Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Day 11 - D(i)esire to Please

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to desire to please others in my world so they will have nice feelings about me and like me.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to use pleasing others to manipulate others to get what I want by doing things that they like in the exchange of them going to have to do something that I want instead of being unconditional with life here in giving unconditionally because within giving you will receive naturally as this is the way of life in equality.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to manipulate people by pleasing them so they will seem me in a way I prefer as pleasurable before I go in and tell them something they might not be pleased to hear so thus using the act of giving so I can have my own self interested desires met by giving so I can get as well.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to please others in a way that compromise my own self integrity by submitting as an inferior person to this being and thus deliberately trying to please them so they can see me as nice and accept me.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to compromise my self integrity by accepting and allowing myself to diminish myself into polarity play outs of feeling less then and making others more then me when I see and realize there is no such reality as polarities of better/worse as all here is me in oneness and equality, life is here thus we are life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to see life within getting what I want met and I do this through using the act of kindness in ways to manipulate life so I can be pleased in the end.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to compromise myself with a male and go into flattery and pleasing them for them to stay attracted to me and like me so I can remain with him. Thus I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to manipulate another to stay with me by acting to please within all of the points I know he will like to thus have him see me as cool and want to stay with me.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to please my partner in sex even though I necessary did not want to do what they wanted to do, but gave into them so I could just please them for a moment and I could use this as leverage to get what I wanted later.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to be calculating within what I do so I can also have the advantage and get what I want using pleasing others to thus get them nice and liking me and then go in and get what I want and desire so I can be happy in the end.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to manipulate others without there knowledge so I can control the situation and always remain on top and get what I want out of the deal.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to go into spitefulness if the other does not get manipulated into doing what I want within the pleasing gesture and thus I don't get to be on top and get what I want so I use spitefulness to justify my anger and harsh words and actions towards them.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to please people to their face but within my backchat call them swear words and judge them as less then me.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting secret mind thoughts of abuse towards another and judgment when I realize I am only diminishing me as I am accepting the abuse within the thoughts to exist and the other is me I know this is fact.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to be two faced with others and thus not be able to trust myself and others as I assume others are playing this out as well, thus I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to build my creation here as myself within manipulation and backchat thoughts of abuse and thus then create a kind face so I could be accepted and liked, but really only doing this for my own desires and needs.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to miss myself within others and thus go into survival as only looking out for myself and my interest and abusing others and thus in the end sabotaging myself as I am creating a separation with who I am as others as life.

I forgive myself for allowing and accepting to not be unconditional with life here as I realize only in the starting point as equals can we be trustworthy and be in actual peace which I see for myself to live in for all, and thus I realize and see I must stop this point of manipulation through pleasing another and live here within unconditional giving as I see that within the giving I will receive as this is what life is unconditionally giving and thus is always satisfied as all is here in acceptance.

When and as this point of desiring to please another to get what I want comes up, I stop all thoughts and desires to please within manipulation, breath, and let go of all points of separation, accept the others as me and give as I would want for myself. I realize that the true gift of life is within the giving of ourselves unconditionally as this is where we grow and benefit all as well as ourselves as life as to give and not expect anything back as there is no need for the taking as this is the greatest peace as you are in equality and oneness with life and enjoying the living of this by giving of yourself without any need for reward. Life in equality and oneness is the gift of giving and thus to live as a giver of life in all that I do is the greatest gift I can give to another and give to myself as I will have nothing that I need as I will be here among everything.

I commit to stop all desires of pleasing for my own self interest and live here in equality as breath with all life doing what has to be done to create this world best for all here.

I commit to give as I would like for myself and so I stop all points of need from others as I realize all that I will ever need I have here as I walk and birth myself as life.

I commit to walk to life as myself and thus accept all as me and stop all abuse as it comes within me by letting it go as thoughts, ideas, beliefs, and seeing myself within all, living this until I am here as all in the physical as me.

pleasing person, I am to please, I want to please you, manipulate, wanting, desire  integrity, flatter, equality, oneness, life, journey to life, 2012, equal money, desteni, process, wiki,  eqafe

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