Tuesday, November 29, 2016

How I Learned to Trust Myself with the Desteni I Process - Day 536


I discuss in this audio how I learned how to trust myself. I was quite an insecure person with little self trust, now standing within myself in self trust and confidence on a mission to support self change and the world to change in the best way possible. This to support and teach all to become stewards of the earth so we can all learn to live in decency and dignity.

Check out the links for more on the process at desteni:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Saturday, November 26, 2016

How I Stop Addictions with the Desteni I Process - Day 535

Here I discuss how I have been assisted and lived the tools of the desteni I process for myself where I stopped a number of addictions in my life. Have a listen and give yourself this gift of support for yourself to so we can all direct ourselves to our highest potentials. This to support a world that is best for all and stand as a steward of the earth for all who are here and yet to come. For more information on the tools and understanding more how to apply them, check out the links.

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Thursday, November 24, 2016

What is Self Honesty in the Desteni I Process? Day 534

Here I discuss how I have walked honesty into self honesty with a focus on improving who I am as in individual to someone who can stand with integrity to find solutions that are best for all. This to support myself as well as others to become stewards of the earth and create a world that is for all within decency and dignity.

More Links:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Monday, November 21, 2016

Self Empowerment and the Desteni I Process - Day 533

Here I discuss my process of understanding and living these words, self empowerment, in my life. And how it transformed my awareness of myself and my state of being to be one of confidence and determination to walk what is best for myself and all life. This is part of the desteni i process tools which has helped me immensely learn how to live in this way. Thanks for listening.

More Links:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Friday, November 18, 2016

Eqafe Review - An Education of the Universe and our Existence - Day 532

I am someone who listens to everything that comes out of eqafe, I find this information is like the nectar of a flower as myself as the emerging bee coming in for some sustenance, it is for sure a self sustaining and substantial gift that has been given to life here on earth. Here is an education from the universe, an existential education of ourselves from ourselves, so imagine who we really are? We are much more then what we have ever dreamed up, said some insightful philosopher and this is true. I have learned so much about myself in this site and also  I have applied the tools and practical support that continues to be shared to change myself to be a better human being. It is suggested to investigate EVERYTHING and keep what is GOOD. And indeed do so, and for sure investigate this site. I suggest move through any reactions or judgments, and apply the tools for yourself if anything comes up to the contrary. It is worth it and it will be such a joy, not always as it is also serious work, but its an expansion of self that we all long for as we are indeed creators.

One specific interview I wanted to share is from an interview by Anu and Joe done recently, called The Decision is Mine - Reptillians - Part 549. This interview shared about blame and how blame is a fallacy we each make up in our minds to not actually face the real issue of the problem, and that is ourselves. We all have done it where we make it about every one else, we are so justified, we are so right, and they are so WRONG, though again it you take a look within self and take a step back, a breath, and become self honest, you will see that there was an equal responsibility within oneself to stop, to let go, and to find solutions. 

When we go to blame another person, we immediately in that moment disempower ourselves to change and so find a solution. I have walked this process many times and know for myself that this is so, when I go into blame, there is a deep gut feeling where I know the truth, I equally contributed to the problem or consequence and so it is not about the other, it is about who i am and how am I going to live in this moment? This if you are new to this site will take a process of moving through because we have trained ourselves with such authority that blame is valid, that we are not responsible, and we can just get away with walking away and justifying perpetuating problems in this world rather then standing in integrity and finding solutions. It’s a process, there will be many ups and downs, many falls, though we get back up and keep pushing for solutions always cause that is what life does and we are life in our highest potentials. 

One amazing support that came through this interview was where Anu shared about how a participant of this process found an awesome way to move through the blame and get to solutions for themselves, and it’s a simple equation. The equation is to when you go into the blame, take a step back, breath, and then move into the breath, from there find the fear that is hidden behind the blame. I have tested this and practiced it, and I found that when you are able to drop the blame, you will see that there is a fear being masked by the blame, a fear of rejection, a fear of loss, or a fear of lack for instance though I found it will be very specific, like for me I had one recently which was a fear of remaining stuck in a situation. From here once you find the fear, you are already establishing your responsibility to yourself and the other, and so your self authority can be walked with the self forgiveness and finding a solution. Self forgiveness is a tool in the desteni i process that supports with self change to live our highest potentials in this life, there is much more on this in these sites so please check the links. Though for this point, letting go of the blame, dropping it and finding the fear behind it, I have found saved me so much time, energy, and consequences as I bypassed all the reactions and thoughts in my head of blame/anger/emotion and could start living the solution immediately. 

This support shared in the above interview has already supported me immensely and again has saved me much hardship and self compromise, so I highly suggest a listen as well as checking out more of this universal and existential eduction on Us as life on the eqafe site. Enjoy and thanks for reading. 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:


Thursday, November 17, 2016

Real Love And Desteni i Process - Day 531

Here I share my process that I have been walking in desteni of redefining this word love so it's livable and substantial in my life. We can live love in a way where it lasts and becomes a part of everything self does and so becomes a living part of our world. This process is being walked for the purposes of becoming a steward of the earth and giving all life what is best.

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

My Process with Self Forgiveness and the Desteni I Process - Day 530

Here I walk my realizations and process with the tool shared within the desteni i process of self forgiveness. I have walked this tool for over seven years and to this day find it has had an incredible impact on my life in empowering myself to change for the better. I recommend this tool and the desteni i process as I have found great value in walking my purpose of being a steward of the earth, and supporting world change that gives all life dignity. Thanks for listening.

More links to support:

Desteni Radio #3 - What is Self-Forgiveness? desteniradio.blogspot.co.za/2016/11/des…veness.html

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

How to Know Yourself Intimately and the Desteni I Process - Day 529

How has the desteni i process supported me with knowing myself in a more intimate way where I can trust myself and walk a path beyond my fears and limitations. My purpose is walking this process is to become a steward of the earth and create a world that is best for all, the children to come, and stand as the solution within a self integrity that I trust within myself because I have walked each step of the way in forming self trust and self change that I am proud of. For more listen to the audio so you to can support yourself to live your highest potential.

More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Monday, November 14, 2016

Change in the Small Accumulation and Desteni i Process - Day 528

How has the desteni i process supported me to change in a massive way through everyday small moment change. Here I speak about the accumulation effect that occurs when one put there self will into something through a point of bullying and insecurity that I walked into confidence and self respect. This through walking specific tools shared in the desteni process, which supported this massive change I have walked in my life for the betterment of not only myself, but everyone around me. Enjoy.

More links to support:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material - 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: