Friday, June 23, 2017

FLOW - As Art - Day 557

Playing with the word FLOW -- this word i have been looking at for a while and practicing implementing it more in my life, I came up with the redefinition of the word being - 'Flow like water -always here yet always moving.' This practically i can see living it in ways of moving through times that i am challenged where I want to give up, though with this word flow I remember to be flexible within the moments that are challenging because in these moments is where opportunity is birthed and solutions are created. The mind can make it seem like there is only dead ends, yet living the word flow, here yet always moving reminds us to keep pushing self creation in our own unique self expressions by not giving up, but expanding out and creating something from you here. Water creates life through flow, we can equally create ourselves as our life living this word flow....Test it for yourself and give feedback, enjoy. #water#flow #brucelee #livingwords #art#drawing #desteni Find out more on living words @schoolofultimateliving

For more on how to walk the process of becoming physical and doing what is best, check out the links below. 

Soul - School of Ultimate Living - Living Words Process and Support:

Earth Haven - Sustainable Living Environments -
Built on the Principles of What is best for all Life

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course - 

Self Supportive Material - 

Forum support: 

Desteni Wiki: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

Eqafe Hangout: Purpose Has Left the Building - Day 556

Many thanks to Kristina Salas for particpating and sharing your realizations with us all!

Our Hangout will be discussing this interview on

Follow up interviews that was discussed: 

Interview Synopsis: 

"What is my purpose? What is the point of my life? What am I supposed to be doing? In this interview Anu reveals the systematic design of the mind consciousness system and its relationship with our beingness potential, and why it can often feel like we are so far away from our purpose and meaning in life when in fact they are closer than we may realize. What is the one question that we need to ask ourselves that will really help us to see and understand what having a purpose and meaning to life actually means?" 

Here Kristina Salas and I will be discussing our relationship to this word purpose. How have we experienced this word in our living and what in our process of self change have we gone through with working with our purpose in this life and if in fact we even know what this is for ourselves. Also, what in this interview supported us to see this word differently and what new insights and solutions came through that can support all to live their highest potentials. 

Links to Check Out for More Support: 

A Chat with Sunette Spies: The Interdimensional Portal from Eqafe 

Eqafe Site: 

Desteni-I-Process Lite Beginner course: 

Desteni I Process - Pro: 

Forum support: 

Eqafe Facebook Page: 

7 year journey to life Facebook group: 

DIP Lite on Facebook: 

Earth Haven - Building Oneness and Equality Solutions: