Monday, August 31, 2015

Precision of Self – Day 474

I will open up the next series of blog with looking at the word precision. This word I resist within myself within just looking at it here based on my desire to want to have an err of leeway to slack off and not put my full attention into whatever it is that I must act with precision in. So obviously within the principle of what you resist will persist, I am now in my process here to face and realign my living to in fact walk precision within myself and what I live in all moments that it calls for. I am going to focus this word precision with some support words such as constant, unwavering, persistence, steadfast, breath, here, life, best for all that I will use as a support structure to walk this specific point I want to walk within this act of precision and so then the support words to live these words in all areas of my life. So all these words will have to be looked at and redefined, which I will do in blogs to come.

The point I will be walking and practicing the integration of these words in my living is with a form of energetic reaction I go into and have noticed still has power over me in moments. It’s specifically within a group setting, meaning it’s with people, where we are talking face to face, and I am being looked at directly in the eyes. Then eventually there will be a movement or a belief that’ll come up due to some or one of the other people’s making some sort of gesture of uncomfortability, be it not holding eye contact or rubbing there face or eyes. These specific motions from the other cause triggers inside of me where in I will go into an emotional experience of diminishment coming from my solar plexus area moving into my chest area, and feeling in a way like it is clenching into my limbs which creates a tightness and constriction within my entire physical body.

So I feel it physically when I become possessed by this experience as this depressive state of tension and constriction, but this is not were it starts, this reaction starts with a little movement inside my stomach area of a sinking feeling and then the thoughts start of like a ‘damn, I am being judged again, I am the one who is being seen as awkward’ and then this will stew subconsciously while I am trying to hold face and discuss what is being talked about. Then I will depending on the stimulation from the external environment, go into a panic type experience or stop it there and not allow it. This moment of decision is usually based on if I go into the energy reaction or not, and the most highly tense time for reaction is if I go into a bathroom or mirror and look at myself. Then you may say, ‘well don’t look in the mirror’, but this is something that is addictive in nature as well as having to be transcended anyway as I can not keep away from mirrors my whole life.

And if I do fall into that addiction pattern of looking in the mirror and going into the thoughts of ‘your so ugly’, ‘you are never going to be normal and part of the group’ ‘you are inferior to others with this ugly face’ ‘you are not as cool as these people’ ‘they see you as awkward’ ‘you are not going to be able to stand with these people’, ‘you are weird and strange’ ‘they are going to judge you as weird’ ‘look how you talked, see you aren’t good enough’ ‘look how you look in the mirror, see you are so not attractive to look at’ ‘see how they rubbed their eyes, you are so disgusting looking’. Those are an example of the type of thoughts that go through my head, I will next time I see this pattern come up, use precision as a point to get the exact thought words that come up and what exactly the energy is doing to my body in these moments. But for now, this is the basics of it and I will work with this for the next blogs to come.

So with the word precision, I would like to look at and redefine it in my next blog to use it as a support structure for me to walk through this energy reaction of self compromise firstly, and then specify and use it for my living application in all I do. And so do this same process for the support words I mentioned earlier in this blog as well.

Thanks for reading.

Interviews to support on Real Time Application:
Neediness: Living Words & Fulfilment - Atlanteans - Part 313
Why is it so Hard to Change? - Life Review
The Consciousness of the Turtle - Part 1

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Saturday, August 29, 2015

Not Facing Yourself In Real Time – Day 473

I have witnessed last weekend the consequences of not applying myself in real time moments within points of extreme emotion, and I almost had a panic attack. I had listened to an audio and within that audio, I took the information and my mind ran with it. I within that time remember feeling pulled into this experience of overwhelming fear and anxiety especially and it growing more and more as I allowed it. As I kept participating in the energy of the whole storm within myself and in my mind, I realized it got more and more difficult to pull myself out of it. So by the time I got support from a friend to reel me back to reality, I put my body through a massive surge of emotion and almost ended up vomiting. I did no writing throughout the days and also did no real self directed forgiveness aloud. I got a few out, but by then I was quite involved in the whole experience that I had become almost possessed.

Applying myself in this process is of utmost importance, and here as a gift the physical is showing me that this is what is needed to move through these mind patterns and transcend them in real time living. It’s quite obvious what it entails and I have been walking this process for more then six years that it’s like second nature now. Though, it is not, I have to constantly and consistently push my self direction to apply myself day to day, write out my mind constructs and daily forgivness, speak forgiveness and live the corrections to in fact move, the mind nor anything else for that matter is going to do this for me, I have to move me. This all is imperative especially now as the more deeper mind dimensions are becoming more active to be moved through and transcended. So as with my new career as a sales women, the same principles apply, I must continue to put myself in uncomfortable situations or situations that I resist to prove to myself that I am able to change myself and live what is best for all. If I don’t walk the necessary steps to live the change I want to live such as stopping myself in a moment of emotion and stopping myself to go into the thought patterns, then the mind as was demonstrated to me this weekend, will literally take over.

So it’s important for real time application and not only this, but consistency within this, every day as this will support with not allowing the energy as emotion and/or feeling to accumulate. The daily application keeps the energy surges and/or attempts of possessions at a stable level as you as the beingness within the mind stop it and also transform the mind programs into self created platforms that will support with stability. So this is the living corrective application process one speaks and/or writes after the forgiveness on a point is done within what I am walking as the desteni i process. Also what I am practicing is re-defining and living words in relation to the point I am changing within myself and transform these words to support myself to become equal with my mind in my living to live what is best for me as well as what best for all through common sense. This being done by creating the structure of how to live a word in my real time application and practice it in to create for myself a new way of facing myself in whatever comes in my world and finding solutions through the support that I have prepared before hand to stand.

In my next blog, I will walk the start of this process with the self forgiveness and self correction process as well as the living word process with a specific point I have been walking over a long time period, this pattern has been persistent and s I will walk this to create that living structure for myself to be able to stand and direct myself in common sense.

Thanks for reading.

Interviews to support on Real Time Application:
Neediness: Living Words & Fulfilment - Atlanteans - Part 313
Why is it so Hard to Change? - Life Review
The Consciousness of the Turtle - Part 1

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Karma - Redefining the Word to Live Best for All - Day 472

Karma for me as a point within my life has been more a point of mystery or way to out there, meaning that because of the religion my family followed, they feared anything that was outside of the familiar. So Karma was something that I didn’t study or really understand till I was more in high school because my family didn't believe in reincarnation. And within high school, I saw Karma more as a point of revenge, where if someone harmed me I desired them to get it back with this belief that Karma will get them and then within the point of harming another, I feared that in some way that I would get it in return. So in a way this stopped me from going all out in being out of control within my actions, but also it was not done within awareness nor based on common sense. So I will do some self forgiveness to clear the point.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to go into an energetic experience of desire toward others within the idea that karma is real and that i wanted it to hit others in a way were i would get revenge on them.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to put my own self interest of seeking revenge on another within the idea of karma instead of seeing what it directly means and living within it based on the facts of what is here.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to see that within my own desires of seeking revenge on another, i am instigating karma onto myself as I am living the exact same as those whom do harm to me.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that within the fact of thinking of harm onto another I am going to get harm in return as I am the other and the other is me one and equal as the physical.

I forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see, realize, and understand the understanding of what i do onto another i do unto myself as I am the other as we are all here as life as this physical reality and we are one and so equal within this fact.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to place energy within the act of karma where in I seek revenge based on taking what another did to me personal and believing that i am not responsible for what has happened to me and/or i believe that i can blame and then seek revenge onto them through the idea I had created of Karma as revenge.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to place emotions and feelings onto the principle of karma and so create an experience of what is karma instead of living by the principle of what it in fact means in the nature law of this existence.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to harm another in any way in my world and not live what is best for all in all ways always.

When and as I see i am going into a point of desiring another to have revenge done unto them through the principle of karma, i stop and breath, and realize that within this very directive of myself of taking revenge on another I am equally doing this onto myself as I and the other are one and equal. So i see, realize, and understand that I am harming myself when i harm another equal and one.

I commit myself to let go of the emotions toward the principle of karma through redefining it to a direct fact and living it’s re-definition.

I commit myself to stop judging, blaming, and projecting responsibility onto others.

I commit myself to take responsibility for all parts of my world and balance it back into equilibrium within the principle of karma.

I commit myself to stand within what is best for all by living and so honoring the nature of who i am as life within and as all that exist here as self.

So looking at the current definition of the word Karma, it says:

(Hinduism and Buddhism) the effects of a person's actions that determine his destiny in his next incarnation

To look at the word play:

k - armor
can harm her

Not much revealed there, though i do see that within the statement ‘can harm her’ it is showing that there is a decision by self, we choose to do harm or do what’s best, it’s self decision alone. Within this self decision of how one lives, there are consequences that will outflow from self's actions. So Karma is a state of being meaning you as a physical being are a creator and so can create whatever it is that one want. Though living the realization is key of when we create from physical matter as our life and our decisions with this, there are physical effects to our actions and these effects create consequence, through this one will live within and as and so have to stand within and take responsibility for the consequences you create. This is karma, so the point of learning and understanding within this redefinition is to realize karma exist as a fact it’s neither good nor bad, but simply is an outflow of a decision we as the creator create within our living reality here in physical matter as we act. We are ultimately responsible for all that we create, and so it is suggested and makes the most sense to create in what is best for all as this is in essence best for self as all life is one and equal as all life is here as the physical reality.

Redefinition of the word Karma - the living of self within the decision one makes as a creator of who one is within the understanding of the responsibility one upholds within the act of creation and so face the consequences that will inevitably outflow from this self decision.

Interviews to support on Living Responsibility:
Bernard Poolman - You are me in another life
Self-Responsibility - Destonian Wiki
Jesus - Responsibility 

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Agreement – Redefining the Word to Live – Day 471

Agreement for me has been a way in which two people mostly are able to move forward with something they are wanting to do or create, it’s a way to enable movement in what can be for most cases a rather stale and hostile environment. I have been relatively agreeable over my life time within an assessment in the moment, though when I look more closely I can be quite stubborn sometimes or give my power away just to end the brewing conflict that is ensuing. I don’t enjoy conflict, so usually I will give in a bit to ensure the project moves forward and I can keep going with what it is I want to do. So within this I am seeing a bit of self interest, I would say in the past my main objective was myself and getting at least something out of the deal where I benefit. I would also allow the group to move forward even if I had to sacrifice or give more effort then others within the agreement that was made, and this is also something I enjoyed because I did like helping others and building my resolve to be a part of the solution. I come from a big family, and a lot of my life I had to agree to things with them and help out in the group effort to get a mutual projects done or to help out in some way or another, so this i have been practicing in a rather large group setting for all of my life. I see agreement as a means to support with the growth of something between a group or a pair.

Though here, I would like to dissect the word some within it’s definition as well as do some word play with it.

Here is the definition:
Agreement:   1) harmony of people's opinions, actions, or characters
                      2) compatibility of observations
                      3) the verbal act of agreeing
                      4) the statement (oral or written) of an exchange of promises
Word Play:
Agreement -
A Guaranteed Mend
Agree We Mention

Within redefining this word and living it, I would see the first word play as a cool direct point of the word where the word guaranteed means an unconditional commitment that something will happen or that something is true and the word mend means the act of putting something in working order again, and so this I would say would be a cool way to live the word agreement. This where all involved within the agreement hold to making something that was in conflict or not working due to the nature of having to create an agreement into something that is in working order again through the guaranteed commitment that this will be lived within one’s truth of themselves to the best of their ability. This can be lived within all contexts of life because if one finds that the agreement doesn’t work, then this direct definition can be applied again, so it’s a self sustaining support structure for life, humanity especially, to live to the utmost potential of this word.

Within this living of this word, one will have to consider the discussion that will create the agreement and here this I would suggest and for myself would like to live self honestly where the best of the group or people involved is considered. This being a principle of doing what is best for all and so while considering oneself within the agreement, one also will have to consider the common good, and if one look within considering the common good, oneself is also always consider. So the living of this word within what I have created here is the commitment to repair something that is not working into working order, which will create the agreement to live by and thus move forward within one’s living creation.

Redefinition of the word Agreement – to commit to live the truth of self within what is best for all to repair that which is not working to the best of one’s ability considering the common good based on the discussion that lead up to the agreement that was created and put forward.

Thanks for Reading.

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site