Saturday, October 12, 2013

Constant States of Belief is Not Life - Day 352

Please read this blog for context:
Existing within a Constant Belief – Why? – Day 351

Living in a constant belief about myself that I am inferior to others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed a belief which is something not based on facts determine who I am.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to engage in my mind as creating who I am through imaginations that are based in polarities of 'if this then that' scenarios, where in fact what is relevant is the reality in how and from which I am living in and supporting myself and what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to thus through these beliefs I hold of myself as less then others will create an energy of fear as it get's activated through the mind and effects the body in which I will react through anxiety and tension when I am in the presences of others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to react in fear and anxiety to others based on believing that the energy I am feeling that is creating tension in my body is real and who I am, when I realize that it is being activated through the mind as thoughts that I am participating within such as 'I am so ugly today' or 'man, I am such an idiot for saying that', thus giving the permission or instruction of the mind which has pre-programmed these thoughts to come through and because I have accepted these thoughts as myself by participating in them, I have made them real and thus made the energy activation that is triggered like a machine mechanism through the thought in the system that is the mind, it activates the fear and anxiety energy which I believe is who I am, but it's not who I am, it's actually just different frequencies of energy and energy is not life as it dies or ends.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe that energy as fear and anxiety and thoughts such as 'i am so ugly' and 'i am such an idiot for saying that' is who I am, as I realize that I am not defined in a moment of a spoken word or an image in the mirror or the frequency of energy, but am always here within my physical body always existing and thus can not be defined nor limited within these conditions as this is not what life is and because the physical is life as it is where I exist, I realize the physical is the trustworthy point and the mind is the illusion as thoughts, emotions, feelings, and imaginations and so is not trustworthy as it's not fact.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to never question these beliefs about myself or thoughts or ideas about myself that come up in my mind, when in reality this is not the case in many cases, that I am not limited to just one definition, but I am everything that exists, and so I realize what determines who I am is how I live my life not what I think in my mind or believe to be true, it is what in fact is true, what in fact I do in my life breath by breath, day after day, what will matter is my accumulation of my living word and action.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within beliefs, ideas, imaginations, and thoughts about myself or about others in this world based on the feelings I get for a moment of rushes and highs and ego boosts, but realizing that these are just a moment and they end, and if I really have a look at what these energies are doing to my physical body, it is quite painful and achy and feeling quite unnatural.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within my mind and not consider my physical body and what it is going through as energies that I am existing within and what these energies are actually doing to the physical body as pains and discomforts.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to believe beliefs, ideas, thoughts, and emotions/feelings within my mind and thus activate it as permission given into my physical body and physical reality and have not stood up and said stop, no more for most of my existence.

When and as I go into a point of belief or idea or imagination about what is here, I stop and breath, and realize that this is the mind taking over and me allowing it, and so I realize I become powerless within this action as my living because I have given my power away to the mind by believing what it is telling me is real, when what is real is reality, life here as my physical body and through my physical word and action, and how I live my life in support of what is best for all.

I commit myself to slow down and get into the physical body through breathing and self awareness and support it in the best way as I would want for myself in common sense.

I commit myself to let go of all beliefs of myself and walk facts, reality, and what is best for all.

I commit myself to identify my self beliefs, and walk the correction through self forgiveness and living the correction.

I commit myself to let go of the desire for energy to feel good as it also creates the opposite and so I am not here but in energy games through the mind.

I commit to accept myself and accept all that is here as me and correct that which is not aligned with reality as facts and living for what is best for all.

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