’s this point of laziness as I realize I have the ability, but I really just don’t want to take the time to stop and read what I have written over and make the necessary corrections  I see this impatience is fueled by this desire to hear or see what the other person will respond. Like I have this constant anticipation within me to to fast and get what is written sent, so I can be entertained with what the other will say back. I am fine with this point of interest within conversing with another and getting a point of enjoyment out of it because it is something I do enjoy talking or type talking with others, but this point of impatience’s and laziness to not correct my mistakes is something that I need to write out in self forgiveness and self correction. Here it goes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to continue to participate and accept laziness within me when typing with another and not talking the time to look back and make sure that the message is legible and able to be understood. I realize that being lazy is a point that is not necessary and cause abuse as I am not giving my all and the other could at some point misunderstand something or not understanding something I said based on me just not want to do correct the spellings or add/delete words when I am certainly capable of doing this and sending the message in more clarity.

I commit myself to when and as I go into this point of laziness to not re-check my typing and make the necessary correction for the best opportunity for understanding by all parties who will read it, I stop and breath, and go into the act of re-checking and correcting my spelling, stopping the thoughts that it doesn’t matter, and simply re-check and correct before I send it off.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to rush through what I am typing to find out what the other is going to say, and thus miss myself within the act of typing and not become more specific, aware, and detailed in the words I am typing. I realize that I am able to become more aware within my physical body, I am able to slow down, I am able to become more specific and detailed within my typing, and I am able to stop and recheck my typing before I send it because it just takes an effort to do, a physical movement to stop and do and thus I walk this physical movement for what is best for all.

So I commit myself to when and as I have the urge to rush and get it done, I stop and breath, and push myself to slow down in that movement and become aware of my physical body, become aware with each finger as I type, and thus become aware of my physical body as I complete the typing, so not to automatically hit enter, but become diligent within making sure the message is clear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself for typing in such messy ways of misspellings and missing complete words, I realize that I am learning and thus adapting to a change that is now in the process of being implemented so it will take time and space to will myself to change and correct this point.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear what the other will think of me when they see how sloppy I am within my typing towards them and so fear that I don’t care about myself and am stupid. I realize that this fear is not real and thus is not relevant as it only cause degeneration within myself, I realize also all people make mistakes and thus have a learning curve of correction to walk to create a solution within it. I realize that I will make mistakes, but it's to push the point of correction to solutions and stopping the mind from festering and creating illusions.

I commit myself to when and as I go into judgment of messing up, I stop and breath, and immediately stop the judgment and either correct the point or practice letting it go as it does not define me.

I commit myself to stop all fear of what others think of me, and focus on the breathing so I can become aware of the mistakes within the moment it is done, and make the corrections as I type.

I commit myself to push my effort within my typing ability to move slower, become more perfected within my finger dexterity and the typing action, and push to stop and breath and correct the mistakes that are done when I see it is necessary.

For Further Support, Please check out Links:

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Eqafe Life Products - Self Help
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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 205 - More on Fears

I have had this fear for a while and it’s fear of getting sick, I have been getting this sharp pain in my side and checked it out with a few sources, and its this fear of death I am facing and looking at that is creating such pain. I am the one creating what is here within myself, so I have to walk the correction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create this fear within me of getting cancer from all the electronic things I use such as phones and computers based on hearing and reading studies of how these electromagnetic forces will cause cancer and is everywhere. Also within foods we eat, like there is no way around it. I realize though that fear in itself is just an energy of the mind and thus not real as it’s created within moments in my mind and will end as soon as it come. I understand that this fear is and will have no bearing on whether or not I get an illness or not, and thus there is no common sense within staying in this fear and allowing it to effect my life within wasting time in my head worrying about it.

I commit myself to when and as I see that I am going into thoughts of fearing having cancer or fearing dying, I stop and breath, and do not accept myself to go into this thought pattern. I align with the physical in my breath and commit myself to walk the steps to lessen my usage of these gadgets and electronics, and find solutions such as food that are substance for the body or ways to not be so exposed to these forces. Also, I commit myself to work for a solution to this system of profit driven self interest with a system that honor life equal to money and thus put in place all things that honor life equally as well.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear not having my life to live, not having my home to live in, not having my car to drive in, not have work to go to, and not having money to live on. I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear anything happening to henri because I have grown attached to him and fear not having his comfort and presence in my presence which I absolutely enjoy, but this done in self interest based on the fact that I fear living without him because he gives me comfort that I don’t get anywhere else. So I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to really fear losing this feeling of comfort I get from henri rather than seeing henri as an equal and allowing freedom within our relationship as equals, no dependence and thus emotions, but here as equals in the understanding that I can’t be lost and nor can he because we are always here within life, we are one and equal and thus to be dependent and addicted to feelings is not giving what I would want to Henri which is a freedom within expression.

I commit myself to when and as I go into this point of fear towards losing henri, I stop and breath, and push myself to let go of the feelings of comfort I have attached to him by focusing on the physical by becoming aware of our physical interaction and communication in the principles of equality and do what I like done to me. I see I have a choice and thus I chose life in equality and stop my mind as energy in separation of a need or a want cause this is not real and not true freedom of Henri and thus life in general.

For Further Support, Please check out Links:

Free Desteni I Process Lite Course for All Ages
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Eqafe Life Products - Self Help
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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 204 - Stopping My Copy Cat Character

You can reference this blog for further perspective on the quote below:

“I have realized this point of seeing myself better then others is not something I in fact live and believe about myself, but really is a defense mechanism within me based on holding onto and living within fear. I see this point of being self righteous is a point of belief that I have to inflate myself so to speak or otherwise I will not survive within society, with people, with family, and with work colleagues.“

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed the belief that I have to inflate myself and become self righteous to survive among society, people, family, and work related colleagues within fear of not being able to compete with them and thus create myself within ways and means that in my mind are good ‘social norms’ that will make me accepted and thus have an easier time socially getting what I want. I realize though within this compromise of trying to fit in with others and become like everyone else as social norms, I am never actually enjoying myself with others as I am always in a constant point of competition and comparison. This allowing never any rest or comfortableness as the stress is always their in social environments either on staying at the top by conforming and creating myself into this character that will always be ever evolving and changing as life around me is always evolving and changing, and also the constant struggle of maintaining this character, the upgrading of it and the fulfillment of these imaginative desires I have now created by playing in my mind of what character I could present and thus be, and what I will get when others see me as this 'fabulous' person, but I'm not real, I am not living, I am only creating illusions and generating energy that I have now become addicted to.

I commit myself to when and as I go into this point of defense mode as moving into becoming this character to measure up and conform to others around me, I stop and breath, and become stable within myself as my body. I stop all the thoughts and desires and thus impulses to go into imagination land in my mind, and remain practicing my breathing, staying disciplined in what I am physically doing here, and walking the solutions in what is best for all always.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become overwhelmed with emotion of elation and excitement when I see I have lined up and aligned my character creation as getting positive feedback and thus within myself become more at ease because the stress of survival has lifted for a moment. I realize though that this lift of stress is going to be short lived as I continue to operate within my mind in comparison and judgment with others around me as I am not seeing myself as the living being that is in fact equal with all others here and thus living within this simple truth and stability, but have created and participated in emotions and feelings that are attached now to characters such as the character of being accepted, and thus now only base this moment of relaxation to, if I am accepted in my environment rather then living here and accepting me as the environment one and equal and living from this real point of stability which is me as the physical as the environment as myself.

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of self satisfaction within the feelings of elation because my character was accepted and thus I go into this character within myself of being accepted were I can relax for a moment, I stop and breath, and do not allow myself to participate within these social character buildings I exist within my own mind as this is not supporting me as I am not supporting myself but basing myself on others, and thus I push to accept all as myself here and live from this starting point always, everything here is me and I am equal with all here.

I commit myself to walk and continue to push my own self acceptance, stopping the thoughts of comparison and judgment, and accepting others as I would want to be accepted, pushing myself to breath before communicating with others and speak within my own directive reasoning of common sense, I stop my desire to be accepted by others by pushing myself to live as the physical and walk what is best for all always.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the imagination dimension within my mind of creating this character that others will accept, finding the perfect cloths to wear, how I will wear my hair, and having a picture in my head that I view in the time leading up to it such as a certain hair style, and thus try and copy that style, instead of walking here and trusting myself, expressing myself in the moment in what I would like to wear and what is comfortable, and dressing up in a way I see appropriate not based on how I see others will think of me, but how I want to look for myself.

I commit myself to stop and breath when I start to wonder in my mind with others around comparing and contrasting myself to them. I commit to start to move my physical body and do something physical to not accept and allow myself to go into the possession of thought of who and how I want to present for others to see me as acceptable. I commit to push my own self expression and stop this point of coping others looks and images that I like and become creative within and as myself as an original being living equal to all as this expression of freedom as ourselves.

More to follow, thanks.

For Further Support, Please check out Links:

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