Courage - “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty”
Within recent days I have found myself investigating this word
courage, and what does that mean to me. I got some perspective from another who
shared that courage is never giving up, even when one fall’s down, you get back
up and keep going. Here in the definition it states that courage is strength to
venture, preserve, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.
Within my world, I can see and have experienced many
experiences that bring emotion such as fear or anxiety, and within this I have
faced this decision to stand within courage or fall into the emotions as fear
and anxiety. What I have found is that I have existed too much within a desire
to create a back door or an easy way out, where I have disempowered myself to
live courageous and live empowerment within myself. I have disempowered myself
because I have not found the resolve consistently to live self courage, to live
the strength to stand by myself and the tools that I realize support me to
become stronger within my resolve, stronger within my skills, stronger within
my stand within who I am, and for this I have to ask myself why have I done
this? Why have I disempowered myself? Why have I not been courageous?
And what comes up within asking these questions is a source
power within me that is still standing, that is still here, that exist within
me that is remaining vigilant and ever moving to stand within this word as self
courageous. But within this I realize that this is all just a form of
potential, this is something that exist here that I can become if I will it,
but I realize that it will not exist if I don’t create it. I have to put in the
time, the effort, the consistency, the living breath to move myself and so live
the word self courageous. What does this look like to live self courageous in
my day to day living?
This looks like moving myself beyond my limitations and boundaries
I have set and become comfortable within, the patterned behavior I exist within
day in and day out, and realizing that I am doing this myself, no one else is
responsible for the way I am existing and experiencing myself but me. And then within
this realization not just seeing it and going into an energetic experience of
despair towards the thought that I am not living to who I expect or desire to
be, but letting go and moving through this emotional experience of myself as
all the falls and mistakes of my past, but understand that what exist is what
is here as me in the presence that is here as myself as breath in action. I am
still here, I am still breathing, I still have the opportunity to change and so
move beyond my limitations and live self courageous in action. I have to act on
my words I speak and write, I have to act on the commitments I write and commit
to, I have to move within sounding myself in the physical to a new being that
exist within self honesty and self discipline in each moment, and also I have
to live out self courage by facing the resistances and fears that come up that
have in the past cause me to stop moving, stop my living action as myself, and
so exist I continue to get lost in my mind. The mind as myself is here, it
exist as me this is a fact, but I realize that I don’t have to fear it. I have
been fearing it as too powerful and so within living this as a belief of
myself, I have allowed myself to disempower myself to move beyond my fears. But
I see and realize by living this word courage, I can move into action as within
the realization that living courage is never giving up no matter what is here and
moving within my resolve of facing fears, building through this myself as the
living of me aligned with the words I speak, I start here with living self
I will continue more in my next blog. Thanks.
Insecurity: Introduction - Atlanteans - Part 148
Insecurity: Self Forgiveness - Atlanteans - Part 149
Insecurity: Insecurity-Confidence Polarity - Atlanteans - Part 150
Confidence: Self Forgiveness - Atlanteans - Part 151
Confidence: Practical Support - Atlanteans - Part 152
Confidence: The End - Atlanteans - Part 153
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