Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 100 – Fear of Abuse

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear abuse, which I allow to direct me into points of submission where I will give up and give in based on this fear that exists within me towards others and allow abuse towards me without standing up.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to allow a fear that does not exist within this physical reality, but only exist within the corridors of my mind where in I accept the fear completely as a point that takes over and thus I go into submission to this fear due to an emotion that is generated as a nausea feeling that physically generate where in I will submit as I don’t believe I can walk and stand.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use a point of fear of abuse to not go into situations that I find cusp on the edge of this fear where in I don’t know the outcome and thus am out of control within what will happen to me and how I will be effected thus I will submit to the fear and accept myself to go into hiding or escapism where in I will not stand up for myself, but allow abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give into the physical indications of this fear that have been generated due to the acceptance of this fear within my mind and thus created the feeling of nausea that I believe is me and that this feeling and fear has more power then me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to live into this fear as who I am by accepting and allowing myself to search and look for love in my world, as I realize that if love exist then the opposite of fear exist thus I am not in fact walking the path as courage where in I take on the fear and walk through it, but seek to replace it with another feeling of love which is just recycling the same pattern and thus the fear will continue.

I forgive myself that I accepted and allowed myself to use fear as a means to not have to face myself in what it will take as actual physical self movement, because I am accepting and allowing resistances as it’s too much and I don’t want to do this.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not within each breath do what is necessary to be done as a breath and thus stop the point of overwhelmingness that in turn will turn into fear of I am going to fail.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the excuse of overwhelmingness to not have to move myself and stay within this fear of abuse by allowing myself to give into the fear through manipulatingmyself with these thoughts that ‘it’s too much’ and ‘I don’t want to do face this fear of abuse’, to thus sabotage my opportunity to create change and live change for myself and stop the fear by walking the point out through facing the fear and walking what needs to be walked always.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to sabotage my opportunity to live here in the physical by accepting the thoughts of ‘it’s too much’ and ‘I don’t want to do face this fear of abuse’ and thus create the sabotage of myself by following the thoughts and not facing the fear with others, and thus allow the fear to have power over me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have fear direct me within my standing here and thus allow the diminishment of me through not facing myself with others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have thoughts of ‘It’s too much’ and ‘I don’t want to face this fear’ direct me into submission and self diminishment.

I commit to stop my submission to fear realizing that it is me who is creating the fear and thus I walk the memories through mind constructs to walk the path of deleting the memories that direct me within this fear.

I commit myself to let go of the fear and walk the physical by practicing daily my awareness of my breathing and stopping my thoughts that generate the fear.

I commit myself to accept myself within who I am as this moment, and release myself from this fear of abuse as I realize I can only be abused if I allow it thus I stand up and walk the point of self trust to stop allowing fear to take control.

I commit myself to stop the thoughts of manipulation within thoughts of diminishment as I realize this is me sabotaging myself and thus I can complete anything as long as I stay here and commit to do it, thus I walk this correction within walking to the solution.

I commit myself to walk the change and stop sabotaging myself through fears and realize they are not in fact real, I realize the physical is what is real, thus I walk through practice and patience’s of learning the physical as directive will until I am here and I stand.

I commit myself to stand here within and as my breath and allow the energy to flow through me and be earth back to the earth through my breathing as I am here.

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fear of abuse, abused, physically, mental abuse, bullied, direction, human robot, breath, living with abuse, self help, desteni, equality, journey to life, 2012, eqafe, stop abuse

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