Tuesday, March 31, 2015

"What Comes Next?": The Next System - LIG – Day 454

I read an article tonight that was found on one of my feeds on facebook I am subscribed to and it was in relation to people discussing what will be next as a new system that will step forth once this broken system falls. And yes of course this system currently existing is going to fall because it’s made from abuse and devaluing the very principles that creates our life, life itself, which is equally valued within all things that exist thus we are actually destroying ourselves. This principle is an absolute point and I found it was a necessary point to realize and start to understand for myself because this will require a process of re-birth not only to be ready to walk a new system but also to walk a new self.

We as human beings see the destruction we have created on this planet, and we all, each and everyone of us has participated within the destruction of this world, we can see it in our actions in everyday life and most importantly in the way in which we think about life as our day to day existence. There is nothing fantastic or beautiful within what goes on in our thinking day to day, I can only speak for myself of course, though even walking this process for years, I can see how much my mind is influencing and creating myself as destructive and abusive. Now within this, I realize also that this part of who I am as the mind is in need of a complete and utter re-structuring of who I am as a being of life. Re-defining, word by word, step by step, with all the ups and downs this will take, what this is for myself and who I am within it.

Time for practical purposes is a cool form of measure to have a gauge for ourselves in what is needed to be done and at what intensity/focus/speed.  I mean for instance, like the article I recently read where 6000 acres of old growth forest was going to be sold and decimated for profit of a few, this would be an area were immediate action is needing to be taken, now there is groups and activists that’ll protest and push back which is a band-aid solution and obviously not enough. This because the very fact that we want to destroy the very physical living existence that is allowing us to breath is really the insane part as it makes completely no sense. We kill the trees, we kill our breath of life. We kill ourselves in both instances equal and one, so see this makes no sense. And so what is needed along with these priority points that are occurring in physical reality, there is many critical ones at the moment, but along with this physical point of solutions we need to walk as a new system, we also have to create a new system to operate within ourselves. A new self system that is re-programmed to be that all actions be what is best for all and this is walked through tools that many at this time are walking and have been walking for years.
There is a free course designed to support with anyone ready to embark in taking this venture into re-programming self’s operating system to be best for all, and it’s all done in a very wholesome and self determined way. Each one has to decide for themselves and walk this, though there is a network of support within this group walking this as well that will be able and willing to support as we have been supported as well.

We as the desteni group have already started to look at solution oriented ways to support the change necessary for a new system as well as a new way of life. This is being walked in the Living Income Guarantee proposals set forth by the Equal Life foundation, it’s a setting off point with specific policies in place to help understand and become aware of what a new system that will be based on what is best for all look like. We propose a living income for all those in need of it to allow all access to decency in life and a stable environment to live with family and community through funding allocated to support this. We propose ways and means for job creation that will support with building the infrastructure and details that’ll be needed to create a symmetric and well functioning society that allows ease of movement as well as freedom to express oneself. There will be so much to create, design, and re-form, though there is already plenty of ideas and concepts and creations out there that will support and facilitate the growth of a new system that is more designed for the betterment of all. This is lived within principles that are visibly seen day in and day out through and by we as humans living them equal and one to life here. We are the solutions we wish to see in this world, we must be educated, grounded, practically oriented, and solution
oriented in what is best for all through self honest self direction if we want to see a new system in fact emerge. And as the saying goes the old must go for the new to emerge.

This will be a process though it takes but a step to move things forward, let’s stay consistent, self disciplined, and self lived to live, breath, and remain what is best for all life always.

Links from the Article:
It's Time to Talk About the Next System – By  Cecilia Gingerrich | Op-Ed
6,000 Acres of Old Growth Forests Slated for Logging, theLargest Sale in Decades - Published: March 31, 2015 | Authors: EarthJustice News Report

New system, truthout, deforestation, human nature, op-ed, solutions, new world, best for all, principled living, living income guarantee, policy, proposals, forward thinking, inventions, ideas, programming, design, environment, community, life, Old-growth forest

Monday, March 30, 2015

Have you Ever Felt Awkward? - Day 453

Looking at this word, I have been noticing this coming up more and more with interactions I am experiencing during my day, it’s more in relation to new people or people I am acquainted with and so it’s in relation to people and how I experience myself around people I don’t really know. I have realized that based on the definition of the word awkward which states “lacking skill or dexterity, lacking grace or ease of movement, lacking social graces or manners”, I can relate to each of these definitions within the fear of being seen in this way and also within the opposite polarity where I desired to have all these things, so from a systematic perspective, I am creating this cycle to feed into one another and keep each alive. These are just purely mind based where I will judge different words or gestures or thoughts I have as truth of who I am and so remember this and judging myself again in similar moments. So it’s really a cycle of abuse because when I slow down and actually become aware of what I am doing/saying, I am more alert and more effective within who I am.

So this is showing me that awkward experience within myself accompanied by an experience of feeling frozen or constricted in my expression, I am showing to myself when I am in a point of desiring to be something in my reality like effective or considerate, but I am not actually living it because if I was expressing myself, I would be alert and moving naturally and so the experience of awkward would not be something I would be experiencing.

So I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see this awkward experience inside myself as a judgment against me like I am not good enough in that environment or that I am lacking in some way.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create a belief about myself when I go into a room and that everyone within the room will see I am awkward and so judge me as this.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being judged as awkward from others and so within this create the experience of awkward within me cause in some way I have judged myself as less then and so create this as the who I am in this moment as that is what I am thinking about, how I am being judged by others as awkward when i am actually doing it to myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I experience this emotional experience within me accompanied with the experience of awkwardness as a draining feeling of energy and feeling like I am deflated that this is in fact the acceptance of myself as this belief and as less then and so I am showing to myself in this moment by living it out with this emotional energetic experience.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to compromise myself within a point of seeing this life of mine as a harsh world and that no one will ever care to stop and understand and get to know me so I will just be awkward and not have to face/deal with others whom I don’t care to get to know either.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in fact not care about others enough to walk with them and support them unconditionally and so I use the word awkward and the experience of myself within that as ‘drab’ ‘low’ and ‘not able to express’ as a way to categorize certain people I don’t want to get to know and use this experience to not have to face others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge others as less then me or more then me and so not want to face them as well as myself when i accept and allow the awkward experience to take over. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use the experience of awkward where I don’t have to move myself beyond my limitations and express myself outside my comfort zone and beyond the experience I am having of feeling low and less then, but can stay in it where i am comfortable as i have done this plenty of times before.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to become awkward in the sense of diminishing myself within the environment and so i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not yet stand within courage as a steadfast within who i am as i practice living this more and more through this desire to be awkward and so hide.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to hide in fear rather then face the fear as face myself with others and walk the process of expansion and growth of self as i face and learn who i am. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to use awkward as a means to not have to face myself with other people I found strange, odd, weird, and not wanting to see where I stand with them because I fear being all these words.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear being seen as odd, weird, strange, and not facing myself within these experiences to see who I am and where I stand within myself so I can learn and grow to be a better version of myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself in a way separate to what is here and voice myself in ways that is not supportive in what is best for all and so myself.

I commit myself to move myself beyond my fears of facing myself nad who I am to stand within these moments and find out where I stand so I can learn and expand to be better/best.

I commit myself to see the experience of ‘low’ ‘drabb’ and ‘not expressive’ as a flagg point where I am moving to self compromise and so I commit myself to find the point I am avoiding and not wanting to face.

I commit myself to face myself in fear and what I am not comfortable in and move to solutions with myself and others in the environment so we can know each other and live as equals.

I commit myself to create myself as an equal within living environments to stand as myself in what is best for all.

So a redefinition of awkward process walking is where I desire a push within myself to move beyond the energy experiences and the thoughts of self judgment and find a common ground with my environment and the people in it, and come to a equality within me toward them.

Awkward as a direct definition is where I am requiring adjustment and specificity within my application to facilitate growth and expansion, there is something I am not facing and trying to avoid so I find solutions.

Check Out these Awesome and Life Supporting sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Destonians
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Reoccurring Nightmare: Being Chased – Self Correction - Day 452

Link to First part of blog series: 
Reoccurring Nightmare: Being Chased – Day 445

This also has developed into many forms of reactions within myself towards others in my day to day living, so the feeling of being chased is the experience I am doing to myself of not facing myself in my own reality. Allowing these fears and beliefs about who I am chase me around day in and day out, allowing projections to direct me, allowing energy to overtake me, and not standing within these moments and saying no to here no further, and walking the process to face myself and stop. So I have just been allowing myself to torture myself into this cat and mouse game of waiting for the next judgment, waiting for the next energy burst of emotion, and waiting for the next bout of depression because I believe I am being harmed by others and people are out to get me. When all the while I have been harming myself and chasing myself into a circle of self compromise through judging myself. Time to stop this once and for all, and forgive myself and release myself from this nightmare scenario. 

Looking at the above from my previous blog about being chased in a reoccurring nightmare I have been having over the course of my adult life, and within writing the point out, I found that this was inevitably due to the fact that I am not becoming disciplined within my living application to the potential that I know I am able to be. I have allowed this point of fear of others judging me direct me and distract me from the fact that within my own life, I am sitting and walking the same patterns I am accusing others to do. I am not standing in full self honesty within who I am being within my reality and standing within the potential that I know I am capable of living, which is stopping the reactions to what others are living/acting within my reality and taking what I perceive through my mind as a personal attack or harm done onto me to a point where I am not moved by walking the pattern out in self discipline and self change to direct myself in these moments in what is best.

So in essence I did come to the point above that I can not blame or create a fear of others within a point of becoming a victim to my reality because within myself I am seeing how I am creating it, in my mind, in my thoughts, in my backchat, and in the moments where I allow energy possessions and not stand within myself in a way I am satisfied with that is stable and I am able to direct myself and the situation/environment into solutions in common sense.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not want to take responsibility for myself in all ways in all forms I participate within and as, as I realize that living in a form of blaming others for how I am experiencing myself is not real nor fact as I am doing equal to what others are walking that I am accusing them for.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for the experience within myself because within this I then don’t have to face the fact and myself within my own body and realize that this I am equally responsible if not more so to stop what is being created as energy possessions and stand within myself in ways that is self honest and best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create backchat specifically targeting others and their flaws and replay them in my mind so I can use this as a point of distraction for myself in the time that I see where I am able to take responsibility, but not willing to in that moment to stand and walk it into a living application of myself because of not wanting to be disciplined and push myself beyond my accepted limitations.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to accept and allow the limitations of momentary indulgences in points in my reality that is imbalanced and creates a consequence that is not best for all, but in ways is showing who I am within my integrity to not stand as life but stay as a mind system and abuse what is here.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse life here and not stand within who I realize and see as my potential to be, but continue to exist in limitations and continue to fall in moments that I see I am able to stand within.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse myself in and through my own mind, my own thoughts, and diminish myself into someone who is not able to stand as life in the potential that I have been gifted in this lifetime as the potential that I see I am able to live with what I have been given.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe this desire within me to get what I want and be given energy as highs and feeling good and positive within myself is what is real and what I want for myself when I see, realize, and understand it is the mind moving within a survival mode as myself in my physical body desiring to move to a point of dominance and indulgences that is not best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to chose the mind as energy addictions in feelings and emotions instead of disciplining myself to move through the points as I see I am able to and become a support here for life in all ways.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed my self interest to supersede what is best for all and this I realize is the path to hell not heaven on earth.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed abuse to life as I have accepted abuse to my self in thought, word, and deed and not moved myself as life here walking what is best for all in all ways.

When and as I see I am able to move myself in a point of self honest movement and I indulge in my self interest/mind, I stop and breath, as I realize, see, and understand that this action is creating hell on this earth as abuse to life and I realize, see, and understand that this doesn’t make sense because life can live in the best possible potential we can create as I create this best possible potential within myself as life aligned to what is best for all.

I commit myself to let go of my desires and fears in the moment I see they are here through committing to take a breath, do self forgiveness in real time, and change myself in these moments to not move into the mind but stand as my own self direction as life.

I commit myself to push this application of real time stopping/correction in my process walking moving forward more and more in real time living.

I commit myself to balance who I am in all I do and stand within the self trust this will develop into as a being that is here and able to direct myself in all areas as I have created myself in all areas equally as balance.

I commit myself to stand within self trust through standing in self discipline and moving myself to correction in the moment that I am aware it is here to be walked.

I commit myself to release myself from energy addictions in all it’s forms through breathing and walking the self  correction process in real time and writing process.

Check Out these Awesome and Life Supporting sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Destonians
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Self Correction and Redefining Patience in the Context of Self Interest – Day 451

Blog Related to this Series:
Living the Word Patience - Part 1
Redefining Patience – Impatience: Thought Dimension - Day 450

Here walking the correction process to my last blog of writing on becoming impatience with another in my world and causing consequential outflows of abuse toward my environment instead of standing as a support to get to solutions that are best for all. Thanks for reading. 

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to follow the thought that ‘she is so spoiled’ and so move within this starting point as the energy that came up as anger in relation to this thought and grab the money from her causing her to react even more.

When and as I see I am moving within an energy reaction and about to physically create consequence with another that is not beneficial, I stop and breath, and realize that the consequences that I will create in reaction is not something I want to continue creating as I realize that this causes suffering onto others and so will cause suffering onto myself.

I commit myself to when I see I am going into an emotional reaction toward another I commit myself let it go and find the point where I can take responsibility and find a solution that will suit everyone.

I commit myself to prevent any abuse I may cause by standing within this commitment and application of stopping my reactions before they move into physical consequences through breathing and doing self forgiveness.

I commit myself to not move myself if I am reacting in any way that is physical as I see, realize, and understand this is deliberate and unacceptable as it cause harm in all it’s outflows.

I commit myself to breath in these moments and move myself physically to a solution oriented action.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into the experience of impatience when I justified the thought of ‘she is so spoiled’ and then allowed the anger to overtake me so I could release it again onto my niece based on a blame that she was the cause of it because she ‘is spoiled’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to move into a point of impatience when I see a thought come up where I can use it to blame another for the experience I am having to not then have to face myself in this moment and stop myself from going into this energy release of justification and blame as the impatient experience came over me and I used it to release my built up frustration that I hadn’t directed onto my niece.

I commit myself to let go of the desire to be right or be heard, and so I commit myself to use patience in the manner of preventing outcomes and outflows that are not supportive for life here.

I commit myself to stand within these moments of energy movements within applying patience where I stand in another shoes and see where I can support to move the point to a solution.
I commit myself to move into a point of stability with my environment by applying patience within what I am doing and so slowing myself down to see more direct what is happening and so can give more of myself to stand as a solution that I see in common sense.

I commit myself to walk the process of standing within a point of self leadership where I practice patience and stand as this point regardless of what my external world is showing me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame my niece for my own abdication of stopping my own mind as thoughts and energies and create consequence and abuse to her and her world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame another for what I was doing myself in that moment of not hearing her out and coming to an agreement as a stable point.

I commit myself to stop blaming others in my world and find where it is that I had reacted through identifying the trigger points and so I commit to walk the process of correction within these moments to take self responsibility and move myself to change in these moments so I am stable and able to direct within an outcome that is best for all.

I commit myself to stop the point of blame onto others and find the fears and desires I am participating within in not actually facing myself and finding where I need to change and correct myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to follow my mind as thoughts instead of who and how I am being in physical reality toward others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to abuse others in this world instead of stopping the abuse within myself by taking responsibility for my actions and so stopping the consequential outflow I created through following thoughts and acting in reaction based on listening to this thought.

I commit myself to find solutions with others within what can be done practically based on principles of what is best for all.

I commit myself to cross-reference and question my stand within physical reality so I can ensure I am walking what is best for all in self honesty through self introspection rather then directly moving with what is ‘normal’ as the mind pulses as energy and thinking.

I commit myself to walk the process of correction through patiences with myself in allowing myself to walk a process of correction and where and how I am able to move to a more stable point within myself of applying the tools of writing  and correction in my living.

Redefining patience in this context is to find where and how it is that I am reacting and creating an outflow of self interest rather then breathing, becoming my own self directive point of understanding and movement to correction through applying the point of slowing down, becoming aware of my breathing, and self investigating who I am being to then take responsibility for myself and move into solution oriented outflows that will support all as well as myself to be here and be part of life.

Check Out these Awesome and Life Supporting sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Destonians
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site