Sunday, December 30, 2012

Day 196- “Taking it Personal” Personality – Reaction Dimension – “Rudeness Demon”

For Further Perspective, you can check out relevant blogs:
Day 190 – Opening up an Event of Attack within The “Taking Things Personally” Personality
Day 191 – 'Taking things Personal' Personality – Thought Dimension - “She is Wrong”
Day 192 – ‘Taking Things Personal’ Personality– Fear Dimension – No Conflict!
Day 193 – “Taking Things Personal’ Personality – Fear Dimension Self Forgiveness in facing conflict
Day 194 - "Taking Things Personally" - Backchat Dimensions - It's Her Fault!
Day 195 –"Taking Things Personally" - Backchat Dimensions - Self Responsbility

Here looking at the point of the reaction dimension within this point of the conflict situation with my co-worker in which I have been writing about all the different dimensions that opened up within this event in the latest series of blogs. I have found that when I accepted and allowed, the thought dimension and thus thebackchat dimension, and the fear dimensions, I automatically energized the physical reaction stage of my actions within this event that caused rudeness and compromised my relationship with her due to my behavior towards her. The thought dimension was the initial justifications of my reactions of rudeness towards her based on believing the thoughts that I had created in my head, but within this they were not based on reality and thus were not based on fact. So my justifications were invalid and thus only followed through on based on my self interest to be right.

This assumption of what is so and thus me following these assumptions for my own self interest of being right is causing me to be abusive and unstable within myself, and where does that lead me, it compromises my self stability based on the fact that I will create and thus accumulate more conflict based on just trying to win. And when in competition the other will have to lose, which cause instant friction and conflict, and thus cause instability within my world and thus myself

My reaction of rudeness was the outflow result of these different dimensions of fear, backchat to fuel this rudeness and haste within being with her, were I lashed on in anger and deliberately made her feel bad. I find I would have approached the situation different if I had not followed these thoughts, and thus just been here in breath. So will walk the self forgiveness and self commitments to correct this point, and thus stop myself from going into these reactions of abuse through prevention within my own self will.

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Friday, December 28, 2012

Day 195 –"Taking Things Personally" - Backchat Dimensions - Self Responsbility

For Further Perspective, you can check out relevant blogs:
Day 190 – Opening up an Event of Attack within The “Taking Things Personally” Personality
Day 191 – 'Taking things Personal' Personality – Thought Dimension - “She is Wrong”
Day 192 – ‘Taking Things Personal’ Personality– Fear Dimension – No Conflict!
Day 193 – “Taking Things Personal’ Personality – Fear Dimension Self Forgiveness in facing conflict
Day 194 - "Taking Things Personally" - Backchat Dimensions - It's Her Fault!

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to allow within secret a thought about the girl who was confronting me about being late that ‘she is such a bitch’ using this judgment of her as negative to justify and validate my reactions of anger towards her through becoming aggressive within my thinking and my movements, and seeing her within competition, that I had to now prove her wrong, she is attacking me and causing me to feel bad about myself, so she must be stopped. I realize that this initial back chat thought of ‘she is a bitch’ helped fuel and activate the chain reaction of anger and aggression towards her in my behavior based on accepting myself to become the victim, and thus separating myself from the solution as her, understanding were she is coming from, understanding the reality of what is going on within the facts that are true, and thus coming to a solution within and as myself in taking responsibility for myself and my actions to do what is best for all and treat the other as myself because she is me.

I commit myself to when and as these initial backchat thoughts come of a judgment towards another as a point of competition in seeing it as a personal attack, I stop myself form going into those thoughts in secret by seeing them, not following them through using my breath and breathing through the energy of anger that was activated through the thought. I commit to walk my equality with others by pushing myself and commit to understanding the facts before I speak and make a decision, I stop rushing to judgment within assumption, by stopping these thoughts. I commit myself to stop the thoughts when they come by being physical and breathing through it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the thought that ‘I am only a few minutes late, it’s not my fault’, implying and thus living this point out of that is the fault of the other who is confronting me, by rushing to judgment and trying to prove her wrong within being late, actually going into a lie to make myself be right even if that means to be dishonest, if it would save my own self from having to face my fear of being in conflict, I would then lie then to get out of it.

So I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed to lie about not knowing what time it was within myself even when I realize and knew that I was late, I still went and walked the steps to try and prove that she was wrong by checking the clock, and thus had to be proven within reality, the physical, to show me the truth. I realize and see that it doesn’t have to get to the point of the physical having to show me my consequence, but I can be the directive principle of myself and in the moment of being confronted, stop the fear, and thus take responsibility for my actions, and create a solution that will work best for both.

I commit myself to when and as I find myself desiring to lie for the sake of my own self interest, I stop and breath and do not accept myself to go into the point of self compromise and thus live it out in the physical where the physical had to show me what is true. I commit myself to walk the physical as an equal participant in the physical in what is best for all as I realize that is best for me, and so walk and face my consequences in my own self direction, and come to solutions within the conflict situations that occur to thus resolve them and stop the continuation of my abuse within allowing the backchats to direct me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to from the backchat thoughts allow and accept myself to go into anger and thus go into an attack mode towards the co worker in blaming her for the way I was feeling, and really hiding the fact that I was blaming her for making me face myself and my fear of being confronted and in conflict. I realize and understand that this fear is unnecessary as I realize that it is not a personal attack against me and really it’s just a point or an opportunity for a correction to be made. So I realize that it is to be grateful for this other to give myself the opportunity to face myself and realize that I am in dishonesty, and thus I require correction.

I commit myself to not allow the back chat thoughts to have power over me, and thus stop the point of activation of anger by breathing through all desires to go into them until they have stopped directing me. I commit myself to let go of the fear of conflict and facing people, and thus let go of the fear of being humiliated in a conflict. I stop making it about me and my own insecurities and push myself to accept myself here within how I am and walk a correction process of self understanding and self realization in self honesty, no judgment. I commit to stop judgment of others and myself and walk self acceptance by appreciating others, being grateful for who they are and what they show me of myself, and commit to treat others as my equal focusing on putting myself in the others shoe as it is me. I commit to always bring the point back to myself and stop allowing abuse, and become humble within myself in the appreciation that I am here.

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Thursday, December 27, 2012

Day 194 - "Taking Things Personally" - Backchat Dimensions - It's Her Fault!

For Further Perspective, you can check out relevant blogs:
Day 190 – Opening up an Event of Attack within The “Taking Things Personally” Personality
Day 191 – 'Taking things Personal' Personality – Thought Dimension - “She is Wrong”
Day 192 – ‘Taking Things Personal’ Personality– Fear Dimension – No Conflict!
Day 193 – “Taking Things Personal’ Personality – Fear Dimension Self Forgiveness in facing conflict

Looking at the next dimension of this 'talking things personal' personality and it is the Backchat dimensions, this within the previous post point of an event that opened up last week during work. I was confronted by a co worker about being late and thus making her late, and immediately I took it personally due to believing that I was being attacked, looking at it from within self interest rather then equality and oneness. Within taking this point personally, this is also indicating that I was in fear, which I previouslyspoke of, where I go into an attack mode, which I found it first starts in my thoughts. The back chat thoughts is the secret thoughts in the mind that come and are quite deceptive and nasty in nature usually being directed at another, and thus these thoughts are used to generate energy for the mind, which we eventually will act out in our worlds as abuse.

So within this initial point of being confronted about being late, my backchat was 'she is such a bitch, I am only a few minutes late, it's not my fault' and within this backchat, it is more a blame and self justification for my own self interest of not wanting to get yelled at by her and giving myself the most advantageous position as I will within these thoughts, will live out this blame and judgment of this lady through my physical behavior and actions eventually as being rude and unpleasant and thus not actually have to face myself and see that I am the one who is actually in the 'wrong'.

So it's for me to look at this point of accepting this backchat, which was based on my own self interest to make myself not have to face who I really am because I have this belief I am holding onto that 'I am better then others, thus I am right always'. These backchat thoughts were used by myself to generate the picture and energy to justify my position of self interest and make it 'seem' legitimate but in fact it was self dishonest. These thoughts being created to support my self interest and my dishonesty such as, 'she is not nice', 'she is so not easy going' 'she doesn't know how to tell time' 'it's her fault for not reading the clock right'. These being additional back chats that I continued to participate in while the initial backchat above was accepted within me and followed through my own participation. Allowing this continual thinking, it started to activate my emotional body which is how the mind was designed, and I started getting angry and thus I became the monster I had want to create as the other in my world, mirroring myself in the thoughts I am thinking about towards other, becoming unpleasant, very strict and stubburn in my thoughts of what was so, nasty in my assumptions, and mean in my physical behavior.

We really are what we think and so quickly we can become these demonic monsters by allowing these thoughts to accumulate by following them and then charging them up through becoming emotional about what we are thinking about and thus act this emotional state of illusion out in our environments Self honesty is key because this has become now, an automated systematic response produced by the mind through our participation as accepting, allowing, and continual participation in these back chat secret thoughts in our head. So here walking the disengagement of this systematic responses within and through my mind through self forgiveness, self investigation, self correction through and as my self honesty and thus stop all participation within each component of the mind, the thoughts, the reactions and the physical behaviors to really become equal as the physical and so be able to conduct always within the consideration of all that is here equal and one to myself.

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Artwork By Fellow Destonian:
Marlen Vargas Del Razo

Check Marlen out here:

Monday, December 24, 2012

Day 193 – “Taking Things Personal’ Personality – Fear Dimension Self Forgiveness in facing conflict

For Further Perspective, you can check out relevant blogs:
Day 190 – Opening up an Event of Attack within The “Taking Things Personally” Personality
Day 191 – 'Taking things Personal' Personality – Thought Dimension - “She is Wrong”
Day 192 – ‘Taking Things Personal’ Personality– Fear Dimension – No Conflict!

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to suppress myself within myself due to fear of saying or doing the wrong thing and thus believing if I say or do the wrong thing, I will be vulnerable and thus be open for abuse. I realize and see within this suppression and thus fear of being vulnerable within going into a conflict situation, I am already making it a personal attack on myself and perceiving myself as inferior to the one I am in this conflict situation with, and thus will live this out within suppressing myself and go into conflict within myself and blame the other. So making it about winning and losing and not being direct and resolving what it is the conflict been triggered by.

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of fear within a conflict situation, I stop and breath, and let go of this fear, let go of the desire to suppress myself, focus on what is being said to me and thus I commit myself to stop all points of personal feelings and emotions, and become direct within what has to be done to resolve the problem. Thus I commit myself to when and as a conflict arises to take responsibility for my actions, breath through all points of emotion and feeling, and come to a solution that is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I am confronted by another in a conflict situation and fear being exposed within the belief that I will not be able to face the other within a good come back, this is moving my into self compromise and competition, and thus I will become anxious within myself due to believing I have to impress this being as I am now seeing it within a polarity of good/bad. I realize and see that when I go into this fear of being exposed as not intelligent, I will then go into a suppression and into blame due to the starting point of competition and I will try within myself to create myself back into the power position, and so go and diminish the other in my mind dimensions. This I realize is suppressing myself and my directive power in the physical to stop my self compromise and thus stop this abuse of others within separation within my mind dimensions and thus live it into the physical as rudeness.

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of fear in being exposed as not intelligent I stop the fear within not giving any attention to it when it come up, focus on myself and the other as equals in the physical and stop the point of taking it as a personal attack by going into competition. I commit to walk the practical solutions of points that is best for all, and walk out of the point of judgment of myself by stopping thesethoughts that come up of unworthiness immediately through breath awareness.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I am confronted by another, immediately take it personal and believe that I am in the wrong as I am always going to be inferior to these beings, and thus compromise myself direction by allowing myself to suppress my expression due to this belief that I must be wrong because I am not as worthy as these beings who are confronting me. I realize here though that it’s not about the point of worthy or unworthy as it’s not about me, but what it is that needs correction within the way I am living to be best for all.

I commit myself to stop taking things personally and peoples approaches towards me in a belief that I am and must be unworthy, so I commit to focus on the solutions, what I can do to create a more equal physical environment within where I am, who I am with, so we can have a balance and peace within society by working together and correcting what is not working. I commit to stop my emotions and feelings and live in the physical and do what is best for all in common sense physical practical living.

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

Day 192 – ‘Taking Things Personal’ Personality– Fear Dimension – No Conflict!

Here continuing to look at the taking things personal personality within the dimension of fear, and how this personality was energized and sustained through this fear of being in conflict that I had when I was confronted about being late. I found when I was confronted, I went into a fear of having to confront her because I was in the ‘wrong’ and knew I had no defense, so I went into the thoughts of justifications as I wrote in last blog to take the easy way out and make it about her within myself. This was in my own self interest based on negating the direct conflict and also being the winner in myself because I used the thoughts as ‘she’s is wrong’ and ‘can she just chill’ through seeing me as the victim and so, I created that within myself and thus was rude and brushed her off. Not actually facing her and speaking to her directly in her eyes, and admitting to my inconsideration’s and saying I was sorry, but avoiding her and blaming her for the way I was feeling within myself which was uncomfortable.

So the fear of not having to face her and get into a conflict drove me into having this belief that I have to defend myself and based on the belief that I have to defend myself because of this idea that conflict will make me vulnerable to attack, I suppressed myself in not saying anything much to her and calling her out in my head in blame for making this fear activate of conflict and thus blaming her for making me feel vulnerable, and this was lived physical in my behavior when I didn’t turn to say good bye to her when she said bye to us. Spitefulness and blame go hand and hand within not taking responsibility and being completely possessed within my own thoughts and emotions of blame towards her for this fear emotion I was feeling of being exposed and thus open to vulnerability within her confronting me about being late, and so made the whole activity within myself about her, distracting myself from facing myself and taking responsibility for who I was being within that moment of activation of the 'taking it personal' personality.

All of this being activated and walked through within a split second and thus once this was activated, the taking it personal personality, this whole chain event occurred of not taking responsibility for my actions, but using thoughts and fears to protect myself and shut her out of my life, so I could not be hurt by her. Conflict being a huge point within my life and my suppression as well as reactions of abuse and anger towards others has been creating great instability within myself and instability within my world and relationships. I realize that I have created this within and throughout my own mind and thus my own actions, and so I must take responsibility for this and correct it. This so I can stop the abuse of others and become stable within myself to take the correct course of action in supporting others and myself, and doing what is best for all.

More to come in next blog.

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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Day 191 – 'Taking things Personal' Personality – Thought Dimension - “She is Wrong”

So looking at this thought that came up within my last post of when I was confronted by another within being late for work, and found myself immediately taking it personally with the thought that activated and thus generated the personality of ‘taking things personal’ were I went into a defense mode with anger and attacked her within my physical demeanor, so I am grateful that this occurred and her calling me out as I can now see what I am doing within this personality activation, and so I can then correct it and align it with equality and oneness of all life.

So the thought was that “she is wrong” and within myself I went immediately into anger, and wanted to prove her wrong based on taking her calling me out personally and seeing as if it is an attack on who I am. I physically acted this ‘taking it personally’ personality out in that moment within trying to figure out what the actual time was, so I could prove that she was wrong and use the time as evidence that I am right, I went and looked for the right time, and found I was late. I did not stop the energy accumulation though, because then I went then into a point of attack based on seeing myself being attacked, so in my mind I called her ‘a bitch’ ‘why can’t she just chill out’, making me the victim and her the cause of my reactions. I realize obviously that this whole taking it personally personality is a dishonest action within me based on me not wanting to accept the fact that I created abuse towards her by not taking the time into consideration and being on time, and then going into abuse towards her because I didn’t want to take responsibility for this consequence based on believing that I am better then her.

Within this I see I am basing my actions purely on assumption alone, and thus then using the physical to prove my own personality play outs that come within taking this point personally, that I am right and she is treating me unfailrly, so ‘taking it personally’ personality active and I played out two other personalities as the self victimization personality and the self righteousness personality. So interesting activations happening here, using the thoughts as ‘she is wrong’ and ‘she is a bitch and why can’t she just settle down’, taking the responsibility and consequence I have created off myself and placing it on the other, where I don’t have to do any correction and essentially take the easy way out….many points here as misaligned and unacceptable, so will walk this post in the next blogs to come to correct this and align back to life as the physical as myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to when I was called out within being late and thus took it personally accepted and allowed the thoughts that ‘she is wrong’ direct me into a point of superiority and seeing myself as better and more worthy then the person calling me out because of my belief that I am deserving of breaking the rules because I allow others to do this, realizing that this is only a point of self interest and negating the fact that I am not considering the other person at all based on my own self interest of having this go my way and be easy, and this being inconsiderate to the others effected by my actions and not how I would want to be treated. I see, understand, and realize that the ‘taking it personally’ personality is actually only my own self justification and self interest to not have to consider her and come in on time because I want to go at my own speed and do what I want.

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of thoughts of how another is at fault with the thought ‘she is wrong’, immediately I stop and breath, and remove myself from the situation physically by excusing myself and going to another room, this until I am stable and not moved by thoughts and stable incommunication with others with no reactions as I realize they are not me and thus make it a point to be on time to all my responsibilities.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see the thoughts as ‘she is wrong’ as a point of justification for myself to be rude and nasty towards her because I allowed this thought to direct me intothinking that I was right, but lying to myself as I realized and knew that I was at fault because I knew that I was late, and thus being dishonest because I wanted to be right and not be in the wrong. I realize and understand that when I allow and accept the justification to be fueled by accepting this thought as real that ‘she is wrong’ without considering all the facts here in the physical and only basing myself on the mind as assumptions, I will be unstable and will not be able to trust myself because I am not being honesty within myself and thus lead to abuse of others as well as compromising my own self integrity.

I commit myself to when and as I allow the justification to activate as the thought of ‘she is wrong’ based only on assumption and fueled by the ‘taking it personally’ personality, I stop and do not go any further into these thoughts and personality activations, breathing myself into a stable point within myself by focusing on my breathing and removing myself from the situation until I am stable and can direct the point in clarity. I also commit to let go of these thoughts when they arise as I realize they are not based in truth, and thus find what is self honest within the moment as the physical time of being late, and face the consequences to thus be able to forgive myself and making the correction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into the thought of ‘she is a bitch’ and go into seeing myself as right when I was rude towards the worker, and thus cause conflict in the relationship because my ego was bruised. I realize and see that when I go into a point of believing myself to be right and accept the thought of name calling based on the fueling of my emotional reaction within me through the ‘taking it personally’ personality, I will be possessed with this point and go into more abuse and conflict with this person because I am in defense mode seeing myself as the victim and her as the attacker, which is I realize based on my own self interest and energy activations as anger and irritation within the living into the personality of seeing it as a personal attack on who I am.

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of name calling in my mind towards another person because I took something personally that was said to me and allowing the anger and irritation to activate and direct me into abuse towards the other, I breath and stop the thoughts immediately by breathing and focusing my attention on something physical and moving my physical body such as my hands and fingers, to get out of the energy rush that was activated with this personality. I commit to thus walk the self forgiveness on the point and walk the correction to treat the other as myself, and walk as an equal in physical considerations stopping my mind as personalities from directing me.

More to come in the next posts, thanks.

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Monday, December 17, 2012

Day 190 – Opening up an Event of Attack within The “Taking Things Personally” Personality

Here looking at the point of taking things personally and how I react and interact when this personality comes up. A situation happened tonight were I was late for work and the girl called me out on it when I got in to relieve her. She did this because I have been late the last three times and she needs to be somewhere. So here I was completely at fault and knew I was, and an interesting thing I saw myself go into was a complete flip on the situation right when I was called out on, completely blaming her and acting this out on her for at least five minutes, not even saying good bye to her or looking in her face when she left because I had the thought ‘how dare she call me out, I am not even late, what time is it? I was late last week cause I couldn’t find my keys? (this being a responsible excuse for me to justify why she is wrong)’

Twisting the responsibility and blame onto her and going into attack mode as being rude and not treating her within equality as how I would want to be treated was my reaction towards her, I realized what I was doing while in the possession, but I gave into the energy of anger and allowed it to possess me while she was here.

I found that I was caught off guard when she told called me out, and so I was not prepared to defend myself, which caused angst within me and I went into an immediate defense mode and started the thoughts of excuses:

‘I am not late, what is the time?’ Assuming she is lying and has the wrong time, I even walked in the bedroom, saw the clock was past the time I was suppose to be there, and assumed the clock was wrong, and so had to check my phone so I could prove that I was right, which I was not. So spitefulness in wanting to be right and prove her wrong and so have the upper hand so I could get what I wanted and have the point of defense against her to show that I am right and she is wrong. So a big point here in the self righteous character and how this being called out activated the self righteous character. ***where does this come from? Why would it get activated and be a defense?

What did I suppress in this moment? I suppressed my own self irresponsibility in not being on time, suppressed being wrong, suppressed seeing myself as the creator of the problem, suppressed the embarrassment that came up within being called out and went immediately into the defense as ego to gain my ground again and prove her wrong.

Memories that came up when she was speaking to me was how I was late the last few weeks, and thus anger activated towards her because I didn’t have any room or valid excuse to win, she had me red handed as they say, and I had no defense that was in words, so I went into physical attack within mannerisms and behavior of rudeness to overpower her, like I am going to always be stronger then you and I am not one to mess with within my body language towards, as I felt threatened.

After the fact though, the emotions of uneasiness and shame came in because it was my fault and she didn’t deserve me to be rude to her, I was at fault and I knew that I just caused deliberate abuse towards her to try and protect my ego and my own self importance, and in that caused unnecessary abuse and conflict in our relationship.

Some many points to consider here, and will continue writing this point out tomorrow.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Day 189 – The Result of Irresponsible Living – Self Commitment Statements

Please check out this blog for perspective on these self commitments:

Day 188 – Result of Irresponsible Living – Self Forgiveness

I commit myself to when and as I go into a point of desiring to stop working or doing what is necessary to be done, I stop and breath, and walk immediately into the physical point that I desire not to do, so I am not enslaved into a point were I believe that I can’t or do not want to do it. I obviously make a common sense assessment to make sure it is relevant within my process, but I stop all backdoors of not walking my physical process of stopping desires for instance by physically walking through it and complete that which I didn’t desire to do realize that I have the opportunity to do so and many don’t.

I commit myself to when and as I go into points of greed within not wanting to share what I have in fear of being taken advantage of or being at a lost, I stop and breath, and make a common sense assessment in the physical with all physical considerations in self honest, and not allow points of self interest to direct me as I realize this will not allow me to effectively give if I am in want. I realize and commit myself to stop all points of want and desire and share with all what I have so we can create an equality within this living world as I see if a I am not willing to share then how can I ask others to do so.

I commit myself to when and as I see I am going into a point of greed to not give money or share what I have due to fear of not being fulfilled in my life and satisfied, I stop and breath, and thus within realizing that I am the other, I give to all what I have as I would want them to share with me. I commit to stop all thoughts and desires to be satisfied in my life, and walk the simplistic and basic points I need to live and thus establishing and give what I can to the development of an equal money system so we can establish a real system that supports all and all life can live satisfied and without fear.

I commit myself to when and as I feel the need to give to a charity to make myself feel good about helping, I stop and breath, and do not accept myself to fall into the trap of feeling good as I realize that charities are not asolution and should not be supported as they are perpetuating and keeping this current system of inequality in place, and thus I commit myself to walk and give to the establishment of an equal money system, so charities will cease to exist and all life will be supported in all areas within this world through a system that is lived and structured always on what is best for all in the realization that we are all one and equal.

I commit myself to stop all points of self interest and greed to have my own personal self interest and happiness while allowing and accepting others t live and suffer each day to lack of resources and money. I commit myself to do what it takes to walk an equal moneys system which will in fact support all life in this world and end the suffering and abuse to life forevermore by giving everyone what they need to live andeducating everyone on who to stand within self stability in self honesty and integrity as a co-equal with all on this planet.

I commit myself to stop all judgments and assessments on who deserves life and equal rights and who does not deserve equal rights as I realize I can not make that call as I don’t know in fact how that being has lived and where they come from, and what the being has been through, so I give as I would want to receive andjudge not lest I be judged, so I can and will walk in fact as equal to others in support and assistance to all walking this equality within themselves as I have learned for myself, so we can in fact walk as equals in this world. I commit myself to walk my process to equalize myself with the physical until it’s done.

I commit myself to let go of all attachments as definitions that I have placed on myself and what I do or who I am, and thus live within and as a point of humbleness realizing that all deserve the right to a decent and self fulfilling life, and thus I don’t stop until this is able to be lived for all through the only way this is possible by treating all equally and making this equality with and as all life as we are one life into a world system that will in fact support all in this way.

I commit myself to walk as my physical body by pushing myself in breath and practicing being here in breath, to realize myself as the physical so I can practically consider all the physical life that is here assisting and supporting my life while I breath and thus equally support with my life to help this world function and co exist as equals.

I commit myself to stop relying and living from intellect as self interest in seeing myself more superior to others, and thus walk as an equal with all life considering them and thus living the intellect I learn and apply it in my living that always supports life and does what is best for all.

Check out the Equal Money System Website, and educate yourself on the policies that are being walked in all areas of life to be what is best for all in allways, and vote and comment your ideas, perspectives, feedback.