I have for many years not realized the power of illusion, this is not as i write a justification for accepting and allowing myself to be in an illusion, it's more understanding it now from a perspective where I have actually lived many out and realized after the fact of consequences playing out that I did not necessarily want to create, but due to the illusion i was in, I created it. An illusion is something that is seemingly real, but is not. Reality being that which exist and is consistent over time and testing, becomes fact or truth.
Illusion: An appearance or perception that is not aligned with objective reality. It is often shaped by misinterpretations, assumptions, or desires, leading to a distorted or imagined understanding of the world. Illusions can arise from internal factors (e.g., beliefs, emotions) or external stimuli that are misleading.
Reality: The state of things as they objectively exist, independent of perception or interpretation. Reality is governed by facts, physical laws, and truths that are consistent regardless of individual viewpoints.
So for me, I was so embedded in the mind consciousness system which operates from the thinking processes, beliefs, emotions and feelings, I did not consider the reality of what it is I was participating in and creating. This is what i have created as a point of deception within everything that I have accepted myself to be, illusion - something not real, based on self desires/percpetions/thinking, and in this not aligned with actual reality, what is in fact real and going in, this is a big problem cause i am a creator in this reality, I am creating what is here. This is not a judgment or an exaggeration, but for me a realization and fact to be true, everything in an illusion is being created in the physical and becuase it's not based on reality, one is creating fuckedness, not best for all, where many suffer to great extents. This i also found is done in selfishness and also lack of awareness, not fully understanding, but there is a point of innocence and also self honesty when it's being used as an escape and excuse.
I was not always able to see at times the obvious reality of what i was participating in, but often through the addiction i snap out of it and realize of shit, I am in reality and this is not what is actually happening, this illusion is a fake. In the illusion, thoughts come such as 'oh, it's not that bad', 'i am not harming anyone, it's just for a moment to feel good' (red flag!), 'everyone is doing it', 'i have no effect' and the thoughts continue. They don't start off intense or intrusive, but as i participate in such thoughts, it grows and expands, and the mind consciousness system multiplies within self is a being and alive and aware, and thus is expanding itself for survival, just as we as humans are doing, trying to survive and in this cope.
Coping is not living, so the point of illusion is an important point to take notice of I have found, where is it that one is allowing the points of thinking, building on stories in one's mind, and not cross-referencing it, not investigating it due to justification (also part of self as mind consciousness), justifications of 'this is what i am seeing as best', 'this is how it is', 'this person said it was ok', but these are thoughts one is thinking, not cross-referencing it in reality if it is actually true and best for all life. I found I was abdicating responsibility, which i do like spreading butter, so easily, it comes so naturally, but the implications and consequences of this sort of illusionary living in my individual realities and realities as a whole is dire.
We see these dire circumstances in our realities where most of the world is living in undignified living conditions, every 5 minutes a child is raped, animals are being slaughtered and abused extensively to extinction, I mean, the understanding for myself that I am actually directly responsible and participating in such atrocities that no being ever would like to live in nor create, is unfathomable, but true, self is part of this creation. This is a daunting task to realize as it requires self will to keep moving forward after the realization of such pain and horror being inflicted on life beings equal and one to myself, and the only difference between us in this world is that i have money to secure my point in this world, where many don't.
An @equalmoneysystem will end such abuse overnight, this based on reality, not illusion, what is needed and what is best for all through the currents and medium as money in this world, money being our god, but doesn't have to be, it can be a vehicle for life, where all life is cared for and equalized for love to be lived for real and for all. So I am not blaming or pointing fingers, but making a note on the reality of what i within myself have been facing these last few years specifically and the reality of what we are seeing in our world, not peace, not love for all, and not safety for all, where it's getting more uncertain, dire, and intense for so many.
Identifying and using self forgiveness to release the illusion and come to the senses of what is best for all life is a step forward in ending the suffering for life, and birthing through self as individuals each walk their point to a 'new' world where life is available for all and exemplifies within all's living, a great world for all and one i would enjoy equally.
Self Forgiveness
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be blinded by my desire to stay in an illusion because it is easier for the moment then facing the reality of myself as what i have created as fucked up circumstances through my direct participation in this world and the equal and one connection to the all on this earth by my thoughts, words, and actions.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to seek my own self satisfaction in my world as my self when i see, realize, and understand in great degree that what i was participating in was not best and thus in that accepting and allowing the suffering and ills of this world to proliferate.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to be selfish in the face of suffering in this world and reality by going into my illusions as fantasies and not considering the reality i was missing right here cause i was not able to see, blinded by the light/love of my desires fulfilled in the illusion i was playing within in my mind.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to desire to escape my life and circumstances within illusion instead of working with the moment and standing up within the moment, taking self responsibility, and stopping, using self forgiveness and living change so life can emerge within and as this world.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to fall time and time again to fear as illusion where i see that i am actually resisting facing myself and the points of self deception i myself have participated in and allowed to continue.
I forgive myself that i have accepted and allowed myself to believe illusion is too hard to stop, when i see, realize, and understand its within working with common sense and what is factually happening in this reality through time and testing to see if it stands stable.
I commit myself to stop illusions by investigating them as they come up in sound or writing with self forgiveness and finding the reality based solutions that can be implemented in my reality to help build my life in truth and fact rather then lies and falseness as the illusions i am making up.
I commit myself to stop using illusion as thinking to define my world, and work with simple math and what is here in the moment as breath, working moment to moment in common sense and what factually will build a world that is best for all.
I commit myself to stop self interest introspection and push my self to look at what is best for all as life one and equal and live this in the moments that illusion wants to pop up and direct me.
Illusion is a distraction that is deadly and cause much suffering, self does not need illusions to live, the mind does. Self is the mind and also self is the illusion, self is also the solution always, I am working to be more reality based here in the moment as breath and do what is best for all life as best i can assess through my own illusions and working with the life tools, breathe, self forgiveness, and self change, stopping fear to be here and do what is best for all.
Thanks for reading.
Next blog on - relationship commitment fears.
www.desteni.orgwww.equalmoney.orgwww.creationsjourneytolife.blogspot.comSelf Help course to start the journey to life:
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