Friday, July 26, 2013

The Decision – Day 330

Within this process being walked of self honesty to correct one’s living to become equal and one with all life, one will face decisions, and at a certain point an absolute decision to either stand as and for life here in the physical or continue within the mind as a programmed response organic robot. This decision is quite a process to walk because all we have ever been is these programmed robots being automated based on feelings, emotions, thoughts, memories, but we are more then just these automated responses. I have found when looking at this decision, to live or stay a robot, the choice is clear because obviously I want to be life and live, the problem being is that I not only have to make the decision to live, but I have to actually do it as well, I have to live, I have to be life for real, and life is here living simplistically in the physical with no mind, no thoughts, no feelings, no emotions, the trees are a living example of life, so it’s like to be like a tree so to speak, here, breathing, living, and supporting in equality. So this process that has to be walked, making the decision not only here now, but in each breath to come and to stick to reality, live what is best, live from practical common sense, and stop the mind from directing oneself into compromise is some of the components to get this done.  

I am seeing what is helping with my decision as I have started to dedicate myself to this point is to slow down within what I am doing, I am practicing being in my movements, in my physical body, feeling my feet on the ground, my fingers typing each letter on the keyboard, and staying focused on what is real, my physical body as much as possible. The mind always wants to creep in and take over, but as I have been practicing this technique I am seeing that I am becoming more aware of the mind and me as the mind movements. I have not gotten to the point where I am able to remain stable here within the body for long periods of time, staying within the movements each moment or each breath, but it is becoming more and more stable as I practice.

Also, another point I am finding supportive within making this decision to live and stop my mind, which was described in detail tonight with the Metaphysical Secrets of imagination – part 25 I had the opportunity to sit in on live, is that to be here one have to let go of the past moment, not bring these past happenings or expectations to the moment here and allow them to influence this new moment that is now happening because this separates you from the reality that is here and puts you into your mind where you will start the creation process of illusion through memories and thoughts, and these will accumulate to make it more difficult to be here in your physical body until they are cleared with self forgiveness and self change. So it’s a process to walk as been said before, but through consistent application and will it can be done. Space and time will tell of course, so I must not waste these breaths I am given to make sure I live the best I am able to and walk what has to be walked to ensure life is brought back to natural order where all are equal and one starting within my very internal world.

So the decision is a foundational stability point I have found based on realizing that there is only the option of equality and oneness of life and stopping the mind as ourselves in abuse and so this grounds me into an understanding of what I am doing, how I can move forward, and gives me a starting point to always work from and sustain myself as. And so I can bring it back to the physical in common sense living when I see I get lost into my mind for a moment, and realize instantly ok, the decision, I am walking to life, to the physical, to me here equal and one with what is real. I can always bring the decision here when getting overwhelmed with points coming up within the mind or feel low or in a mind state, to ‘remember’ who I am and what I am doing here. I realize I am the decision, my life will be proof of who I am as the decision and what I have made of this life I was gifted. I realize within my beingness what I am to do, how I am to be, and the gift that awaits all who walk this decision to be life and restore equality and oneness to who we are as life in all ways until it is done is the greatest gift you can give to yourself and to all others.

Recommended Links to Check Out:
Free Desteni I Process Lite Course for All Ages
Journey to Life Group
Creation's Journey to Life
Earth's Journey to Life
Heaven's Journey to Life
Eqafe Life Products - Self Help
Desteni Site
Desteni Wiki
Basic Income Guarantee
Equal Money System Website
Equal Life Foundation

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Monday, July 22, 2013

“What If I was More” – Day 329

I have been looking at self acceptance for a while now, and have not had a satisfactory point within myself of seeing myself in this way. So I have been observing myself throughout the day to see where it is that I am not allowing myself to just live, be and accept who I am in each moment. The biggest point I am seeing is the point of accepting my physical appearance, seeing it within a point of judgment, and seeing this backchat thought of ‘what if I was looking like this, how my world would open up more.” “If only I had that feature or that look then I would really be able to do what I want”, and so this continues throughout the day, this accumulation of anger and disappointment because I want to look better then what I see in the mirror. I have always had this point within me through the desire to this belief system, that ‘if I was looking this way, then I would be so much more happy and appreciated, and loved”, and so it’s a constant point of self sabotage I am engaging within based on this very physical point that I can not change anything about my physical body in terms of it’s appearance. It is what it is and I have to accept it as such.

So this point that I am missing out on life due to the way I look and act within society is purely based on my own acceptances and allowances of judging myself and others and continuously comparing myself to my world around me, thus not applying myself in the physical in changing and stopping this pattern once and for all. Because obviously, I can not change my physical and I see how really selfish and self centered I am being due to fear of loss, but it is a point that I can change and correct within the relationship to myself so I can start to nurture and care for myself as a living being, the physical being who is here within this world and body and make something of myself then just a point of self sabotage and lost potential.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a point of belief that I am missing out on life due to not being the best looking female that I know.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself as less then other females who I compare to myself as more feminine and womanly, and thus see me as not womanly and feminine.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself less womanly then other women when I realize that I am not defined nor is anyone else defined due to their gender and that where integrity is born from is who we are within the way we live and treat others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself as unworthy as a women compared to other women I see, and believe because I am not the top of the notch women look that I am thus less then others because I don’t have the same style as other females do and can’t pull off the looks other females can.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself and limit myself to styles and looks of what the picture presentation and expression of other women are conveying and comparing myself to that as seeing myself less then them, and then suppress my own expression due to a belief that I am just not stylish and beautiful.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to have a desire to be beautiful and stylish based on my desire to only define people based on what they look like and how they move instead of seeing people as different expressions that are unique unto themselves and not compare and judge, but live equal to it all because this is how I would like to be treated as well.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to continue to exist in comparison and judgment towards my world instead of pushing my application of breathing here and remaining stable in letting go of these desires and walking the path of realizing and living equal with all beings I meet.

When and as I see I go into a point of desiring to be more then who I am here within my flesh, I stop and breath, and speak ‘no I am here, I accept me as who I am in this moment’ and breath through all the physical reactions of anxiety and tightness within the stomach, and move through the reaction with breathing until it is subsided and thus focus on what is being said/physical interaction rather then the picture.

I commit myself to walk this statement of when the desire comes up to compare or go into self sabotage, breath, and speak I accept me for who I am.

I commit to breath through the reactions of anxiety and fear of loss through continuing to state the who I am statement no matter what points come up within me to go into reaction.

I commit to embrace the other within who they are and walk the point of acceptance of myself in equality to the other through seeing that we are both life in the physical and focus on the physical and letting go of the attachment within my mind.

I commit to practice communicating with others and moving through these triggers of backchat thoughts through breath awareness and stopping all points of judgment of myself or others through practicing seeing direct, what is here, in the physical and as the physical.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Why is Desteni Cool? – Day 328

Ok, why is desteni cool? For starters, the group of desteni is standing as a principled example to be viewed, tested, scrutinized, explored, investigated, and eventually or instantly depends on the person, walked to realize the validity of this groups standing as a protector of life. We as society, as a humanity, as a people are prone to abuse life, we hurt each other, we kill each other, we are nasty and name call at each other, if not direct, we most certainly do it in our heads. And the thing is that everyone wants to know and understand, why the hell do we do this? Why am I so nasty in my head? Why do I want to hurt and abuse others around me? Why can’t I stop thinking about sex? Why am I so consumed with being the best? Why do I care so much what others think of me? And yes this makes us freaking insane in the head, I have definitely been there. But we so easily can create a point of pleasure through sex, drugs, sweets, buying stuff because the world system has made it so that when we want a fix of pleasure, we can get it, this to appease the foaming masses of insane people to be lulled for a moment and stay in the systemized enslavement we call this way of life as this capitalist system of competition and survival.

But the problem with this insta - pleasure is that it is not real because it never lasts. You get the pleasure in a sweet for instance for only but a few moments, and then it’s gone and BAM you are back with the sinking feeling  of ‘oh, shit i'm messed up, my head won’t stop being insane.” Some have been able to automate it where they become numb to it basically, but that does not mean that it is not there, if they will look and see in moments, they can not escape the haunt of the thoughts as the mind dimensions of the human. So we get addicted to this cycle of feeling shitty and then get a quick fix of pleasure, and then we’re back again to feeling shitty to then go find the moment fix for pleasure once again, and we call this our ‘life’ and ‘the way things are’, but its a slave like existence, slaving to pleasure and pain within ourselves never finding equilibrium.

So back to my point again Why is Desteni Cool? Desteni is cool because for the first time in my life these experiences of myself, this constant point of me seeing in everyone around me the same as what is going on within me as insanity, where we just accept it as if it is normal to abuse and harm each other continuously throughout life. But it is not normal and through the research, data collected, perspectives given, and the application of the tools shared through the participants who are walking them, desteni gives understanding and tools to resolve these ways of  destructive living to an equal and one harmonious change of yourself with and as your enviroment.

The desteni material answers questions we all have, but has never been fully understood such as what is the mind, how does it function, where is it exactly, what are thoughts, what are memories, why do we have memories, why do we experience emotions and feelings, where does all this stuff exist from, how was it created, who is god, what can change the world, is there really a New world order takeover, what are animals thinking, why do we die, what is heaven like, is it real, did jesus really walk the earth, can I live like jesus, are we more then just this… know the questions such as these, the important questions, the questions every body is seeking about, the unanswered questions from forever that has been open ended with no sign of any answers being anwsered that makes sense until I found this source. And many go, ‘well, what is so significant about now, why is desteni the only one who has found the answers’, and it’s simply because this is how it is. There is a story of course, a story of how it happened that will blow your mind, so I highly suggest anyone who is reading this and can hear what is being said to investigate the material for themselves because this is the only way one will see the truth of why desteni is cool because it has to be researched as there is a lot for it to be real for you and you are the only one who can make it real. It’s impossible to explain everything in one go, I will not do this, and so those who will hear will seek and find, all I can say is it’s a must.

The point of desteni and another reason why desteni is cool is because it’s a point of creating change for oneself and for the world as well. So it’s a step in the direction of living in a better world and living a better you, a person that you can be proud of and explore. This is a journey of sorts, getting involved and participating with desteni, it’s not a quick fix or a rapid exercise, it’s a dedication, a commitment, and a defining moment for all who will walk the process being walked there. It has changed my life for the better, has made me a more capable and honorable person, and I can stand with who I am and will become knowing that I will always walk the process of what is best, I might take a bit to get to that point of self realization, but I know that I will get there, and this is solely based on the material and understanding I read through desteni to come to this statement with such authority because I was never in my life this way.

And if I can change, you can do it as well, that is yet another cool thing about desteni, everyone in the world can join and change for the better, we are all capable, it is more a matter of your own self will and if you walk the process of life in equality and oneness with all others, where the fruits of this labor is eternal life. So all are welcome and encouraged to join and see as it’s a process to explore who one is to create an extraordinary life for yourself as well as an extraordinary world for us all. We at the desteni group or those who are practicing in the desteni education so to speak are here to change the world, and those who will walk with desteni will be a part of this, this to change for the betterment of all. It’s all about self, and desteni gives us the tools to realize who in fact for real is this self, and yet another awesome thing about desteni, they show the realization in consistency that the self or "I" has true power and that is in equality within the oneness of all life, thus meaning we are capable of the true power of life if we dare. There is a truth to all of this, investigate desteni where once and for all the truth is exposed to walk the path to a world best for everyone. Enjoy.

Check out Desteni Here:
Free Desteni I Process Lite Course for All Ages
Journey to Life Group
Creation's Journey to Life
Earth's Journey to Life
Heaven's Journey to Life
Eqafe Life Products - Self Help
Desteni Site
Desteni Wiki
Equal Money System Website
Equal Life Foundation

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Why are Words Important and What Do they Imply?– Day 327

Words, I have recently realized the importance of words within our lives and our living environments. We use words all the time, it’s how we communicate who we are and our expressions with others. I am currently on the desteni farm and words is very much emphasized within how we live them and speak them within our starting point of when we use them. Words have a directive principle within and as them that ripples within the receiver of the words and beyond that as the receiver will integrate the word and then from there it will travel from person to person through the process of communication and perception. Words though within how we speak them now are based on many energy charges such as the emotional or feeling connections we can put to words. For example, the word food, there is a point we can all define this word as within our own individual worlds, such as “food is so good”, “I enjoy exploring different versions of food”. Or another person can see food as a problem and have a negative relationship to food that creates a resistance to it. But within the purpose and meaning of the word food, it's direct physical purpose, it’s a point of giving the physical body nourishment to live.

So we don’t much look at our meanings to words and what attachments are connected to the words we use, which is quite strange because these words can cause so many problems, conflicts, and fights and do in our worlds. This happening when one person communicating to another person has different meanings, experiences, and associations attached to the word they use that will be different from what the other person receiving the words experience, associate and give meaning to, which will create a point of misunderstanding and misdirection within the two communicating for instance. This often can happen in relationship scenarios where the partners can often misinterpret the meaning of a word or hold a different definition to the place holder of the word in there mind that is different to the partner speaking, and because there is no communication between the two about re-defining words and making them a directive decision from both partners cooperation, their will be always miscommunication cause essentially the two of you from even one word are coming from two different worlds of meaning that will cause resistances and friction within the communication and thus the living of you two together.

So it’s interesting that we have not seen this simple solution within our world of creating universal meanings for words within which we live that are agreed upon, but this can be done starting within a partnership with another. It will take time, dedication, and much discussion to come to a direct agreeable meaning to a word, but there is a process being developed and can be applied within the Agreement Course and Desteni I Process courses that will be of great value for you if you see the importance of how words define who we are and direct our worlds.

There are methods developed through the courses mentioned above that redefine words to be established and created to be able to live the words here in reality in their direct practical purpose, and stop the past attachments and energy charges to the words we use within our world from directing us and controlling the way we feel about them. We use self forgiveness and self corrective statements to be able to clear these meanings within ourselves of the words we use, and walk the correction of the definition of the word in a practical sense that will be best for all.

Here is a blog series I did for more context on the process of redefining the word Loser:
Day 265 – What Does Being A Loser Imply? Behind Words
Day 267 – What Does the Word Loser Imply? – Self Corrections to Live 
Day 268 – Redefining the Word Loser

Words are not feelings nor emotional, but simply ways for us to communicate who we are to the world around us. There is a lot that will be able to be communicated with a lot more effectiveness if we use our words within a purpose of direct understanding of the meanings of things and cut out all the mind attachments that are really not necessary and create more friction then resolves it.

Living words to there direct relationship within a understood collective decision that will create the space for learning and expansion of ourselves as human beings and will be the correction process to see direct and live direct within reality and what is really happening in each moment. Living words breath by breath is the best form of living because you are not basing any point of your life or your living on assumption, past, future reference, or pictures and associations, but through living knowledge you have acquired through the direct relationship of what the word mean that all understand and can live by. It will create much more simplistic living and communication, and will give us much more time to start to build our world with a foundation of solidity because the words we use, which build the foundation for the world we will create is based on what is real and what is best for all through universal understanding and respect that all are able to understand what is being said.

Featured Artwork By: Desteni Artists

For Further Support, Please check out Links:

Basic Income Guarantee Website
Basic Income Guaranteed by Equal Life Foundation
Free Desteni I Process Lite Course for All Ages
Equal Money System Website
Equal Life Foundation
Creation's Journey to LIfe- Recommend Read