Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Caring for Another as Myself - Walking Gentleness - Day 418

Photo Created By: Matti Freeman

Within walking this process of gentleness in the previous blog you can find here, I have spoken on a few dimensions of this word I would like to correct and align to what is best for all. The first dimension I looked at was the experience of myself within treating others as I would like to be treated, and so caring for others as I would like to be cared for. I am going to walk self forgiveness in this blog on this first dimension to align myself into the physical correction of caring for others as how I would like to be cared for in who I am here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not treat and care for all the walks of life I meet equal to how I myself would like to be cared for and treated.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create preconceived ideas and opinions of others before I even meet them and so create a separation within the interactions and words i speak towards them based on following and participating with these thoughts as ideas and opinions, and eventually live these opinions and ideas out into my world where I do not consider the other equal to myself because of a biased I have created to always benefit my own self interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to form a belief within myself about others intended within myself in my hidden or secret layers of my mind to create a point of superiority over them as I exist within the desire to be seen more than others or be seen by others in a specific self benefiting way so I can feel good/positive within energetic responses within these moments of superiority I live out.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to follow my desire filled self interested thinking within the starting point of being liked or being accepted, and so compromise myself standing as an equal with all others no matter what is within my mind as desires and ideas as I realize these do not serve life as the outflow consequences of these actions of putting myself before others, and so I see and understand this creates a point of abuse to others and so eventually with myself as I live within the cycle of the mind as polarities of positive and negative experiences.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself and see myself as not equal to others based on my ideas and beliefs I have participated in and created of myself that I am not good enough or not as good as others within skills or actions, and so create a point of inferiority within myself not honoring the principle of treating myself as I would like to be treated in a way that is best for me and life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to project my own anger and disappointment within myself when I don’t live this principle of caring for life equally as I want for myself and I see that I haven’t been living in a way that is of self care or self respect and so I am not in a stand to live and walk this with others although I pretend as if I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compromise my self integrity of living within principles of what is best for life by continuing to exist within self abuse and so abusing others in my reality through my thoughts, and so words, and then living these words out that are in separation to what is best for all and so myself as well.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to continue to participate within my mind as judgments and emotions and feelings about myself and the external world not realizing, seeing, and understanding that this is my creation and I am showing to myself that I am not living the principle of treat others with care as how i would want for myself, and so my world is not then aligning to this care and equality as I am not living this within myself. I am the creator and so the creation of what it is my life is showing me, self abuse and so self compromise at this moment of my self creation process.

When and as I see I am going into a point of separating myself by judgment or belief, opinion, or idea, I stop and breath, and realize that these mind participations within physical reality is taking me out of physical reality and directing me into areas that I don’t have directive principle within because the mind is vast and has directive principle through energy and structural alignments within interdimensional dimensions of this physical existence.

When and as I see i am going into points where I am not treating others as how I would like to be treated or treating myself in a way that is not what is best, I stop and breath, and realize that I am in self abuse and this is only compromising and sabotaging my ability to create myself in what is best for all and so create this as my expression and my life.

I commit myself to let go of the mind dimensions of polarity when I see I am bringing these energetic points up within me.

I commit myself to use breath and walk the points of physical reality where I am able to ground myself and find a stable movement where I can move through the energetic pull to follow my mind patterns of thoughts, emotions/feelings, or imagination beliefs and use my physical body as a grounding point.

I commit myself to find practical physical based solutions that will support others as well as myself to do what is best for all.

I commit myself to let go of the reactions to others as I move through and let them go of getting my needs met, and so I commit myself to move to consider others before myself and find the common ground within a solution that will benefit all involved.

Suggest reading:
Day 116: Re-Defining Words to Living Words
Day 5: In the Beginning was God

Also, listening to these Supportive vlogs:

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