Friday, May 1, 2020

Shame - Part 1 - Living this as a statement of self correction through self forgiveness - Day 594


I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be indebted in the emotional experience of shame in the sense of weakening my life force as a point of punishment and harshness against who i am as a being when i accept and see i have allowed this experience of shame to be manifest as a being i have become that harms and abuse myself as life, where instead of punishing and diminishing me, i learn from this experience once and for all as the experience of doing harm onto another and within that allowing and accepting myself to separate myself from the life/being of the other which is equal and one to me, and through this understanding and learning, once and for all change myself to stand as the living solution as who i am to no longer accept and allow this harm and abuse of self and so others to be done again, living the statement enough is enough.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to within shame desire to drown in it and experience myself as the most evil and worst being that exist, when i see, realize, and understand the real grace and integrity is within who i am and how i will stand up within myself in the gift that is the shame experience of the emotional baggage that accompanies it to stand within it as my self responsibility to stop in all ways my thoughts, my words, and my actions that creates and outflows within to the without any form of harm that is done onto another and cause another to experience themselves less then what is best for all.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to create an experience within me where i abdicate my responsibility to change who i am within my core as my self honest being awareness as i am fully and understand and realize my full responsibility for every word i speak, every thought i have, and every action i make is equal and one and will create an exponential outflow for better or worse that will create abuse as my outflow or will create a life giving measure that i have equally given to myself as i walk the change process within myself to the without to never allow and accept self abuse and thus allow the abuse of my actions, thoughts, and words to be done onto my world and physical reach, and so within this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be abusive and harmful within my own mind and within my own thoughts toward myself, and thus accept and allow these abuses to be lived out in my reality onto others because i am not changing this experience within myself due to fear, laziness, and/or lack of will.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to desire to run away from the experience of shame as emotional energy i experience within my body as i stand within my self core and realize i am no longer standing within the self as what is best, but allowing and accepting the thoughts of abuse and harm to be participated in within me and lived out in my actions as spite, manipulation, fear, and abdicating my responsibility for who i am within and as my thoughts, words, and deeds.

I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to live as a statement of who i am in my living that i don’t have the will to change my abusive behavior and so continue to live self abuse and self harm which will be lived out in my reality as abuse and harm to others, and thus i forgive myself that i have not accepted and allowed myself to see the gift in the shame experience and through this i forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to not yet have the will to once and for all stop this behavior of self harm and move into a correction process of my self core self honesty where i know the truth of me and who i am, and so do whatever it takes to stop self abuse and live the solution for self in what is best for all so my life beingness can manifest in my highest potential and thus become a plus one for life here in what is best for all as i realize i am the creator of myself and thus my reality as me.

I commit myself to see the emotional experience of shame as a point of support and use this experience to confirm and apply in my living application of who i am within my inner self core to the without to no longer accept and allow this experience of abdicating my responsibility to change myself in my highest honor as what is best for self and so standing and living this as my living declaration of who i am in my reality as a being that supports all in what is best for all as i have proven it within myself to do what is best for self as i change the experience of outflow that created the emotional experience of shame as self abuse to stop and live the solution as my living thought, word and deed until proven in my living reality that i have changed and the shame experience is no longer present as me.

I commit myself to live the word grace as a grateful pace where i stand in gratefulness when this experience of shame comes through and immediately within this grace apply my self commitments of living self forgiveness to forgive myself for the errors of my ways that cause evil in my reality, which is living what is best in reverse, causing harm and abuse as my outflow and using the grace of life to walk the change process i have been gifted to no longer allow this abuse to be lived ever again.

I commit myself to stop all thoughts within myself of self abuse as harm and ill will onto myself in my thoughts, by immediately in real time application apply self forgiveness and changing my actions to stand in the commitments of life giving self, as a way to live in what is best as i learn and understand myself through the for-giveness i give to myself and so can equally give to others as i prove within who i am that i am worthy of life and worthy of standing within and as my self honesty self core point to be an example as life as i have proven and lived this for myself first and foremost in my direct reality and within my self core self honesty point where i prove and so stand as the example in what is best for all as what is best for me.

I commit myself to stop the errors of me as shameful acts, which i have redefined as the a-sham-expression, and start living the real self of who i am as a life giving being that has changed my living will from self harm and self abuse to self care and self love in a grace of giving me the opportunity to forgive and live again in what is best as i learn and grow through my breathes as a being that can stand and support myself to live here in what is best in what is common sense and supports self in my own living application and then by the grace of life here give this understanding and learning of my living to others as a gift as i have given to myself.

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