Thursday, May 5, 2016

“Don’t Fuck with Me” Character and Solution – Day 507

This character I go into quite often when I am with people, I have created a relationship with people of fear and hostility based on the belief that they are out to harm me and abuse me. Though through walking my process and self investigating myself I realized that I am actually thinking this up in my mind and so creating it in my reality because I am the creator of myself and thus my reality. We are powerful beings, though we are not in control of this power as of yet due to how I accepted and allowed myself to abdicate my responsibility of myself and of my life to stand equal and one with what is here and live what is best for all. So here walking the correction process to change pattern by pattern, point by point.

What is creating this character of “don’t fuck with me” is a strong desire of self importance believing to be some sort of advanced being and within the people around me and whom I interact with on a daily basis are beings who are so harsh and troublesome thus not as advanced. What I have abdicated myself to not see, realize, and thus change is the way in which I am thinking and creating my reality as I am equal and one to the outflows of what I am experiencing within myself and thus my world. I am not becoming disciplined enough within my breath by breath awareness to change myself when these patterns come up with the thoughts of how ‘bad’ others are, how ‘ignorant’, how ‘disrespectful’, and within this creating this world and reality coming from my mind projection and superimposing it into the reality I am living within. This creating the character personality of “don’t fuck with me” as a defense mechanism, so I don’t have to look at myself, my own mind thoughts, my own behavior, and change within these moments to stand within what is best for all.

Here living words I will be continue to support myself with and expand within it’s understanding and expression as I progress, so I can go into a form of self expression that is here, present, and not consisting of energy or thoughts, but living words as expressions that are supportive of life.

So some self forgiveness on this pattern of “don’t fuck with me”:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a form of self exultation of myself in relation to those around me believing I am more advanced and more sophisticated.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand how my thoughts go to judging others as less then me and how within this I am diminishing the other in my mind to become more then and so become the winner in my own mind, not seeing, realizing, or understanding that this is only diminishing myself as I go into a form of suppression of who I am being and thus become limited within my reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my thoughts as judgments direct me in my reality in relation to others not seeing, realizing, and understanding that I am only defining myself and thus within this opportunity I can change and create myself within living words that are supportive of others and of life in general.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become hostile to others in my environment based on creating a scenario where they are being harmful and judgmental towards me not seeing, realizing, and understanding that within my backchat I am judging them and thinking about them lacking, and thus I am resonating and thus creating the hostility I am experiencing as this is who I am in thought, word, and deed.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a personality suit of the “don’t fuck with me” character, so I don’t have to face the truth of myself, which is someone who is causing harm and separation within myself and thus causing harm and separation within my reality as what is within self is equally being created in the without.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself within my expression as not good enough or not strong enough to face reality here and so go into a defense mechanism of “don’t fuck with me” character to not have to face my reality and who I have created to be in fear of people and not see, realize, and understand that I am creating this fear that it in fact is not real as it’s energy and it moves away once dissipated.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become suppressed within myself in not wanting to face or change the hidden parts of myself that I don’t like and want to push away such as the lack I feel within my expression, not seeing, realizing, and understanding that pushing this lack emotion away I am pushing the opportunity to face it, understand it, and change it for myself so I can realize my strengths and strengthen my weaknesses.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not face my mind real time and allow it to fester and sit while I continue to suppress the reality of myself as separating myself from my responsibility to change myself and stand within the face of my self in my reality to support with solutions and create them for myself and others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to want to abdicate responsibility to others in my reality and blame them for the way I am experiencing myself within turmoil, not seeing, realizing, and understanding that I can change myself and so change the outcome of myself within my living.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others and so judge myself and thus separate myself from life here in oneness and equality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to feel so overwhelmed within myself about what is here and what I have to change, not seeing, realizing, and understanding that this is an experience I can change and live moment to moment, direct myself into specificity and efficiency, and taking it point by point.

When and as I see myself going into the “don’t fuck with me” character, I stop and breath, and change myself self into taking self responsibility for my mind and my thoughts, stopping them through breath, and living words that’ll support with stability. I realize I am creating harm and separation in my reality when in this personality suit where I could be creating stability and solutions that are best for all.

I commit myself to live the word care where I care for myself within stopping the judgment of myself. Stopping the thoughts of being hard on myself. Stop the attacks of myself and others in my mind as less then or not living correctly.

I commit myself to stand within a gentleness where I move slow and softly within my physical body, like a flow or breeze moving within the rhythm of my breath as I move out of the energy and into my physical stability as my body.

I commit myself to let go of the thoughts by focusing on my physical movements and moving myself in my body, grounding the energy through my breath into my feet and into the earth.

I commit myself to live the words equality and oneness as physical reality were all are physical manifestations and we are all equal within this, where no two are separate but expressing in our own expressions.

 I commit myself to create my expression within and as physical activities such as art or music and walk self forgiveness and self correction to the thoughts that come up until I am clear.

Self Supportive Material -

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

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Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

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DIP Lite on Facebook:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

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