Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Giving Up on Others: Clearing the Words – Day 466

So when looking at this point of giving up, I went through some initial writing to open up the point for myself in my earlier blog you can read here, and for this blog, I want to look at some principles to help clarify what it is I am pushing myself to realize and move through within looking at this point of giving up on someone. I would have to say first that I do have a reaction of the fact of giving up on someone as a phrase in itself because within myself, I would not want someone to give up on me. I will clear this now, and redefine it so it’s clear.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a point of fear and resistance when I speak of giving up on someone because of an energetic emotion of sadness come up in relation to the thought of being left alone and not gaining help from others if I needed it.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to attach a memory of being left behind with sadness attached to the phrase of ‘giving up on someone’ and create a dependency to others within the very fact that I desire people to save me instead of me standing as the stability point for myself.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to see myself as less then what is here as the consequences that are in motion to be faced and so in a way want to resist this point of leaving others behind when this assessment is not clear nor based on facts, but based on emotions such as fear and sadness and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be directed by my minds in energy and thoughts instead of practicality here in what is best for all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not see, realize, and understand that within the statement of giving up on someone it’s based on the assessment of the physical reality, where another is at, and who I am within the moment of decision.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fear I will give up on myself and so fear that I will not live to my utmost potential.

When and as I see I am going into a point of fearing that I am not going to be able to stand on a point or move myself based on clarity in self as self direction in what is best, I breath and stop, and realize that I am able to create myself in each moment here and that I am the only person holding myself back, I stand and move.

I commit myself to let go of energy of sadness and fear in relation to giving up on someone as I realize I am here and able to create myself each moment I am here to change and live what is best for all.

I commit myself to see the words giving up on someone in a way where it’s a decision based on reality assessments and that it’s based on what is best for all.

I commit myself to stand within principles of what is best for all when assessing to move on from a person in this process or continue to stand with as I am walking to create myself in my utmost potential and so support all others to do the same.

So when giving up on someone, it’s not based on emotion or feeling, but based on standards as principles I will create and move within that will support what is best for all within the other and myself in the decision I make to walk with a being in this life or let them go to walk separate processes in this life as we continue forward in creating a new system that supports everyone and so creating a new self that supports all parts of self inside and out.

Will continue with the principles I will walk step by step in the process of defining for myself who to walk with and who not in this life.

Thanks for reading.

More to come in the next blogs, thanks for reading.
Giving Up on Myself - Life Review
Giving Up: Self Forgiveness - Atlanteans - Part 164
Giving Up: Introduction - Atlanteans - Part 162

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Walking This Process
Destonian Social Network
Self and Living Store
Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Giving Up on Others; When or Is this Ever Legit? - An Objective Look – Day 465

Here I would like to discuss the point of walking with people in my world and when to support them and when to let them go. Within me I have a great drive to make sure everything I touch, I give my all and make it work, if I don’t make it work within my efforts and it falls, I go into an emotional experience of sadness and feeling unworthy. There is this future projection of seeing the way forward as more difficult and arduous if I accept and allow myself to fall or fail in a point of challenge and opportunity that is here. I suppose there are some ideas and beliefs I have created about the moments of falling on a task and not living to my utmost potential. There is a form of certainty in the sense that I know what I am capable of in relation to what I have accomplished in the past, but also a form of uncertainty where I don’t know what my capabilities are within meeting new challenges and opportunities that open up in my life. I don’t always know what is best and what direction to take, this is the area in which I am requiring to understand better and find a self honest direction to walk in cases where I do fall on something I have committed to walk as well as where in which I can continue to push and not give up and when is enough enough so to speak, I have always had a difficult time distinguishing this.

What I can factor in here that I hadn’t ever considered in the past is my physical body, I existed mostly in my mind in decisions of the past where I would push myself to the limits without considering anything, but what it is I was trying to achieve based on the positive energy I would receive if I did succeed. So it was more based in self interest and not in consideration of all factors that exist here. So yes, the first one is my physical body, I am currently doing a cleanse for my physical and giving it the time to detox and boost the nutrient substance through juicing. This on a physical level is cool and I know will support me as my body has been through a lot based on my mind drive when I was younger. I am learning to curtail that drive and considered what is best for my body in a best for all consideration to all the billions of cell that make me here J

The next factor is considering the people around me, and that is also including my relationship with myself, who aligns with me, who is able to be supported and who am I able to learn from and be supported by others. In truth, it would be cool to be supported and give support, walking with all people at once as I move in my world breath by breath, though I don’t see this as being realistic at this stage as I am not at this stage in my process. What I do know is that giving it my all and finding solutions to issues is a sure way to support living to a commitment with another and finding the way forward, but what is the limit? I see that depending on where the person is at within themselves that this has to be looked at and consider, who are they in their words, what can we do together, what of our selves merges and blends well, and what challenge points come up within each other. There is a lot of factors that go into who to align self with in this life, and obviously for what purposes, this purpose I would say is the key to walking what it is that is important to self and what self wants to do while on this planet.

More to come in the next blogs, thanks for reading.

Giving Up on Myself - Life Review

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Walking This Process
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Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Impatiences: Enough is Enough, Steps to Change - Day 464

When I first wake up in the morning, this is a exceptional time to direct myself within the day I will live moving forward, I tend to go into my mind in these times and judge myself, especially when I am in the mirror getting ready. I find this will then lead into my day where I will go into my mind and create scenarios about others and how they are treating me, distracting myself from how I am in fact creating what I am experiencing and so then not taking responsibility for myself to change, which causes this scenario to continue to occur over and over again.

One of the outflow consequences of this I am experiencing within myself and within my world is impatience’s. I am quite astonished at how repetitive my world is and how much I go into blame and distraction toward others, when I have not once until recently looked within myself, taken responsibility for myself, and so change and correct that which does not work. I also find that this impatience towards others creates a lot of strain within the relationships I am involved in which causes stress and anxiety, so allowing this to continue and perpetuate is causing unnecessary strain within myself and so within those I am causing consequence with.

I am going to write out the self forgiveness and self correction here to let go of the scenario I wrote out about, and correct this point to be best for myself and so best for those whom I interact with.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in the mornings when I wake up go into my mind and criticize the way I look and compare myself to pictures in my mind of what I should look like.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself in a way that separates me from the existence that is here where we all exist in a form of individuality through our physical though exist as life one and equal within all as the physical that exists within all.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to follow my mind within the belief that I am not attractive and that I have no purpose if I am not perfect within the way I look toward others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge myself as unattractive because I have judged my eyes and my face based on memories of boys judging my eyes and face specifically as less then.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself based on memories in my mind through a time within my life where it is not certain what were the specific events and what the boys where going through within themselves.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself by external factors where I see myself in a specific way according to what is being done onto me or said onto me, when in reality I am not clear in what is behind what is being said and why as well as can’t really know directly why it is being done to me, and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to define myself by others and who they are at that time as I see, realize, and understand that others are also walking their process as a mind and don’t consider me as an equal and so can harm me or speak to me in ways that are not best for all and I realize this is not who they are nor myself, and with this awareness I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fall into the energy of emotions and not stand as a support for others to show as an example what it means to stand through emotion and stand as a life support through not accepting what others say or do and so direct self within how one see is best for all and will create a solution for what is happening.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into emotion rather then stand within the principle of what is best and walking what is here as self support and self honesty, correcting that which is not best, and standing within the resistance to continue as it is comfortable to stay in and as the mind.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to fall into emotion and not breath and move through this find solutions for these moments where I stand in the face of challenges and find solutions as I see, realize, and understand I am capable as I am able to walk common sense through stopping the mind from moving fast and falling into the energy that will create distractions.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for when I see, realize, and understand I am not standing within my utmost potential and push myself beyond my perceived limitations to walk what is necessary to be walked in the time to come.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take full responsibility for what I have created here and so blame others and become emotional with others to distract from the fact that I am not standing and moving myself in the way I realize I am able to.

When and as I see I am moving in the morning within a suppression and an energy of self abuse, I stop and breath, and let go of these thoughts by doing self forgiveness and self commitments as I realize these will only create a heaviness within me and a point of self compromise as I accept these thoughts as real and so direct myself from my mind rather then my self living here in self acceptance and self direction in self honesty and common sense.

When and as I see I am going into a point where I am blaming another for something that I am experiencing within myself, I stop and breath, and realize that I am not taking responsibility in that moment to stop what I am creating as separation and abuse, and find the correction process to move into a point of self stability as well as self change that brings about solutions that is best for all.

I commit myself to in the mornings when I wake up, breath and breath until I am here and walk self forgiveness for any points that are cycling.

I commit myself to accept myself in the mirror and do any self forgiveness to any memories or pictures that come up to distract me and take me away from here.

I commit myself to move into self acceptance as well as accepting others for how they are and find solutions that are best in the moment to solve issues rather then reacting and creating emotional issues with others.

I commit myself to apply myself in real time self change to become stable in moments that I see I have a choice to go into the mind or be stable, I commit and move into stability in these moments through pushing myself to be stable and using the tools of self change to remain here, present, and creating solutions for what is here to do what is best for all.

Interview to check out on the topic of impatience:
Impatience - Reptilians - Part 225

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
Desteni Forum - Share your Self with Other Destonians
Destonian Social Network
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Eqafe - Self Perfection Support
Equal Life Foundation - Site

Monday, June 1, 2015

Impatience: How does Self Abuse Relate? Day 463

Impatience for me has been something that has been with me for a long time, I have always been frustrated with this point within myself and with my life because it seems that there is something off about why I am experiencing myself in such a way and why my reality is also experiencing themselves in this way. Obviously now, I realize it is based on the mind generating energy, though when I was young, I expressed the frustration usually in yelling or violence. I did not realize that stopping my thoughts about something willingly also support with stopping the emotions like impatience, and so makes me more stable and able to solve problems productively rather then creating more and more conflict. This understanding certainly supports with the process of changing this point from controlling me to directing me within it.

I listened to Anu tonight in regards to this point, so I do have some greater perspective on what impatience means within the mind/physical/beingness relationship inside self, so that is a cool foundation point, which I will continue to utilize as I continue to walk this point with more depth and specificity. This a side note : )

So in terms of this interview, what was discussed is how impatience is a form of automation within us that was preprogrammed into the mind to create a separation from self and the physical. So within myself what am I doing in my day to day living that is causing this separation between what I am living here and when I go into impatient? One point I was looking at was the trigger points of some of this impatient reactions I go into with my partner or with people at work, and I see initially there is a thought that comes up that I judge myself, such as I look ugly today or I am not feeling pretty, because in the morning I had a thought that I was looking tired. From here, I came into work with this thought and so when someone would create a movement that I perceived that they were judging me I would go into my mind and react, and then create an impatience with that person not because of anything they did, but because I wanted to distract myself from the fact that I am feeling uncomfortable around them based on my perception of feeling like I am being judged.

When in reality, I judged myself initially in the beginning of the day and created the experience that others are judging me, and then go into a reaction of impatience and create abuse as my outflow with people, when what really happened is that I reacted to my own judgment in the morning, which trigger my experience for the day that I followed of ‘feeling tired, and so ugly’. I am creating this whole scenario myself and blaming/projecting on others something that they are not doing and further, I have no reference to where they are at within themselves. And so creating this scernerio of becoming impatient, annoyed, and the outflow usually quick, frustrated, or rude to others is deliberate and unacceptable as I creating it this way when it doesn’t have to be.

So I am noticing that my outflows of impatience in one dimension is based on self judgments I hold of myself such as ‘I am ugly today’ as a backchat thought, and then any sign of being dismissed or any negative perception I accept within myself of what others are doing/insinuating/saying to me, I use impatience as a defense and protection mechanism to push people away and become the authority of the situation. Here I have power and I squash others before they have the chance to judge me as how I have judge myself, I am afraid of being judged as how I have judged myself. It’s a self perpetuating cycle of self abuse I am creating and so abusing others around me because I am judging myself initially, blaming others for the way I am experiencing myself around them, and then abusing them because I am afraid to face the fact that I am doing this to myself, and so ultimately resisting the change process this will take to stop and live as an equal with others, let go of my self judgments, and stop allowing this cycle of energy addiction to continue.

Well not any longer will I accept and allow this playout to continue, I am going to next write the self forgiveness and correction process to be lived in my next blog and then further open up more dimensions to this point of impatience in later blogs, thanks for reading.

Interview to check out on the topic of impatience:
Impatience - Reptilians - Part 225

Check Out these Awesome supportive sites:
Desteni I Process Lite - Free Course to Start your Journey to Life
Journey to Life Group - On Facebook
Desteni Wiki - For All Things Desteni Related
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