Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Self Commitment Journal - Morning Routine - Day 520

I have been walking a process on the desteni forum on committing myself to waking up in the morning early and in those few hours before work or the start of the day, I instead of sleep become productive. I walk my ups and downs, and what realizations and change implementations I am using to walk this commitment into a living reality for myself. I will post the link here, and if you are inclined can check it out and hope to give support to anyone also facing this point in their lives. Thanks

Self Commitment Journal - Morning Routine 

Sites that are helpful:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Eqafe Hangout: The Quantum Time Illusion - Day 519

"In this interview, Anu discusses the Nature of Energy within the Conscious, Subconscious and Unconscious Mind – how and why he layered the energies equal-to and one with the dimensional-planes within Heaven/the Interdimensional existence. Within this he also gives perspectives as to Why “Quantum Time” is an “Illusion of Time” and what actual Real Time is within the context of this Physical Existence."

Discussing Reptilians - The Quantum Time Illusion - Part 11 

In this Discussion, my guests and I will share our experiences of what is energy and what is expression, what is the mind and why was it created in such a way that is destructive, and practical support to correct the mind within ourselves so we can live in our best potentials and capacities. Also, what in our lives and experiences have we related to what is shared in the interview and how we have supported ourselves to live the practical support to become stewards of the earth and support what is best for all life.
Enjoy and thanks for watching, any feedback is always welcome

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Beingness Signature Product:

Private Interviews with the Portal:

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

My Process So Far of Living Words – Day 518

I have been walking the process of living words for a bit of time now, I can’t put a number on it, but actively I have been walking it for the past many months. This actually is something that I have been doing for most of my life, living words, but not in a way of actively directing myself within it and making decisions as to when and how I will live words, it has more been automatic in what seemingly came natural to me or what I was good at. So let me start with sharing what living words means, this is when you decide to first find a pattern in your life that you want to change, for instance, becoming more disciplined. To live this word, first it is important to investigate all the scenarios of the word that you can see so you can understand yourself within it, though you will also be discovering and uncovering new ways to live the word as you go on living your life, so this process is ongoing one. It is quite something because you are creating yourself, expand more and more of yourself into and as your world.

I will walk a living word process with the word discipline to support with showing why I live words as well as how to do this, this always to expand myself and support myself to be better, and this always to create a world that is best for all. My goal is life and living in a way that is my highest potential and showing everyone else that we all can do this as well. Imagine a world where every human being is living there words in a way that is their highest potential, and they realize this is possible because they are in fact doing it themselves. So lots of potential we have, and this process I have found supports with living that out for each one who ventures into it, living words is a way to self create.

Within the word discipline there are areas in my life where I was already living this, in my work and also in my responsibilities towards others day to day, so I am living this word in some areas so I recognized in my life what this looks like in these specific scenarios. This is where I mentioned earlier that you will discover that many words are already being lived by yourself, we are living words anyway, what we think will eventually be lived. So it’s important it from self and based on a direct understanding of who you are within it. In this process, there is an emphasis on living words that will support with changing self to be my highest potential. This goal will eventually create a better version of who I am as I expand myself more and more in living words, such as the word discipline that I am going to expand myself within through this very process I am writing out. I have had trouble being disciplined when it comes to waking up in the morning and getting tasks done before work, this is something that I have been wanting to do, but I have been allowing the addiction to sleep sway me from living my potential in this area and be more productive during my early morning.

In this scenario with expanding myself in the area of my life where I am not disciplined in, getting out of bed early and getting tasks done before work, I will have to create and expand myself in the living of this word in this scenario. Here redefining the word is supportive, something that not many do I would say and within this process of redefining words, I use self forgiveness and self corrective statements to better understand the different dimensions of myself I have attached to the word discipline. For instance, I have attached the emotion of anxiety to the word discipline because I have a fear that I will not live up to this word and what I am desiring to be disciplined in, and so will fail. This causing me anxiety as I have assessed myself as someone who is able to be strong and move through all challenges, if I do not stand within the word discipline and do what it is I am wanting to do, but slack off and sleep in, I will have proven to myself that I am not disciplined and so this is something I resist showing to myself.

So as you see within investigating for just a moment, I have already uncovered three dimensions of this word discipline that is causing me to resist and so not push myself to in fact move out of the pattern of sleeping in and becoming productive before the work day starts.

In my next blog I will walk through the next step I have been doing in the processing of living words, through investigating the word within me and understanding who I am in relation to it, walking self forgiveness and self correction to live within this word, and then redefining the word to live in my life and beyond. I will be on the self forgiveness and self correction to the word discipline in the few dimensions that I spoke on above, thanks for reading and see you tomorrow.

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!

Self Supportive Material -

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Monday, August 8, 2016

Self Forgiveness Challenge – Competition – Day 517

Day 4 -

I have found one of the roots to the abuse and turmoil in my life can be flowed from this one point of participation, and that is competition. Competition comes up in relation to many different scenarios and context, but it stems from experience of lack within self. This lack is seeking to be fulfilled through a source outside, and so the competition of oneself and another ensues causing many outflow consequences that are not best for all. To understand competition on a more in depth level it is where within self there is a point one is not wanting to take responsibility for, and through that point of not wanting to take responsibility, competition is created in a race to fulfill a craving to win and be better. Competition can also be seen as a form of distraction, one that is destructive in most cases, to suppress the actual real issue that driving this desire to be better and that is not wanting to face the real issue which is self needs to change in a way that is best for all.

Self forgiveness on this point:

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that I am able to compete with another person in a way were it’s not causing harm, when I see, realize, and understand the internal energies that is fueling this behavior is one of superiority, ruthlessness, and desire.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a desire to become more then another and so within that have apparently more power in the relationship, when I see, realize, and understand I am only compromising myself due to the desire to gain something that I don’t believe I can give to myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a form of self abdication to the responsibility of changing myself and becoming the solution that is here to support what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to seek my own self gratification over others, where I will deliberately seek out my own self interest and advancement within the understanding that others will not receive and so loss.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to seek over others, and so take another’s share in this world, where I have more than needed and another ends up with less.

I forgive myself that I have not accepted and allowed myself to live the equality equation within all movements in my life, where I assess and direct my outflows to be that which is best for all rather than only supporting myself to move forward.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to create an idea that I am more advanced then another person if I am winning in a competition with them either directly or indirectly in my mind, and create an idea of myself that I am inherently better than the other, looking down upon them and creating a feeling of superiority.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become ruthless within who I am in competition where I will seek my own self gratification in a moment of instant gratification where another will lose out as I gain more, and so exist within a form of abuse where I take and another loses.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to deliberately know that I am taking from another and continue to do so due to the addiction of believing I am better and more and so safe from abuse from others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to become the abuser and so create abuse in an escape from my own fear of abuse from others who compete with me, and so perpetuate the competition playout of win and loss over many scenarios and beings in my life.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a form of self abuse where I believe I have to compete to survive and so do it out of fear of death.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed energy as fear as a driving force within me to compete and so create consequences that are not best for all, when I see, realize, and understand that this equation can be lived out and considered in each breath.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not live in breath here and consider each movement I make in what is best for all, where I take responsibility for myself and actions, and support solutions that will support all.

When and as I see myself go into the desire to win, I stop and breath, and realize this will outflow into a form of abuse either to myself or another.

I commit myself to move into the equality equation of what is best.

I commit myself to take responsibility for my fear and move into a calmness where I can live the word physical here as all are here equal to myself.

I commit myself to find solutions that are best for all and stop the desire to win.

I commit myself to live the word competition in a way of understanding what is best through trail and error, and determining through groups and test what is best for all if not apparently understood, and that which is supportive for all in all moments.

Self Supportive Material -

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course -

Forum support:

Desteni Wiki:

Eqafe Facebook Page:

7 year journey to life Facebook group:

DIP Lite on Facebook:

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Create yourself through Words!