Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Redefining the Word Precision to Live – Day 478

Please Reference my last blogs for more context to this blog:
Precision of Self – Day 474
Looking at the Word Precision – Day 475

Precision is within past blogs as how I looked at it, the movement of creating perfection. To exist in precision means you are existing within the action of moving into a perfection within your living. Though I would say this is not tangible enough to create a platform of living it in my world and so I will continue to look at this word and redefine it so I can live it in my day to day life. First I will allocate where I stand within the word.

Precision for me is something that I believed I could not reach or attain due to the effort that it would take to do this. I also believed that you have to be highly intelligent to live in such a way as precise because of the factors and calculations that you have to make to live in such a way. Though I realize precision does not have to be so out there, but I can in fact make it my own. I will first do some self forgiveness on this word to clear it and redefine it to live it in a way that is real for me.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the word precision has to be lived in a way that is done with full attention, and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am not focused enough nor disciplined enough to live in a way of precision.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to give into resistances within living the word of precision and/or perfection due to the physical effort it requires and attention and specificity it’ll require to maintain.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the idea that I have to be perfect in all moments of my living within walking precision and that I can not make a mistake.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that precision is something that has to be done perfectly all of the time.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe the idea that I am too clumsy and distracted to be able to hold my attention for long periods of time to live the word precision and exist within a detailed specificity within who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I have to be highly intelligent to be able to live precise and specific.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that precision is a function of movement and so within my expression of this I will expand and grow as my expression expands and grows within my living of this word.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear giving up and giving into resistances.

I commit myself to walk the process of living the word precision by standing within a movement of self discipline and self movement in the face of resistance and distraction.

I commit myself to push myself beyond my perceived limits of doing in moments where I see I want to give up.

I commit myself to push my limits of specificity through investigating what I am doing in writing and researching and live knowledge that supports my growth and expansion in moving into self perfection through applying the living of precision in all that I do.

I commit myself to walk precision in each moment through daily movements of my physical body and what I move in my world through breath awareness and body awareness.

Precision through word play –

Pre – decision
Precise – incision
Pre - see – dawn
Pre – see – shun

So interesting word play here, I see some of the main points within this word is the specific nature that is lived within it due to the words of ‘precise – incision’ this showing that like within a doctors incision for surgery, how precise they have to cut due to the fragile nature of the human organs and skin they a are cutting through that could cause serious injury or even death. So to live precision one have to be as specific and detailed as one would be within making an incision into the flesh of the body, the care and unwavering understanding of the moment of decision to cut has to be true and stable within self. One has to be specific on how exactly one will move from one point to the next, one has to take care where the actions will lead as a cause and effect one’s movement will have on self as well as the environment one will be creating within, and one also has to use self awareness and calculations of the physical environment to create an accurate and efficient movement forward to give the least amount of harm to all and so in turn will be living what is best for all. This goes along with most of the other word play words I wrote out, where one has to live within a way of pre-deciding in each moment who one is going to be before the incision is made, you have to decide in the moment who one is and within the act of precision one has to be certain and stable in this decision or risk harm to the environment and one’s own creation as such.

My mentor Bernard Poolman once told me that the simplest way to live and also the best way is to live what is best for all, this way one is always consider and so everyone and everything else is consider equally as well. This aligns perfectly with the walking of precision as if I pre decide each time to walk what is best then the perfection in the moment is the outflow. I realize that this will take a process to walk, but the mathematical calculation of this starting point living the word precision to do what is best for all will support in fulfilling the living of this word that I discussed in an earlier blog is creating movement into perfection, and this is what I decide in my live, living what is best for all in this world and life.

So to redefine the word precision to live, I see it within living it in a starting point of what is best for all so the outcome of perfection is certain. And also living it within a care of self movement as well as self awareness to ensure one is moving in a calculated way that is planned out and specific so to ensure the highest potential of the moment is reached. I see this from a personal stand point walking the word precision is to push myself beyond my resistances in moments where I want to give up or give in, but don’t. This I find will be lived within breath awareness as living in breath is living in the moment here, and only here in the moment can one consider what is best with the information that is here and so live it in the precise action it’ll take to fulfill. This is an ongoing process and will through time show the results as I continue to specify myself, learn, grow, and expand within my application of precision leading to perfection by always ensuring my starting point is what is best for all as this mathematical equation always equals perfection. This is what is being walked in this journey to life, self perfection in living, precision is a word to live that’ll supports with this so I am grateful.

Interviews to support on Real Time Application:
Neediness: Living Words & Fulfilment - Atlanteans - Part 313
Why is it so Hard to Change? - Life Review
The Consciousness of the Turtle - Part 1

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Desteni-I-Process - Agreement Support - Day 476

My partner and I have been walking an agreement for two years now. I share here my perspective of this process and how it has effected my life and process I am walking to live my highest potential. Enjoy.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Looking at the Word Precision – Day 475

Please Reference my last blog for more context to this blog:
Precision of Self – Day 474

My goal for this word precision is to live it in a way that it supports with being more specific and exact within my every day activities, I know that I will not perfect this word in my living in a short period of time, though I do see that with consistency and movement within my self change this word has a huge potential for accelerating my living into the sphere of my utmost potential. So with that being said, I will have a look at where I stand within this word at the moment. Well first I will look at the definition from the dictionary of what this word means:

Precision: noun - the quality, condition, or fact of being exact and accurate

“Precision is similar to perfection in that both words suggest that something could not possibly be better. However, perfection describes something that's flawless, such as a beautiful sunset. Precision, on the other hand, is more about accuracy, like computing the exact second that the perfect sunset will occur.”

So I like the distinction that is made here within the words precision and perfection as they are very similar, but are not as they are not lived within the same contexts. Precision is more a form of movement within a mathematical equation, where perfection just is, meaning there is no movement within it, it is what it is wholly. So that is a cool understanding based on the belief that I had and I am sure many had of precision being something that is within perfection, but in actuality it is more relating to movement and mathematics. My partner sees life in many ways in terms of mathematics, and I am more and more finding it very fascinating as I have never looked at life in this way, but the more I look, the more I see all life is in fact mathematical. Perfection being the final result, where as precision is the movement to get to this final result of perfection. 

Precision within the way I have lived it has been something that I have always been fascinated by and enjoyed within different areas of study or activity that I have endeavored in, but there was an inherent belief within me that I did not have the ability to be precise, I was too clumsy, too impatient, too lazy to get to a point where I can express precision. Though, I have in moments expressed this specifically within my work or if I am in a physical activity such as writing up a proposal or cleaning something that is dirty, I will ensure I am precise within my movements as well as precise within the way in which I clean where I will calculate the size of the area, ensure I hit all areas calculated, and clean in a precision within the intensity as well as the veracity of my movements to ensure each layer is cleaned as precisely as the last.

This creates a point of perfection in a way where the cleanliness of the floor is satisfied for a amount of time to my liking, which also can create a precision within the efficiency of my movements within my cleaning schedule for instance and ensure my body is being used in it's most efficient capacity. Also, it creates a point of understanding that perfection is changing, meaning that when one reaches a perfection, through life there will always be a movement that will ensure that one keeps standing as this perfection as the floor will not stay perfect forever, but will have to be constantly moved into a perfection again and again as I consistently apply the actions of precision within cleaning it. So there is many factors to consider within this word of precision and there can surely be many benefits.

There is also a feeling of accomplishment within giving it my all within what I do and this is lived when I can execute a form of precision within what I do which will create the living of perfection, this not only benefiting myself but others as well. I find this action of being precise within what I do is done within a form of self determination and self satisfaction where I am not doing it for anyone else, but my own standards of living and existing for myself. So I have displayed precision within my living in ways that I am satisfied with, though my mind tends to tell me that I have not done it at all in a way that is satisfactory, and of course I realize there is always room for improvement.

I will do some self forgiveness and self correction to clear the word in my next blog and look at moving into the scenario I describe in my earlier blog of living precision as well as the support words to move through this possession point of self compromise I have been existing in for quite some time. This to ensure I change to stand in all I do with precision in the course of action I decide to walk in each moment to moment I am here. This course of living precise is for the end goal which is living what is best for all life and living in self honesty, which will create real living perfection as heaven brought to earth.

I will continue in my next blog. Thanks for reading.

Interviews to support on Real Time Application:
Neediness: Living Words & Fulfilment - Atlanteans - Part 313
Why is it so Hard to Change? - Life Review
The Consciousness of the Turtle - Part 1

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site