Monday, September 24, 2018

Adventure - A Path to Self Discovery and More - Day 568

The word adventure for me brings me to a point of excitement and being enthralled, desiring to have an untamed and wild path into the unknown, discovering and uncovering secrets that are just waiting to be found. This is sort of how I’ve seen adventure and wanted to experience it in my life, this adventurous path being fun, entertaining, mysterious, and experiencing self-growth and realizing myself. I find when looking at the experience within me there is a desire to have this experience throughout my life, for it to continue, and find those who can come along for the ride to explore and in the best sense find ways to better life and ourselves as we enjoy and discover this path of life we are experiencing every moment.

Here is the definition of the word in the dictionary:

Adventure: an undertaking usually involving danger and unknown risks

Looking at the sound of the word, I see – advent sure; advantage lore;

So here I am seeing that within the definition and the sounding of the word there is a form of a path that is taken, where if one goes on this path, there is a point of an addition to one’s life able to be experienced and merged with. Adventure is the engine that starts to bring to fruition the points within self that is held as an idea or a desire and starts a path of self to discovering in reality what that idea or goal actually takes to attain and see it through.

Obviously once one goes on an adventure, a path into the unknown, there is an understanding that one does not know where it’ll lead, the specifics of what one will face, the outcomes within self and without based on what is faced, so one would need to incorporate points of adaption to the physical reality around them, willing to make sacrifices and change directions in a moment notice based on the feedback of the physical, and have a grasp on common sense solutions that will support with a progression of sorts into the desired outcome or goal one is looking to attain to see it through and actually create it for oneself.

So the equation that I am seeing within this word is the point of desire that is looking to be realized or created, an idea, a question answered, a growth experience, there is a reason and purpose to go on an adventure and within this what also is being shown within the definition of the word is a sense of walking into the unknown, which could potentially lead one into paths of danger or uncomfortability.  Though I have found within the spirit of life itself and the creative process of the unlimited potentials that exist within this physical reality, one push through the fear and find ways to pursue and live life and the gifts will be received ten fold, life is adventure, life is at time risk, life is walking into the unknown, when walked within common sense, what is best for all, and a sense of innocent within the life lived in exploration, one can, in fact, live life to it's fullest and access the point of self here.

So adventure for me is a support word of self movement, aligning it to what is best for all in the pursuit of supporting all life as I would like for myself, has allowed me access to parts of myself and this existence that I could never have ever conceived of. It’s a point of passion, expansion, self discovery, entering unchartered territory, and walking into it full of capabilities to take on the challenges through taking self responsibility and finding one’s way to a solution that’ll support all, releasing fear and never giving up on one's goal to live. This is the beauty in the way of walking an adventure, you get to uncover and discover parts of yourself that has been hidden or unseen to you up until now, you get to expand into unknown parts of this world face new challenges, people, and ways of existing, and this in my experience has been a path of heartache yes at times, but untapped self discovery which brings me true joy because I finally get to the answers I am looking for, opening up new ones, and so the adventure continues.

This is the beauty of adventure one is tapping into the unending creative force of oneself continuously and realizing life is eternal and thus we are too. We are eternal beings that have been on an unending adventure discovering who we are and eventually through self forgiveness and living change in self honesty one realize oneself here and another adventure opens up, I am on the former path of self realizing myself here at the moment and it's been a fascinating adventure indeed :) 

Adventure on my friends and en-joy!

Support and educate yourself on the links shared of the adventure to self realization and self perfection:
School of Ultimate Living

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