I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
fear things coming to an end.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself as
a child fear the end of games and fun because of the emptiness that came with
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
fear the emptiness that is felt when I did not have anything fun to do as a kid
and thus always seeked to be entertained and doing something fun to avoid this
feeling of emptiness.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
thus give energy and life to the feelings of fear as emptiness and the end of
things in which I would change my behavior to live into always sucking the most
I can get out of others and events to thus not have to be empty and thus not
have to be alone essentially.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
desire things not to end and thus create the fear of the end through this
emptiness I felt when I was by myself as within myself I was not alright and
didn’t understand/was able to communicate why I was feeling this emptiness
inside, but I see and realize that this was due to suppression of myself and
defining myself as who I am as this suppression/not able to communicate/be
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
become the feeling of emptiness and thus feared this emptiness feeling along
with fearing the end of things based on not knowing myself, not investigatingmyself, and not understanding who I am within myself, thus becoming a being who
is miserable within, and thus I took that misery out onto others and thus
caused abuse in many ways physically, mentally, and emotionally.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deliberately
take my anger out on others based on not understanding myself and what I was
experiencing and thus the suppression of who I am and based on fear never going
to others for help or to communicate what I was feeling because I feared the
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself due
to my own fear of not wanting to communicate and suppressing myself, take my
anger out onto others and thus create much abuse in the physical and mental to
bring down others as to the feelings of what I was allowing as misery.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to abuse
deliberately others as blame for the feelings and fear I was experiencing based
on me suppressing and not communicate to allow others in to help me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
accumulate this fear into my living where I would fear having to face myself in
the aloneness of myself when I was by myself and all the entertainment had
gone, so thus always in a trap within myself because I allowed fear to suppress
me and thus never moved myself to find out who I really am and what in fact was
going on within me.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed this fear
to take over me and thus live into this suppressive way and allow all parts of
my life to be in fear and thus suppression and so I would based on all this
suppression accumulate anger within me and take it out on others.
I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to
take anger out on others based on me accepting and allowing suppression to
exist and be here as me.
I commit myself to walk the point of acceptance of what is
here and thus realize the flow and moment of life as points come and go as they
are relevant and thus live instead of an expectation but simply as breath and
direct self into what needs to be directed in making and sustaining a practical
environment for all.
I commit myself to stop the fear of the end and thus stop
this point of emptiness experiencing through walking the process of self acceptance
in getting to know who I am within all points of my mind physical relationship
and walking the correction so what is here is me and I just express as the physical.
I commit myself to stop the anger and blame towards others
and also stop the abuse based on not accepting myself and thus sort myself out
and stop all points of reactions.
I commit myself to walk this process in understanding who I
am within myself in my mind and how I have created myself through writing, self
forgiveness, and self correction in writing and living, and thus become
comfortable with myself because I know and understand who I am and thus can
then not fear these points that are not necessary.
I commit to walk through my fears and face them, and stop
the point of entertainment to hide and escape facing myself and who I am as
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Journey to Life Group
Creation's Journey to Life
Earth's Journey to Life
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Eqafe Life Products - Self Help
Desteni Site
Desteni Wiki
parties over, no more fun, I don't want it to end, emptiness, self pity, self denial, self acceptance, suppressions, fear, fear of the end, fear of being alone, aloneness, being alone, desteni, journey to life, eqafe, 2012,
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