Saturday, March 30, 2019

Self Forgiveness (Day 6): The Truth behind Desiring to be Alone - Day 584

Art By: Andrew Gable

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to be alone and not have to deal with people in general, where I am content with being by myself with my dogs, my family, and my friends that I chose to have in my life. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to generally despise people who torture animals, torture people, torture the environment, torture nature, and in general abuse and harm the life that is here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become very picky and choosey with who I will allow in my world and who not, and become arrogant and generally standoffish to those who try to enter my world that I deem not welcome or too much or too needy.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become self-righteous in my beliefs of myself that I am ok alone and that I am not any of things I judge of others for.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others as nasty beings in many different ways and deemed not worthy to spend time with me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not be self honest with myself where I fear that I will be judged by others and seek out not to face that rejection and humiliation of not being liked or not being seen as acceptable so I push others away first.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others as not cool or not attractive due to what they do or where or look like because within my own self I equally judge myself in this way, making my reality about comparison, competition and the eventual separation of beings here in secret parts of the mind that manifest eventually in the physical as war and abuse onto life, the very same abuse and war and separation I am despising others for doing to life here equally so.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create backchat anger toward others in my world who are showing a desire to get to know me, connect, and build a relationship because within myself I am not clearly directing myself and in fear of hurting others because I am in a belief that I don’t know what to do or say.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a belief in my backchat that I am not able to direct a situation with beings in my world instead of walking the steps of writing and investigating where this point of friction is arising from.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to hold on to anger and self anger for not direct myself properly to a resolution that is best for all, but be spiteful and blameful toward others who are in no way responsible for these thoughts and behaviors I am participating in that is causing outflows of compromise and abuse.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear to get close to others for fear of being rejected because I have been rejected in the past.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to take other peoples rejections and words personal to me instead of working with the information objectively and learning from the experience in a way where I grow and expand to be a better version for myself and others as well.

I commit myself to stand within a point of self support for myself where I learn to let go and take others words and rejections if it happens like the wind blowing in and out as a point of life happening and through that learning to ride the winds as the words and rejection as a point of directing myself in the best way possible to clear and calm waters within through self acceptance and self love as who I am within and without to others.

I commit myself to stand in the shoes of others and consider my words and actions through and through within who I would like to be if I were the receiving end where respect and honor is taken to do what is best for all including what would be best for me in my own self honesty.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Self Forgiveness (Day 5): The 'I am too Tired' Mind Demon - Day 583

Art By: Andrew Gable

Recently I have been looking at the act of apathy and laziness, what causes me to become in a way lethargic within my mind and body, and so my living? What I have realized it comes down to thoughts, there are specific thoughts that will be triggered and when triggered the decision to go into them and become 'lazy' and not push myself to do what is needed to be done will become my living application. So I see it simplistically, though deeper into this there is a deep desire to be comforted and cared for by the things in my life and within this, I am not in fact living an equality balance and thus the consequence of this is a point of not being able to live my highest potential. 

Self Forgiveness on the thoughts of apathy/laziness and the consequences that follow:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to follow the thought that i am too tired to do this or that, i will get to it later, i can do it tomorrow' and thus i see, realize, and understand with these thoughts that i will follow and live into, i become lazy and comatose in a way where i do not apply myself in my reality hardly at all.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become lazy and apathetic in moments where i secretly have thoughts that i don't want to deal with or face this person or that problem and so go into the easy way of living my life where i don't push my boundaries and say stuck in the same perpetual cycle of entertaining myself as distraction in things that have no matter to what is relevant as this world and being part of a solution for what is best for all.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to use apathy and laziness as a way to distract myself to not face myself in my head/being and living and thus postpone my change process in what is best and thus postpone the potential change effect i can have on this world at large for the better.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to follow thoughts of i am tired to stop me from moving within the physical in my potential in the moments i am here and thus lose the opportunity for transcendence to be the better version i realize and have proven i can be, but stop and let it go for an easy high that is fleeting and false and thus will inevitably lead to my own self destruction and thus the destruction of the physical.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become so selfish and self absorbed within my own self pity that i have not a care in the world for what is real, what is suffering in this reality, and what effect i am having on the world as my footprint and thus my influence for better or worse and thus lose the potential creation process of life here in equality and oneness that only i can create and give to the world.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to live in self pity due to beliefs of self harm and lack instead of realizing that the potential for change is always here and that the idea of lack is an illusion as i am always and able to create myself here in each breath in the process of self creation as i move thus accumulating value of self worth as i become worthy as my living word as flesh in physical reality in honor and giving of myself to all for what is best thus equally giving this to myself.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to judge others who are lazy and apathetic in there life, not realizing and seeing that this was just a distraction point because i didn't want to face myself and thus walk the change process that is here to move when the opportunity is here to do so and push with everything i got for life as self in what is best.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to give half ass effort and distract myself with entertainment and say i don't have time for life work as process and thus miss me here in my own responsibility to move myself and do what is best.

I commit myself to stop judging others and move myself when i see i am going into judging as this is a sign of self-depreciation and self abuse as i am showing in how i am living.

I commit myself to when the opportunity opens up to create self i seize it and live and stop all thoughts in there tracks with breath as i transcend and live my words of movement, doing, and self-creation.

I commit myself to push my limits each day until i am equal and one to live here in the physical as breath and life is best for all.

I commit myself to live the words discipline and perseverance as i push myself as breath and move through all resistances until transcendence and i am a creator of life in what is best in all i do and live as me.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Self Forgiveness (Day 4): The Elixir of the Mind/Separation - Day 582

Art By: Andrew Gable

Here I am looking at the desires that come up within me during my day, there is always something looming within, like a thirst that can not be quenched, a movement that I am reaching for, but is just out of my reach, a churning in the pit of my stomach for a taste of this sweet sweet nectar of getting my desires fulfilled, and if it does not, I go into a state of conflict.

There is a fine line between expressing within words and living words that are here within specific indulgences I have for a long time had an addiction in, the words I live must be specific so I give myself the solid foundation I will need to be able to walk the path of self-honesty, and transcendence to be able to indeed direct myself and not have the mind as thoughts, feelings, and emotions direct me. I have walked this path many times from addiction to self-direction, though it always seems to continue to challenge me, going deeper into the addiction patterns, investigating who I am within it and how I will walk in honor of who I am as life and all life here. And man when the mind as self as the addiction of desire wants something, it almost becomes too overwhelming where one just completely go into it and give in and indulge.

Self Forgiveness on Indulgence and giving into desire:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to desire to give in to my indulgences in such a way where i do it in a possession of believing that if i don't fulfill this desire i will collapse and become miserable and irritable, and so i must just get it because this is my savior.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that within what i do and who i am that i must be getting access to the things i want and cause me to pain if i don't have them such as the pain of desiring something and not getting it, and through this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that without the thing that i desire and cause suffering in the moment, if i don't get it i will be lost and suffer much.

i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe without fulfilling the desire that i am wanting that i will die and not be able to go on in my life.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that without giving myself pleasure within fulfilling the desire within me as the mind's quest for release within the energy that accumulates once the desire is fulfilled to make my god and so follow it as my savior in this life instead of seeing, realizing, and understanding i am doing harm to myself and my body as i am not in full consideration of all, but only seeking the high of the desire fulfilled which is the drug of the mind that i feed.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that without the fulfillment of the desire that i won't have a good life and it will be filled with missed experiences.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to participate in desires themselves and so become only interested in fulfilling my desire and thus becoming ignorant to my self responsibility to all life to do what is best as i would like for me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become selfish within my pursuits of my life in search of what is best for me, what makes me feel good, what gives me pleasure, while all the while ignoring how and who i am effecting within what i am doing in each moment i am here.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to go into thoughts and emotions and feelings when the desire constructs come up instead of moving into breath and living who i am as principles in what is best for all.

I commit myself to walk the path of breath, letting go of all desires and urges for self fulfillment in self interest through breathing and grounding myself as the energy with the earth in realizing that i exist within all and thus i am able to direct myself in what is best at all times.

I commit myself to consider my body equal and one within what i decide to live and express in and see where my body stands within what i do and why i do it, getting to know the body as me and waking up to the path that considers both self and the body and doing what is best for all.

I commit myself to release my desire flow of energy release through breath and in the moment direct myself to consider and so live what is best for all here, day by day, breath by breath.

Thanks for reading.

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Sunday, March 17, 2019

Self Forgiveness (Day 3): Only Seeing the Worst of Myself - Day 581

Art By: Andrew Gable

I am sure we all can relate to this point of only seeing the worst in ourselves in moments of our life, they may be fleeting or they may be the majority of how one see what is here. I have been looking at this point as of late due to understanding why I in fact do this? What causes such an experience to only see what is bad, horrible, fearful, and so the worst that could happen or is here? 

There is a few dimensions that came up for me initially and those were the habitual and automated way I have created myself to see life in fear and realizing this has been patterned and repeated over and over in my life thus far, thirty plus years of viewing life like this. The second is being bombarded as a child to be afraid, the one memory that is coming up for me the strongest is my mom telling me that if anyone comes up to me on the street or when we are out and try to take me, to run and scream and look for a policeman! This obviously made me see that the world is a scary and dark place, even if i didn't realize it so much at the time, it imprinted into me on deep levels, being scared of the world i live in, people are bad, and humans can not be trusted. 

This leading to the experience that i am to be afraid, we have unfortunately created such a world were life is not guaranteed for many and that we can not at this time fully trust each other, so there is some logic in what my mom did, and i do understand she was doing what she thought was right. Though, this is not the only way to live life and through my example, who I am in relation to life here, and how i live I can reverse that paradigm and instead see the best in life nad build the trust that is necessary to ensure life is trustworthy and humans are educated on how and why to live in this way as well.

Self forgiveness on this childhood memory:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe in the sound and intensity of my mom's facial expressions in the moment of her telling me to be careful and scream and run if anyone trys to take me out in public.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to take on the idea from that moment on that the world and people are dangerous and people will harm me if i am not aware and careful of my surroundings.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that people are bad and that they will do the worst of what can be done onto others and this includes myself.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe that all people in the world are not to be trusted and could and will do harm onto me if i am not careful and aware of what the people i interact with are like.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to take inventory and judgments of other people as indicators if they were trustworthy or not based on if they were friendly, the way they looked, the way they acted, and judge if i would like them or not and fear them, if these boxes were checked or not.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become distrustful of people around me in those moments of imagining a person taking me to harm me as my mom told me how to get away.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to go into petrification in that moment and see people as harmful instead of seeing people within the moment and allow the relationship to develop through time to get to know the person rather than just making quick sight judgments and defining someone to the worst of life in my mind and write them off as untrustworthy.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see the worst in life only where i see people as threats and judge people as unapproachable, making myself isolated and justifying this as this is how life is supposed to because people are fuck ups and i don't want to be around them.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to only see the bad in people and thus only see the bad within myself.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to only see the judgments of not good enough, not making the mark, not being friendly enough, not being cool enough unto myself as i do in my quick sight judgments of others based on fear and distrust instead of seeing the best in others and standing as this as myself until it is proven otherwise and the being needs to walk a process without me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame my mom for imprinting this fear of people onto me based on her way of showing help to me as a child with potentially getting kidnapped instead of seeing that she was doing her best and she also was imprinted with this fear and distrust of people.

I see, realize, and understand that the relationship i would like to create with others and my world is one were the best is the starting point of who i am in my interactions and within myself, and i see that common sense must be applied in case to case basis if it is realistically something to consider based on what is transpiring in physical reality.

I commit myself to live the word best where i stand within the moment as best possible to see what is best within myself or another when the moment comes to fear and go into distrust.

I commit myself to get to know the being and my self by opening communication and find out what is best about the moment or being and see what comes through.

I commit myself to use common sense and the ability of myself to create the best of what is here through perseverance and living it as myself.

I commit myself to be my best self in each moment that is here so i can stand and recognize it within others, so what is best is created in this life instead of the worst of self.

Thanks for reading.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Self Forgiveness (Day 2): The Beginning of Self Deprecation - Ego and My Consequence - Day 580

Art By: Andrew Gable

Yesterday I opened up the programming that I see I have been living out as like a base programming of who I have become in this reality, a being who has self deprecated myself meaning I have devalued myself due to specific beliefs, self-judgments, copying behavior such as survival and competition growing up, and becoming a lesser version of myself then I'd like to be and create.

Self forgiveness on childhood memories:

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to take on the belief that all humans are evil, flawed, and that I need to fear the very ground I walk on because I don't know who or what'll be around the corner.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become petrified that people were going to break into my house and harm me and my family because of the tv show programming I accepted and allowed to influence who I was within a belief that humans are mostly evil and are out to harm and commit atrocious acts onto each other.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to thus create a belief within myself as a child that i must be inherently evil and not good if i am on this planet living among such fear and petrification of being harmed and not surviving another day.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to blame the tv and movie programming growing up instead of seeing, realizing, and understanding i was already living such evilness and harm unto myself and others and thus that is how i recognized it.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed to physically, mentally, verbally, and non verbally harm others through the acts within my self and my living that were deliberate  harm and spitefulness.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be spiteful and do harm onto others because within myself i was not standing as life and being self responsible, but taking it out on others.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to take on the belief that I am not equal to other humans on this earth, I will always be flawed in one way or another, and thus fear not being able to compete in this world and so access the ability to move about and have what i need to live and enjoy life some.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to thus go into a self insecurity that i am inherently flawed and start to define my physical body in this way, seeing pictures in magazines and on tv shows and movies where the images of people were within a precision perfection and thus I believed because i didn't have such precise perfection within my physical body, i was not equal to these beings who did.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to make the graven image mistake where i have idealized the image as picture on screens and on paper and believe that that is what life is and what life is about, when in reality it is what the system of survival is about, a creation that was created within self and so lived out over time and thus the consequences are lived up to the seventh generation as we separate ourselves from what is here as self to past and future projections of the image that is static.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to integrate and so live out the separation of myself as life within a belief that who i am is based on the pictures that are created as image, the false image in disguise as life as i have allowed this image to trick me into believing that it matters when all the while it is not matter but part of the image-nation which is of illusion, and undirected will run rampant within it's directive which is who we have become as separation from our very selves as life here in breath as this physical reality, I realize thus i must direct this image nation into real unity as life here in this world best for all in breath movement.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to take the graven image as the false self as the image nation of the mind consciousness system as the manifestation of the separation of who i am in matter, which is a graven miss-take i have made in the pursuit of who I would like to create myself to be.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself in all ways create an idea or belief in my mind about what is here without fully understanding, communicating, and getting to know that which i am interacting with within myself and so my world and thus integrating the realization and changing myself as life in what is best in what is best for all.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to take on the belief that i am flawed, evil, and devalued when all the while i was miss-taken into an image nation of my mind consciousness system as a belief that i created that life is not equal and one, but in flux, in polarity, and unbalanced within the outflow of myself as i walk this miss-take into my world until i change it to something best.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to make the imagenation something separate from me and admire it and want to be like it, instead of realizing that it is not of life, but habitual belief that it is real, when it is not of life, but I am in need of guidance, direction, understanding, patience, and consideration as an equal to move back into alignment with what is here as breath as self as the living word in matter itself in what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to act out my miss-take by believing that what is real is the separation of the graven image as a false god within the belief that this is what humans are about, this is how life is here on this planet, and so living in matter the abuse and harm of myself first and foremost with judgments of hate and disgust of my own physical body, that which gives me life and has done so each and every breath as self has lived here on this planet unconditionally.

I see, realize, and understand that i have misguided myself through time and space through my mind mechanisms as thinking, emotions, and feelings, and constructs of patterns and personalities that have dominated my life for most of my living on this planet and now I see, realize, and understand that I have developed and so laid a well-founded ground before me to walk upon with the earth as myself as all life, in honor and true self-forgiveness as I give myself back to myself in full self-acceptance, full embrace, honor who I am by caring for myself, accepting myself, forgiving myself for the ills i have created, and walking the process in each moment to align and do what is best for all in self honesty.

I commit myself to release the flow of thoughts in the backchat of harm through breathing and not participating in them and self-forgiveness, directing those thoughts into solutions that will work for all and live the solutions to prove that I god the point and so I live the point into creation.

I commit myself to let go of the fear of the survival system rooted in my being realizing that i have the power to change myself, I work with what is here with no expectations, and become fearless in the face of the only real choice, decision, and truth that exists here, in breath, doing what is best for all, when lived life will fall into place as in make sense and i will be here.

I commit myself to walk this pattern of correcting my backchat and changing the outflows of my physical behavior to be of solution for all and stop the pattern of the survival system flowing out as ego self-righteousness and insecurity within my own body, which is life giving of itself.

Thanks for reading.

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Monday, March 11, 2019

Self Forgiveness (Day 1):The Beginning of Self Deprecation - Day 579

Art By: Andrew Gable

For most of my life up until I have started to walk the desteni process and realized i have the power to change myself, I was living very much in self-insecurity and self depreciation, which in it's outflow led me to become angry, revengeful, abusive, even physically violent.

A lot of times in my childhood I remember feeling crazy inside myself like there was a person inside me that wanted to just rip out of my skin and scream due to the rage at times that would course through my body. I often was driven to punching and kicking people in my world, becoming a bully towards those who I saw as weaker than me and then creating a huge petrification of those who I deemed more then me. Resulting over time in a unstable person who could barely function in society and just wanted to be away from people, finding indulgences to quench the petrification that was eating away at me, and be calm for a while, then the voices would come back, "what is out there that can harm me, when will i be harmed, will i be able to survive on this planet, will I be strong enough" and so fear became rooted within me.

I did not, in fact, want to fight or be a bully, but I saw no other way out, everyone around me did the same thing, there were very little examples in my world of those who were at peace and lived peace in there lives, cared for others, and took self-responsibility. And I became equal to that survival system, competing with everyone, fearing my survival, and so it came out as bullying, not being patient when people made mistakes, not taking responsibility to do what is best for others, and so creating a fear-based world that was maddening and not what life is supposed to be about.

I see how I have taken on the anger and rage from family history, copying it from many, it's amazing how much we influence others and they us. This is why it is important to walk the process of self-purification, to know thyself and so be able to direct self in what is best to thus direct others to what is best equally so as how you would like. So living out my bully nature, using passive-aggressive force to move people to do what I want, manipulating in fact to get the desired result, and when my expectations are not met become rigid and cold. I see this pattern play out in my responsibilities at work at times stemming from an impatience I have found because there is an ego self-interest point i am defending and that is not to have to do extra work and also believing that I am better at my job than others and so I have the 'right' to say this in this way or do that to get that result, not in full consideration or being my best self. And thus causing ripples to outflow that are harmful and abusive, which is in need of correction and self-forgiveness.

So I am working with both insecurities and self-righteousness as a polarity design playout within this whole programming I just wrote out, balancing out the systems in place of not actually standing within the patience of what is here and the step by step process that must be walked in this physical reality to get the results that are grounded, long lasting, and best for all. I take short cuts and in life, short cuts always catch up with you, the best way to move forward when one has seen living that is not supporting life is to forgive ourselves, write out the corrections, and walk new in life fresh, here, breath by breath, creating a new you. because I see that taking this on will release the self-interest within myself and thus collapses this polarity design I am battling within myself, and do what is best regardless of the scenario.

Self Forgiveness to come on these points shared.

Thanks for reading.

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Sunday, March 10, 2019

The Gift that Keeps Giving - Self Forgiveness - Day 578

I am taking on a 30 day challenge of writing self forgiveness out in my blog every day, this to get back into the flow of writing my blog and working on daily points I face. I do lots of sounding self forgiveness and changing myself, I walk my process every moment, this process at desteni with the tools of self forgiveness and self honesty has become a part of the fabric of who I am, it has integrated into my cells is how I describe it, and it's due to consistency in my application, this similar to playing a sport and practicing. It is physical integration through repition, self will, and self creation.

Self forgiveness has been an extraordinary support in my life since I started practicing it many years ago, I can understand and so experience a release of the pattern and system I forgive and so giving myself the opportunity for transcendence by living the realization as correction from the self forgiveness itself.

This tool will always be here for me as I will always be here for myself, it is an eternal tool that is here for all to support all, it brings one back to themselves as life. All of life is now in the process of forgiving ourselves for what we have created as we see in this world many ills are occurring and so equally when I look in myself, many ills are occurring and have occurred. Though through forgiveness I can take each and everyone on and find solutions, live the courage to change, and in fact walk that change into my life and so all life as we are interconnected, equally as one.

Self forgiveness is a gift and it continues to give me the gift to eternal life, I see the alignments, one just has to walk it through this door and change oneself in honor of all life until all that remains is self here and so it is done.

Day 1 starts tomorrow!
Thanks for the support :)

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