Friday, January 29, 2016

Is it Possible to Stop Judging Life? – Day 496

I have recently started looking at the point of a belief I have participated in and accepted in my living for most of my life and most of my process I have been walking with Desteni. I can see that the cycle of not only judging myself in a positive or negative way, but also judging my world in the same polarity cycle of negative and positive has effected my relationships and interactions greatly. I found within this that I had the belief that I can not stop the judgment of the external world, and within looking at this I am seeing that I have to stop the judgment of myself first to stop judging my world absolute. I have to create a definitive correction process to stop the process of judgment through living words and practicing my living through self movement. The minds automatic response I have found is to judge with thoughts and backchat fueled with energy of myself which then projects onto my world. Here I am looking at first doing the self forgiveness to stop the belief that it is impossible to stop judging myself and projecting it onto reality. 

Self Forgiveness on the Compromising Pattern:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the act of stopping myself from judging myself and others is impossible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I don’t have what it takes to stop the judgment of myself and others in my world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that it’s too difficult to stop judging others and myself in the day to day life I am living.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to come to believe that stopping myself in each moment is impossible and so stopping my thoughts of judgment is impossible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that stopping my thoughts is impossible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that stopping my thoughts is not the issue but not participating in the thoughts is the act of stopping participation in the judgment and so stopping the pattern of judging myself and others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that I not only have to stop my negative beliefs about myself but also the positive.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe I am these negative or positive judgments of myself and so believe and create this within my external reality.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that stopping the participation in these thoughts will stop the energy they produce and within time the pattern will diminish and stop influencing me completely to be able to see reality directly and within fact.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a form of fear when I see that I have to stop all my participation in my thoughts and beliefs that I can’t do this.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that stopping my participation in my thoughts is impossible when in reality I can stop in each moment from participating breathing here in reality.

Self Correction to Live that I Commit to:

I commit myself to stop participating in the thoughts of judgment when they come up by breathing and moving into my physical body.

I commit myself to practice this self movement into the physical until I am here and through this I align this self movement with the oneness of life focus realizing all is here as self and we are all one thus judgment is non sensical.

I commit myself to live the word acceptance and oneness within the act of moving from thoughts to here in breath in my physical body grounding my beingness to what is real by accepting all here as me as life in the physical.

I commit myself to utilize the word ‘No’ when I see a judgment thought come up and move into the alignment to life here as and within the physical reality.

Check out more support at:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Others Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Eqafe Hangout: "You're a Star!" Reptilian Audio Discussion - Day 495

On this hangout, we will be discussing the Reptilian interview series on the word 'Star', with questions such as:

What is the importance of living words?
What are the different ways we can interpret the word star?
How has the word star been lived in this world?
What changes can be implemented within our lives to live this word in a supportive way for our self development?

We will also give personal perspectives and realizations that came through as my guest and myself listened to the audios to give more understanding of what this Desteni-I-Process is about and how the Eqafe audios supports everyone who decide to walk this journey.

Eqafe Interview Series we will be discussing:
You're A Star! - Reptilians - Part 466

Birth Your Inner Star - Reptilians - Part 467

What is a Real Star? - Reptilians - Part 468

Interview With Sunette Spies, the Interdimensional Portal from Eqafe:

Self Supportive Material - 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Relationship Success Support: Moving In Together - Day 494

My partner and I discussing what it's been like living together, and the trials and triumphs of going through the process of moving in together and create a life together. Henri has been a support for us both, so we are grateful for him, each other, Joao and Cerise for also sharing the perspectives, and all those who stand up for life and live what is best for all. Enjoy and thanks for watching. 

Friday, January 8, 2016

Revenge of the Ego – Writing – Day 493

The revenge of the ego is a point that effects all humans on the planet, to say differently is just your ego. Now this is something that if not understood is not going to make sense in the sense that we don’t ever learn about humans being egos or what the ego is in fact. This because the whole system that we live from our economic system, social system, cultural system, education system, religious systems are all based on the equation of the ego. This being parasitic, getting before giving and so creating lack and suffering to ourselves. Where life here in what is best is always giving and through that all receive and so self receive, all being equal and one within what is given and so create what is best for all. This is the highest potential and honor of life lived and so what life is in fact - living in what is best for all.

The ego is powerful and knows everything about self, it is me, I have accepted and allowed myself to become the ego, we all have. And yes, we learn about Sigmund Freud and how he identified the ego, but only a few actually studied him and similar such psychologists, and within that study, nothing comes close to actually understanding the extent and control the ego as consciousness has on the human beings of this earth. This is why the desteni material and the message within this material is the destiny of the universe because it indeed goes into all aspects and understandings of what the ego is as consciousness, where it comes from, and the tools and practical ways to transcend the ego and be life here.

These words are specific that I am writing and that are being placed because when I say ‘be life here’ I mean that literally, breathing as life here as one physically lives in each moment. And there is a way to be life, this is what jesus spoke of when he was here, his words were also specific and same with Bernard while he was here, his words are specific, words are living and so what we speak creates, so speaking words one should be specific as words create our life in fact on an individual level to the global level within and without.

So back to consciousness and how the ego has taken over the human mind and bodies, I will be walking through my ego and dissecting, forgiving, and writing out corrective application to transcend my ego and become life here in breath. Life exist we can see that all around us, though what is interesting is that we don’t in fact really exist here in reality, but in our minds, in an alternate reality and this alternate reality or dimensions of our mind reality is illusionary and that is where the ego lives and thrives, in the dimensions of our mind. And we all know the many many dimensions of our mind we can go into, the fears, the thoughts of judgment, desire, jealousy, anger, and they cycle, we all have been spun out based on the way our mind thinks and moves, I certainly can relate to this.

So this desteni I process is specific and is done in a way that we investigate ourselves as our mind, self forgive our mind that is not best for all and living in life as one and equal, and so within that realization writing the living correction that will be practiced in our lives day to day, moment to moment as we walk our process from consciousness egos to living beings here in physical reality. It’s really an interesting journey though it is not a process to take lightly, I have been challenged many times and in many ways, giving up is not an option because life in what is best for all is worth all the challenges I will face. I have committed to face myself, change to live in what is best and so transcend my ego. 

So I welcome you on this journey as I share my writings on the ego dimensions of myself, and so report and support all others who can relate and are supporting themselves to do the same. Thanks for reading, in my next blog I will continue with the ego. In the meantime, listen to this video by Bernard Poolman on the Revenge of the Ego. Enjoy.

Support Material for the topic of Ego:
How Consciousness Evolved to EGO - Reptilians - Part 133
Transcending Emotions - Reptilians - Part 405
Right and Wrong - Relationship Success Support
Veno - Self Forgiveness - Female Ego

Check out more support at:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Others Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Monday, January 4, 2016

When No Means No - Day 492

When I currently say no there is a lack of full trust within this because I have fallen in the past and not stuck with my no. There is a point of learning and correcting one’s mistakes within the process of coming to a final 'no, I stop', so this realization of the point of falling and getting back up again is actually part of process. The self trust redefinition I have made of living in a self trust that I will change myself in self honesty to do what is best for all until it is done, this I trust in my self.  This can come into play here realizing that I will make the effort to change myself when I see I am not acting in a way that is best for all and in self honesty, I will not give up on myself as the change.

Though here in this blog, I am speaking to the 'no' beyond the falling and getting back up process, it’s a 'No' where it states enough is enough, no I am not going to accept this anymore.

Here I see the focus on the tangible problems in the world like animals dying, children dying, war as a supportive focus point to imprint the push that will be necessary to move into that stand of No, I stop, I can do this, I stop here now.

So the two points I am focusing on to practice this 'No- I stop stand' is the self judgment of my face – where whenever I go into a form of judging myself or my face in any way whatsoever, I say inside myself or out loud “NO! I am not allowing this compromise any longer’ I stop!” I move into the play/fun expression to move me through the energy, become physical. I can use whistling to move in the physical to support to walk through this point or some other fun point that comes up.

The second point is when I see my mood changes with my partner – I go ‘no, I stop now, I am not going to compromise our relationship’ and within that find the correction/solution and live it immediately. This so I start moving beyond the current playout patterns that are occurring and get access to more opportunities of change to live my words and do what is best.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give myself back doors in the saying of no where I will not actually live the correction of no but fall into it because it is easy and comfortable.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into no based on the desire of seeing myself as less then rather then seeing myself as capable to move myself in the physical step by step in what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a fear of actually moving into my potential because then I will be forced to live there by principle to stand within what is best and life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create an idea of what my potential will look like and so fear that which I have in my mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create my highest potential to be something that is too out there and hard to reach that I have believed it to be impossible.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a form of apathy due to the belief that living my highest potetniaal is too hard when in reality I see, realize, and understand it is in each here moment that this can be lived, it’s not a end goal but it is here in each moment.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make no another point of the ‘no but I its ok this time because I will eventually stop this someday’.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fall deliberately into the compromise of myself in my actions by not living to my highest potential in each moment but rather thoughts and energy overwhelm me and fall into them as I am addicted.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a addictive mentality within the the word ‘no’ where I have placed a belief that it is not actually going to be done.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to postpone my life potential based on giving into the addictive thoughts of my mind when I say no to a pattern that is compromising and continue it.

I commit myself to stop the postponing of my change into my potential in each moment by living my words and standing within the integrity of doing what I say I will.

I commit myself to live the word ‘no’ as a final statement of what I will allow and what I will not and so say ‘no’ in these instance when I am ready to completely stop a point and stand as the solution for myself and then for others.

I commit myself to stop the fear of self change through taking it moment to moment and moving in breath awareness to get into the rhythm of living here and doing what is best in each breath.

I commit to practice this point of absolute no with the two examples I have shared and continue with other patterns once I have lived this in the physical.

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Others Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site