Thursday, August 2, 2012

Day 96- Anxiety

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to be nervous because I believe I am going to make a fool of myself some how within what I am doing and thus look stupid in front of others.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to believe that I will make a fool of myself when I do a task and that others are going to see me as stupid.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to actually judge myself as stupid and foolish when I do trip or am not flawless within a task where in I see myself as messing up.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to judge myself as stupid and foolish when I am not flawless within doing a task or if I trip or make a mistake.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to thus keep myself sabotaged to a fear of making a mistake.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to judge myself when I make a mistake and thus go into another dimension of self sabotage where I go into anxiety as I am judging myself in my mind before I even start where I will go into a thought of ‘I better not screw this up’.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to go into anxiety before I start a task as I accepted the backchat of ‘I better not screw this up.’

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to accept the backchat thought of ‘I better not screw this up’ and thus accept and allow fear as emotion to direct me within a physical response as nervousness as tightness in my stomach.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to self manipulate myself with a point of fear to thus sabotage what I do here in the physical when and as I do anything as I allow the backchat and thus participate in it through going into the emotion as anxiety as I have judged myself as stupid and fear others reactions.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to self manipulate myself before I do a task and sabotage myself here in breath to fear.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to fear making a mistake in front of others because I have judged others for making a mistake.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to judge others for making a mistake and thus judging myself.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to judge life when I realize and see that life is all that is here and is me one and equal thus it’s not to judge, but to support self it live the best way we can live.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting myself to judge a task as a ‘mistake’ when there are no mistakes within a point of opinion as mind towards another so thus I realize if I am able to support the person in finding a solution or helping with a task if need be to support and assist the person as I would want for myself I direct myself immediately and do it. I also realize within this point when I do a task not to perfection within living, I stop the judgment of separation as I making a mistake and support myself by breathing and stabilizing myself so I can see the solution in common sense which is within a point of stability in the physical by stopping the backchat, fear, and self judgment within this I will stop the point of anxiety as there will be no reaction as I am stable within myself in finding a solution by giving myself direction in what would be best for all.

When and as I go into a point of judgment towards myself or others for making a mistake in any point within the day, I stop and breath, and I walk the point of correction through stopping participating in the backchat towards others as well as myself as a self judgment and continue to do the task that I am doing in the physical within the decision to stand and stop participating in the energy.  I realize and see that going into self-judgment or judging another in my mind is sabotaging myself into a cycle of fear, which is self-sabotage which I am stopping.

I commit myself to stop the point of backchat of ‘I better not screw this up’  to thus stop the point of self judgment when I make a ‘mistake’ within my living.

I commit myself to stop the point of judging others when another makes a mistake through not participating in the thoughts and immediately go support the being if I am able to.

I commit myself to stop the fear of others judgments of me by stopping the judgment of others through when I see that I am about to go into a thought or reaction of judgment towards another I stop and push myself to remain in the physical by breathing and delete the point by moving myself through the judgment and not participating in it remaining physical and supporting the being within physical participating that support what will be best for the situation always.

I commit myself to stop the point of anxiety by stopping the self sabotage through walking the correction of myself by supporting others as I would like to be supported in all points that come up that I see I can give support.

I commit myself to continue to apply self forgiveness, self corrective statements and thus push myself to stand up for life for all through stopping my day to day participating in my mind with this judgment point by using my breath and the decision to not accept it any longer.

I commit myself to stop fearing making mistakes as I realize mistakes are only points within self to understand that what is being done is not self perfected yet and thus I see it is actually a gift to show I need to change and thus gives me the opportunity to change and correct myself.

I commit myself to stand up here in breath in the physical to stop myself within participating in the mind and correct my living in the physical by physically moving myself to push through my fear and become the being of courage I am who stand up for life even in the face of death.

anxiety, fear, human machine, human robot, mental cage, trapped in fear, programming, eqafe, desteni, stupid acts, judging another, journey to life, 2012, gabrielle goodrow, 

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