Friday, February 28, 2014

How Seeing Self Here Has Supported Me in Change – Day 403

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Here I am looking at the point of considering what I am doing before actually going ahead and doing it, and this is I have found something that one would not have to think about or analyze in the mind, but is a single moment of being here and looking at what it is that is the ‘subject’ you are considering within yourself. What I have found within doing this is it is a decision I make within myself to look within a moment and see what is here as me. This I usually do before writing or before opening a point up with another, such as my partner, and seeing where it is that I am within the situation/topic we are discussing. This has been a cool tool to use because it supports with awareness in the physical and also directly seeing a situation without any mind interferences as it’s in a moment, it is here within self just seeing in self honesty.

Self honesty is a component one want to consider when looking at this moment of seeing a ‘subject’ here because you have more access and understanding within the here moment of seeing as you are not being clouded by the mind. The mind can’t interfere because you are not thinking about anything, but simply looking inside yourself and seeing what comes up. Whatever it is that comes up, I work with and look at, this another component of seeing here in self honesty is working with what is here, what comes up within you, and not to judge whatever it is that does come up. I have realized that judging what comes up within you is something to take note of because it means that that moment is not a direct here seeing, but is being influenced by your mind. So you want to see the point of judgment and write about it, self investigate, self forgive, and make commitments to walk the correction when you have a look at the here moment again. Once it comes up again, you can see the correction of stopping the judgment, and then you will have more access into the within of yourself beyond what you had judge as you are now seeing it more direct and more clear.

It’s fascinating and supportive as it creates a space within me where I can start to see and as I walk the process of opening up and correcting the points that are coming up, I am gaining more understanding of myself and how I operate within my own mind processes and behaviors, moving myself more within my reality as a directness rather then being distracted through thinking. I am expanding myself each time I walk this process of seeing who I am here and correcting that which is not aligned to what I would like to live as best for all and living the correction, which is self empowering. This because when I take a moment and see here, I then have a moment to access myself, who I am being, and so align any reactions or energy experiences into understanding and correction through becoming aware of it in this seeing, then writing about it, and bringing through to correction in my living. So I expand within myself and into my world, where before I would not have ever had access to it or even consider to do such a thing because I was always in my mind participating in the alternate reality the mind creates, and so not stepping outside of this illusionary reality to see what it is in fact that I am doing, the direct seeing I access when I stop and look within here.

This seeing in the here moment where I stop and look within myself is where I realized the potential for change occurs and can be seen, and then with this consideration of myself I can live the changes I see that are here to be walked and so change within my life and living to be this potential realized. I suggest to practice this if you have not yet and walk the change necessary to change self to live in a way that is best for all, this is a tool I would like to share that has helped me do just this in my journey to life. Thanks for reading.

Eqafe interview support I recommend:
Reptilians - Thinking as Mind vs. Direct Seeing with the Physical - Part 106
The Consciousness of the Tiger - Part 1
The Consciousness of the Tiger - Part 2

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Monday, February 24, 2014

The Great Escape - Day 402

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to go into a point of gloom based on hearing news in my world that was unexpected and not desired.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire a certain specific way of life and living in each moment where I am content and feeling positive to ensure I feel good and I am secure.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to associate and attach safety and being secure to good feelings of positivity created in my outside world.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to separate myself from what is really here as the safety with which I can create as myself within the way I live and create my world and so treat others and create this would in the best way possible where all are able to be secure.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to desire to hear news that makes me feel secure and good based on the desire to not have to face the reality of what in fact is here in this world and escape into my own world where I am only considering myself and if I am ok.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to from this desire for my security I am fueling this desire to escape the reality of what is here such as ‘hard’ news or ‘bad’ news that I have resisted due to judging it as not desirable and so not making me feel good.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to resist reality based on a desire to have only what makes me feel good.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to judge what is going on in my life as good or bad and create a relationship towards it as accepting the energy of negativity when the news is something I fear and accepting the energy as positivity when is it is something I desire.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist within the energy experience in relation to the news I hear based on a desire to always experience happy times when in reality I realize this is not real and will always create an opposite as a negative experience because life does not in fact exist in such polarities, life lives and adapts and changes to create a solution and what is best for all in whatever that takes.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to in a way create and become addicted to the bad news as a form of attention where I can seek outlets of others who will give me sympathy for the news I have just received, and so I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make the reality of what is here as ‘news’ about myself and feeding my own self interest.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to indulge within energy as self interest desires to get attention and so create a point of missing out on the opportunity that is here to learn and grow within myself to see who I am in relation to a specific point or news that I have not yet received in such a way, and see if I can stand and come to solutions that will generate a outcome that supports.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to exist in energy as addiction to what I can gain out of situations rather then standing equal and one with it and finding solutions that will support what is best.

When and as I see I am going into self interest and energy addictions as an escape for desired experiences when I have to face reality in a direct and personal way such as hearing news that is sudden and shocking, I stop and breath, and realize that I will only compromise who I can be within myself by getting trapped in the loop of polarized energy experiences I am chasing and so can not stand as someone who can bring about solutions and support what is best for all because I am not in reality but fixed within my mind as energy addictions.

I commit myself to let go of the polarity of good and bad and live life from breath and fact.

I commit myself to let go of the desire to have a certain outcome and direct myself in reality as it is here and opens up.

I commit myself to support others equal to myself and find solutions to what is needed the best I am able to.

I commit myself to let go of my self interest by seeing who I am being in the moment and changing myself to be humble and gentle in the moment to correct the pattern of seeking to gain.

Eqafe interview support I recommend:
Gloomy: Introduction - Atlanteans - Part 168
Gloomy: Disconnected - Atlanteans - Part 169
Gloomy: When You are Gloomy - Atlanteans - Part 170
Gloomy: Moods and Dooms - Atlanteans - Part 171

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Equal Life Foundation - Site

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

The Gloomy Outlook of Life - Day 401

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Lately I have been feeling a sense of gloominess within my life, it’s based on some information I have gotten recently that shook my world so to speak, not something I expected and not something I desired, and so within this my mind is in a way creating this relationship towards this new information as something that it wants to escape from, a belief I am following that I don’t know how to live with myself with this ‘bad’ information coming into my world and reality. It’s actually a point of not wanting to accept reality, accept what is here, and move back to a time where I didn’t have such news and ‘worries’, and so could have peace of mind. But of course this is not real peace as my reality is showing within this very reaction that I am not actually at peace or stable in my mind as I am reacting to news that is here.

So I see this as a point where I am existing in the belief that my life is going to change or my life is going to be different from the what if’s scenarios related to this news and so this brings up fear. I fear losing the comfort of how my life has been through what has always been in the past. How I have grown to have a normalcy within the continuous repetition of how things always are and have always been, so when there is a sudden change, my mind goes into a fear reaction because I haven’t stabilized myself in relation to what changes or adjustments I need to walk and live to be able to direct myself and so live effectively no matter what.

Creating my own self interested reality through the mind within desired experiences is going to create my living to be less effective and less supportive to myself and others in my world because I am not existing here, but becoming distracted else where in the alternate realities of imagination or thought the mind will direct me in. So to support myself I will walk some self forgiveness and self correction on existing within gloominess towards my world based on information received, and walking also the positive polarity that is keeping this in check in my world and thus keeping it in place. To then move into life and living through changing myself, to move into reality, accept it, see the gifts and support that is here, and walk the solutions I see is best for all. Shifting from my self interested mind reality to what is best for all here in real reality, breath living, that is where life is, it’s not an experience of what reality is or a reaction of what is happening, but it’s a living in the moment as an expression of how to create a new outcome that is best for all and self. Thanks for reading.

Eqafe interview support I recommend:
Gloomy: Introduction - Atlanteans - Part 168
Gloomy: Disconnected - Atlanteans - Part 169
Gloomy: When You are Gloomy - Atlanteans - Part 170
Gloomy: Moods and Dooms - Atlanteans - Part 171

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Sunday, February 9, 2014

Anger at Another is Anger at Myself - Day 400

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A point opened up today about why it is that I am creating anger towards others in my reality and this specifically within a working environment, where each person is delegated tasks to be done. Within this though, I have been angry within the belief that I am doing more of the work then others and that I am being not fairly treated and recognized for what I am doing. But there is two points that I have not been taking responsibility for and that is firstly, I have not heeded the advice of others after I have been told on many occasions how to help the situation and the second I have not done what I needed for me to gain a point of accountability for all and a stability point to put this whole situation into clear direction for the future. I have been lazy with this point and because I didn’t want to actually sit down and walk this point to a full completion, I am blaming others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take responsibility for myself when I was given insight and direction on how to help the situation at work to create a path for accountability and clear direction for all but instead I didn’t walk this so it was kept undirected.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not take responsibility to move myself in the points that required direction and management, but allowed it to play out and cause more abuse by myself and others that was unnecessary.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to blame others for the work that I believed I was doing when in reality I was the one stalling the point because I actually did not want to move myself to walk the solution to the point and give it direction.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to not move this point of delegating responsibilities in the physical because I was too lazy and allowed myself to be distracted by other things then the point that was here and needed to be walked so obviously.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to ignore the obvious physical movements that are required to walk a point into stability and instead desire and stay in the mind in instant gratification and continue to create abuse and unnecessary consequences in the physical.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to make it about what others are doing for me or to me instead of turning the point around and seeing what it is that I am not doing for myself and for others.

I forgive myself that I have accepted and allowed myself to be in spitefulness and blame towards others and so miss the reality of what needed to be done, which would have created a solution more readily then I did with being in these reactions.

When and as I see I am going into blame and anger towards others in my world, I stop and breath, and realize that I am deflecting this blame and anger onto others where I should turn it around and see where within myself I am doing the same as this is helpful I realize to see what it is that I readily don’t want to face and so am then able to walk it and face it in self honesty.

I commit myself to turn the reaction of anger or blame or any point back to myself and see where in relation to the point I am getting angry or blaming, I am doing the same thing.

I commit to write out the point and correct it in writing to be able to correct it in my living.

I commit to walk the point of writing out the responsibilities and so give clear direction for each one in the work environment to stop the point of reactions and postponement from continuing.

I commit to stop laziness and walk the points when I see they are necessary.

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